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the haunted hotel-第33节

小说: the haunted hotel 字数: 每页4000字

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with one exception; which she removed to a little table; placed on

the side of the bed opposite to the side occupied by the arm…chair。

Having put her travelling…box of matches and the guide…book near

the candle; in case she might be sleepless and might want to read;

she blew out the light; and laid her head on the pillow。

The curtains of the bed were looped back to let the air pass

freely over her。  Lying on her left side; with her face turned

away from the table; she could see the arm…chair by the dim

night…light。 It had a chintz coveringrepresenting large

bunches of roses scattered over a pale green ground。  She tried

to weary herself into drowsiness by counting over and over again

the bunches of roses that were visible from her point of view。

Twice her attention was distracted from the counting; by sounds outside

by the clock chiming the half…hour past twelve; and then again;

by the fall of a pair of boots on the upper floor; thrown out to

be cleaned; with that barbarous disregard of the comfort of others

which is observable in humanity when it inhabits an hotel。

In the silence that followed these passing disturbances; Agnes went on

counting the roses on the arm…chair; more and more slowly。  Before long;

she confused herself in the figurestried to begin counting again

thought she would wait a little firstfelt her eyelids drooping;

and her head reclining lower and lower on the pillowsighed faintly

and sank into sleep。

How long that first sleep lasted; she never knew。  She could

only remember; in the after…time; that she woke instantly。

Every faculty and perception in her passed the boundary line

between insensibility and consciousness; so to speak; at a leap。

Without knowing why; she sat up suddenly in the bed;

listening for she knew not what。  Her head was in a whirl; her heart

beat furiously; without any assignable cause。  But one trivial

event had happened during the interval while she had been asleep。

The night…light had gone out; and the room; as a matter of course;

was in total darkness。

She felt for the match…box; and paused after finding it。

A vague sense of confusion was still in her mind。  She was in no hurry

to light the match。  The pause in the darkness was; for the moment;

agreeable to her。

In the quieter flow of her thoughts during this interval;

she could ask herself the natural question:What cause had

awakened her so suddenly; and had so strangely shaken her nerves?

Had it been the influence of a dream?  She had not dreamed

at allor; to speak more correctly; she had no waking remembrance

of having dreamed。  The mystery was beyond her fathoming:

the darkness began to oppress her。  She struck the match on the box;

and lit her candle。

As the welcome light diffused itself over the room; she turned

from the table and looked towards the other side of the bed。

In the moment when she turned; the chill of a sudden terror gripped

her round the heart; as with the clasp of an icy hand。

She was not alone in her room!

Therein the chair at the bedsidethere; suddenly revealed under

the flow of light from the candle; was the figure of a woman; reclining。

Her head lay back over the chair。  Her face; turned up to the ceiling;

had the eyes closed; as if she was wrapped in a deep sleep。

The shock of the discovery held Agnes speechless and helpless。

Her first conscious action; when she was in some degree mistress of

herself again; was to lean over the bed; and to look closer at the woman

who had so incomprehensibly stolen into her room in the dead of night。

One glance was enough:  she started back with a cry of amazement。

The person in the chair was no other than the widow of the dead Montbarry

the woman who had warned her that they were to meet again;

and that the place might be Venice!

Her courage returned to her; stung into action by the natural sense

of indignation which the presence of the Countess provoked。

'Wake up!' she called out。  'How dare you come here?  How did you get in?

Leave the roomor I will call for help!'

She raised her voice at the last words。  It produced no effect。

Leaning farther over the bed; she boldly took the Countess

by the shoulder and shook her。  Not even this effort succeeded

in rousing the sleeping woman。  She still lay back in the chair;

possessed by a torpor like the torpor of deathinsensible to sound;

insensible to touch。  Was she really sleeping?  Or had she fainted?

Agnes looked closer at her。  She had not fainted。  Her breathing

was audible; rising and falling in deep heavy gasps。  At intervals

she ground her teeth savagely。  Beads of perspiration stood thickly

on her forehead。  Her clenched hands rose and fell slowly from time

to time on her lap。  Was she in the agony of a dream? or was she

spiritually conscious of something hidden in the room?

The doubt involved in that last question was unendurable。

Agnes determined to rouse the servants who kept watch in the hotel

at night。

The bell…handle was fixed to the wall; on the side of the bed

by which the table stood。

She raised herself from the crouching position which she had assumed

in looking close at the Countess; and; turning towards the other side

of the bed; stretched out her hand to the bell。  At the same instant;

she stopped and looked upward。  Her hand fell helplessly at her side。

She shuddered; and sank back on the pillow。

What had she seen?

She had seen another intruder in her room。

Midway between her face and the ceiling; there hovered a human head

severed at the neck; like a head struck from the body by the guillotine。

Nothing visible; nothing audible; had given her any intelligible

warning of its appearance。  Silently and suddenly; the head had

taken its place above her。  No supernatural change had passed

over the room; or was perceptible in it now。  The dumbly…tortured

figure in the chair; the broad window opposite the foot of the bed;

with the black night beyond it; the candle burning on the table

these; and all other objects in the room; remained unaltered。

One object more; unutterably horrid; had been added to the rest。

That was the only changeno more; no less。

By the yellow candlelight she saw the head distinctly;

hovering in mid…air above her。  She looked at it steadfastly;

spell…bound by the terror that held her。

The flesh of the face was gone。  The shrivelled skin was darkened

in hue; like the skin of an Egyptian mummyexcept at the neck。

There it was of a lighter colour; there it showed spots and splashes

of the hue of that brown spot on the ceiling; which the child's

fanciful terror had distorted into the likeness of a spot of blood。

Thin remains of a discoloured moustache and whiskers; hanging over

the upper lip; and over the hollows where the cheeks had once been;

made the head just recognisable as the head of a man。  Over all

the features death and time had done their obliterating work。

The eyelids were closed。  The hair on the skull; discoloured like

the hair on the face; had been burnt away in places。  The bluish lips;

parted in a fixed grin; showed the double row of teeth。

By slow degrees; the hovering head (perfectly still when she

first saw it) began to descend towards Agnes as she lay beneath。

By slow degrees; that strange doubly…blended odour; which the

Commissioners had discovered in the vaults of the old palace

which had sickened Francis Westwick in the bed…chamber of

the new hotelspread its fetid exhalations over the room。

Downward and downward the hideous apparition made its slow progress;

until it stopped close over Agnesstopped; and turned slowly;

so that the face of it confronted the upturned face of the woman in

the chair。

There was a pause。  Then; a supernatural movement disturbed the rigid

repose of the dead face。

The closed eyelids opened slowly。  The eyes revealed themselves;

bright with the glassy film of deathand fixed their dreadful look

on the woman in the chair。

Agnes saw that look; saw the eyelids of the living woman open slowly

like the eyelids of the dead; saw her rise; as if in obedience

to some silent commandand saw no more。

Her next conscious impression was of the sunlight pouring in at

the window; of the friendly presence of Lady Montbarry 

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