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the haunted hotel-第38节

小说: the haunted hotel 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Now you are here; I should like to consult you about my play;

I am at a loss for some new incidents。〃  Mind! there was nothing

satirical in this。  She was really eager to read her wonderful

work to meevidently supposing that I took a special interest

in such things; because my brother is the manager of a theatre!

I left her; making the first excuse that occurred to me。

So far as I am concerned; I can do nothing with her。

But it is possible that your influence may succeed with her again;

as it has succeeded already。  Will you make the attempt; to satisfy

your own mind?  She is still upstairs; and I am quite ready to

accompany you。'

Agnes shuddered at the bare suggestion of another interview

with the Countess。

'I can't! I daren't!' she exclaimed。  'After what has happened

in that horrible room; she is more repellent to me than ever。

Don't ask me to do it; Henry!  Feel my handyou have turned me as cold

as death only with talking of it!'

She was not exaggerating the terror that possessed her。

Henry hastened to change the subject。

'Let us talk of something more interesting;' he said。  'I have

a question to ask you about yourself。  Am I right in believing

that the sooner you get away from Venice the happier you will be?'

'Right?' she repeated excitedly。  'You are more than right!

No words can say how I long to be away from this horrible place。

But you know how I am situatedyou heard what Lord Montbarry said

at dinner…time?'

'Suppose he has altered his plans; since dinner…time?' Henry suggested。

Agnes looked surprised。  'I thought he had received letters from

England which obliged him to leave Venice to…morrow;' she said。

'Quite true;' Henry admitted。  'He had arranged to start

for England to…morrow; and to leave you and Lady Montbarry

and the children to enjoy your holiday in Venice; under my care。

Circumstances have occurred; however; which have forced him

to alter his plans。  He must take you all back with him to…morrow

because I am not able to assume the charge of you。  I am obliged

to give up my holiday in Italy; and return to England too。'

Agnes looked at him in some little perplexity:  she was not quite

sure whether she understood him or not。

'Are you really obliged to go back?' she asked。

Henry smiled as he answered her。  'Keep the secret;' he said;

'or Montbarry will never forgive me!'

She read the rest in his face。  'Oh!' she exclaimed; blushing brightly;

'you have not given up your pleasant holiday in Italy on my account?'

'I shall go back with you to England; Agnes。  That will be holiday

enough for me。'

She took his hand in an irrepressible outburst of gratitude。

'How good you are to me!' she murmured tenderly。  'What should I have

done in the troubles that have come to me; without your sympathy?

I can't tell you; Henry; how I feel your kindness。'

She tried impulsively to lift his hand to her lips。  He gently

stopped her。  'Agnes;' he said; 'are you beginning to understand

how truly I love you?'

That simple question found its own way to her heart。  She owned

the whole truth; without saying a word。  She looked at him

and then looked away again。

He drew her nearer to him。  'My own darling!' he whispered

and kissed her。  Softly and tremulously; the sweet lips lingered;

and touched his lips in return。  Then her head drooped。

She put her arms round his neck; and hid her face on his bosom。

They spoke no more。

The charmed silence had lasted but a little while; when it was

mercilessly broken by a knock at the door。

Agnes started to her feet。  She placed herself at the piano;

the instrument being opposite to the door; it was impossible;

when she seated herself on the music…stool; for any person

entering the room to see her face。  Henry called out irritably;

'Come in。'

The door was not opened。  The person on the other side of it asked

a strange question。

'Is Mr。 Henry Westwick alone?'

Agnes instantly recognised the voice of the Countess。  She hurried

to a second door; which communicated with one of the bedrooms。

'Don't let her come near me!' she whispered nervously。  'Good night;

Henry! good night!'

If Henry could; by an effort of will; have transported the Countess

to the uttermost ends of the earth; he would have made the effort

without remorse。  As it was; he only repeated; more irritably than ever;

'Come in!'

She entered the room slowly with her everlasting manuscript in her hand。

Her step was unsteady; a dark flush appeared on her face; in place

of its customary pallor; her eyes were bloodshot and widely dilated。

In approaching Henry; she showed a strange incapability of calculating

her distancesshe struck against the table near which he happened

to be sitting。  When she spoke; her articulation was confused; and her

pronunciation of some of the longer words was hardly intelligible。

Most men would have suspected her of being under the influence of some

intoxicating liquor。  Henry took a truer viewhe said; as he placed

a chair for her; 'Countess; I am afraid you have been working too hard:

you look as if you wanted rest。'

She put her hand to her head。  'My invention has gone;' she said。

'I can't write my fourth act。  It's all a blankall a blank!'

Henry advised her to wait till the next day。  'Go to bed;' he suggested;

and try to sleep。'

She waved her hand impatiently。  'I must finish the play;'

she answered。  'I only want a hint from you。  You must know

something about plays。  Your brother has got a theatre。

You must often have heard him talk about fourth and fifth acts

you must have seen rehearsals; and all the rest of it。'

She abruptly thrust the manuscript into Henry's hand。  'I can't read

it to you;' she said; 'I feel giddy when I look at my own writing。

Just run your eye over it; there's a good fellowand give me

a hint。'

Henry glanced at the manuscript。  He happened to look at the list

of the persons of the drama。  As he read the list he started and turned

abruptly to the Countess; intending to ask her for some explanation。

The words were suspended on his lips。  It was but too plainly useless

to speak to her。  Her head lay back on the rail of the chair。

She seemed to be half asleep already。  The flush on her face

had deepened:  she looked like a woman who was in danger of having

a fit。

He rang the bell; and directed the man who answered it to send

one of the chambermaids upstairs。  His voice seemed to partially

rouse the Countess; she opened her eyes in a slow drowsy way。

'Have you read it?' she asked。

It was necessary as a mere act of humanity to humour her。

'I will read it willingly;' said Henry; 'if you will go upstairs

to bed。  You shall hear what I think of it to…morrow morning。

Our heads will be clearer; we shall be better able to make the fourth

act in the morning。'

The chambermaid came in while he was speaking。  'I am afraid

the lady is ill;' Henry whispered。  'Take her up to her room。'

The woman looked at the Countess and whispered back; 'Shall we send

for a doctor; sir?'

Henry advised taking her upstairs first; and then asking

the manager's opinion。  There was great difficulty in persuading

her to rise; and accept the support of the chambermaid's arm。

It was only by reiterated promises to read the play that night;

and to make the fourth act in the morning; that Henry prevailed on

the Countess to return to her room。

Left to himself; he began to feel a certain languid curiosity

in relation to the manuscript。  He looked over the pages; reading a

line here and a line there。  Suddenly he changed colour as he read

and looked up from the manuscript like a man bewildered。

'Good God! what does this mean?' he said to himself。

His eyes turned nervously to the door by which Agnes had left him。

She might return to the drawing…room; she might want to see what

the Countess had written。  He looked back again at the passage

which had startled himconsidered with himself for a moment

and; snatching up the unfinished play; suddenly and softly left

the room。


Entering his own room on the upper floor; Henry placed the

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