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acres of diamonds-第10节

小说: acres of diamonds 字数: 每页4000字

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 the farther behind he goes。  Not because he is any the less brave; but because the laws of war require that。  And yet he shouted; ‘‘I; with my shining sword''  In that house there sat the company of my soldiers who had carried that boy across the Carolina rivers that he might not wet his feet。  Some of them had gone far out to get a pig or a chicken。  Some of them had gone to death under the shell…swept pines in the mountains of Tennessee; yet in the good man's speech they were scarcely known。  He did refer to them; but only incidentally。  The hero of the hour was this boy。  Did the nation owe him anything?  No; nothing then and nothing now。  Why was he the hero?  Simply because that man fell into that same human errorthat this boy was great because he was an officer and these were only private soldiers。

Oh; I learned the lesson then that I will never forget so long as the tongue of the bell of time continues to swing for me。  Greatness consists not in the holding of some future office; but really consists in doing great deeds with little means and the accomplishment of vast purposes from the private ranks of life。  To be great at all one must be great here; now; in Philadelphia。  He who can give to this city better streets and better sidewalks; better schools and more colleges; more happiness and more civilization; more of God; he will be great anywhere。  Let every man or woman here; if you never hear me again; remember this; that if you wish to be great at all; you must begin where you are and what you are; in Philadelphia; now。  He that can give to his city any blessing; he who can be a good citizen while he lives here; he that can make better homes; he that can be a blessing whether he works in the shop or sits behind the counter or keeps house; whatever be his life; he who would be great anywhere must first be great in his own Philadelphia。



'2'  _Dr; Conwell was living; and actively at work; when these pages were written。  It is; therefore; a much truer picture of his personality than anything written in the past tense_。

I SHALL write of a remarkable man; an interesting man; a man of power; of initiative; of will; of persistence; a man who plans vastly and who realizes his plans; a man who not only does things himself; but who; even more important than that; is the constant inspiration of others。  I shall write of Russell H。 Conwell。

As a farmer's boy he was the leader of the boys of the rocky region that was his home; as a school… teacher he won devotion; as a newspaper correspondent he gained fame; as a soldier in the Civil War he rose to important rank; as a lawyer he developed a large practice; as an author he wrote books that reached a mighty total of sales。  He left the law for the ministry and is the active head of a great church that he raised from nothingness。  He is the most popular lecturer in the world and yearly speaks to many thousands。  He is; so to speak; the discoverer of ‘‘Acres of Diamonds;'' through which thousands of men and women have achieved success out of failure。  He is the head of two hospitals; one of them founded by himself; that have cared for a host of patients; both the poor and the rich; irrespective of race or creed。  He is the founder and head of a university that has already had tens of thousands of students。  His home is in Philadelphia; but he is known in every corner of every state in the Union; and everywhere he has hosts of friends。  All of his life he has helped and inspired others。

Quite by chance; and only yesterday; literally yesterday and by chance; and with no thought at the moment of Conwell although he had been much in my mind for some time past; I picked up a thin little book of description by William Dean Howells; and; turning the pages of a chapter on Lexington; old Lexington of the Revolution; written; so Howells had set down; in 1882; I noticed; after he had written of the town itself; and of the long…past fight there; and of the present… day aspect; that he mentioned the church life of the place and remarked on the striking advances made by the Baptists; who had lately; as he expressed it; been reconstituted out of very perishing fragments and made strong and flourishing; under the ministrations of a lay preacher; formerly a colonel in the Union army。  And it was only a few days before I chanced upon this description that Dr。 Conwell; the former colonel and former lay preacher; had told me of his experiences in that little old Revolutionary town。

Howells went on to say that; so he was told; the colonel's success was principally due to his making the church attractive to young people。  Howells says no more of him; apparently he did not go to hear him; and one wonders if he has ever associated that lay preacher of Lexington with the famous Russell H。 Conwell of these recent years!

‘‘Attractive to young people。''  Yes; one can recognize that to…day; just as it was recognized in Lexington。  And it may be added that he at the same time attracts older people; too!  In this; indeed; lies his power。  He makes his church interesting; his sermons interesting; his lectures interesting。  He is himself interesting!  Because of his being interesting; he gains attention。  The attention gained; he inspires。

Biography is more than dates。  Dates; after all; are but mile…stones along the road of life。  And the most important fact of Conwell's life is that he lived to be eighty…two; working sixteen hours every day for the good of his fellow…men。  He was born on February 15; 1843born of poor parents; in a low…roofed cottage in the eastern Berkshires; in Massachusetts。

‘‘I was born in this room;'' he said to me; simply; as we sat together recently'3' in front of the old fireplace in the principal room of the little cottage; for he has bought back the rocky farm of his father; and has retained and restored the little old home。  ‘‘I was born in this room。  It was bedroom and kitchen。  It was poverty。''  And his voice sank with a kind of grimness into silence。

'3' _This interview took place at the old Conwell farm in the summer of 1915_。

Then he spoke a little of the struggles of those long…past years; and we went out on the porch; as the evening shadows fell; and looked out over the valley and stream and hills of his youth; and he told of his grandmother; and of a young Marylander who had come to the region on a visit; it was a tale of the impetuous love of those two; of rash marriage; of the interference of parents; of the fierce rivalry of another suitor; of an attack on the Marylander's life; of passionate hastiness; of unforgivable words; of separation; of lifelong sorrow。  ‘‘Why does grandmother cry so often?'' he remembers asking when he was a little boy。  And he was told that it was for the husband of her youth。

We went back into the little house; and he showed me the room in which he first saw John Brown。  ‘‘I came down early one morning; and saw a huge; hairy man sprawled upon the bed thereand I was frightened;'' he says。

But John Brown did not long frighten him!  For he was much at their house after that; and was so friendly with Russell and his brother that there was no chance for awe; and it gives a curious side… light on the character of the stern abolitionist that he actually; with infinite patience; taught the old horse of the Conwells to go home alone with the wagon after leaving the boys at school; a mile or more away; and at school…closing time to trot gently off for them without a driver when merely faced in that direction and told to go!  Conwell remembers how John Brown; in training it; used patiently to walk beside the horse; and control its going and its turnings; until it was quite ready to go and turn entirely by itself。

The Conwell house was a station on the Underground Railway; and Russell Conwell remembers; when a lad; seeing the escaping slaves that his father had driven across country and temporarily hidden。  ‘‘Those were heroic days;'' he says; quietly。  ‘‘And once in a while my father let me go with him。  They were wonderful night drives the cowering slaves; the darkness of the road; the caution and the silence and dread of it all。''  This underground route; he remembers; was from Philadelphia to New Haven; thence to Springfield; where Conwell's father would take his charge; and onward to Bellows Falls and Canada。

Conwell tells; too; of meeting Frederick Douglass; the colored orator; in that little cottage in the hills。  ‘‘ ‘I never saw my father;' Douglass said one dayhis father was a white man‘and I remember little of my mother except that once she tried to keep an overseer from whipping me; and the lash cut across her own face; and her blood fell over me。'

‘‘When John Brown was captured;'' Conwell went on; ‘‘my father tried to sell this place to get a little money to send to help his defense。  But he couldn't sell it; and on the day of the execu… tion we knelt solemnly here; from eleven to twelve; just praying; praying in silence for the passing soul of John Brown。  And as we prayed we knew that others were also praying; for a church…bell tolled during that entire hour; and its awesome boom went sadly sounding over these hills。''

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