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the haunted hotel-第3节

小说: the haunted hotel 字数: 每页4000字

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that her noble letter was a skilful piece of hypocrisyin short;

that she secretly hated me; and was cunning enough to hide it。

No! the lady had been her friend from her girlhood; was as familiar

with her as if they had been sistersknew her positively to be as good;

as innocent; as incapable of hating anybody; as the greatest saint

that ever lived。  My one last hope; that I had only felt an ordinary

forewarning of danger in the presence of an ordinary enemy;

was a hope destroyed for ever。  There was one more effort I could make;

and I made it。  I went next to the man whom I am to marry。

I implored him to release me from my promise。  He refused。

I declared I would break my engagement。  He showed me letters

from his sisters; letters from his brothers; and his dear friends

all entreating him to think again before he made me his wife;

all repeating reports of me in Paris; Vienna; and London;

which are so many vile lies。  〃If you refuse to marry me;〃 he said;

〃you admit that these reports are trueyou admit that you are afraid

to face society in the character of my wife。〃  What could I answer?

There was no contradicting himhe was plainly right:  if I persisted

in my refusal; the utter destruction of my reputation would be the result。

I consented to let the wedding take place as we had arranged it

and left him。  The night has passed。  I am here; with my fixed conviction

that innocent woman is ordained to have a fatal influence over my life。

I am here with my one question to put; to the one man who can answer it。

For the last time; sir; what am Ia demon who has seen the avenging

angel? or only a poor mad woman; misled by the delusion of a deranged


Doctor Wybrow rose from his chair; determined to close the interview。

He was strongly and painfully impressed by what he had heard。

The longer he had listened to her; the more irresistibly

the conviction of the woman's wickedness had forced itself on him。

He tried vainly to think of her as a person to be pitieda person

with a morbidly sensitive imagination; conscious of the capacities

for evil which lie dormant in us all; and striving earnestly to open

her heart to the counter…influence of her own better nature; the effort

was beyond him。  A perverse instinct in him said; as if in words;

Beware how you believe in her!

'I have already given you my opinion;' he said。  'There is no sign

of your intellect being deranged; or being likely to be deranged;

that medical science can discoveras I understand it。

As for the impressions you have confided to me; I can only say

that yours is a case (as I venture to think) for spiritual

rather than for medical advice。  Of one thing be assured:

what you have said to me in this room shall not pass out of it。

Your confession is safe in my keeping。'

She heard him; with a certain dogged resignation; to the end。

'Is that all?' she asked。

'That is all;' he answered。

She put a little paper packet of money on the table。

'Thank you; sir。  There is your fee。'

With those words she rose。  Her wild black eyes looked upward;

with an expression of despair so defiant and so horrible in its silent

agony that the Doctor turned away his head; unable to endure the sight

of it。  The bare idea of taking anything from hernot money only;

but anything even that she had touchedsuddenly revolted him。

Still without looking at her; he said; 'Take it back; I don't want

my fee。'

She neither heeded nor heard him。  Still looking upward; she said

slowly to herself; 'Let the end come。  I have done with the struggle:

I submit。'

She drew her veil over her face; bowed to the Doctor; and left

the room。

He rang the bell; and followed her into the hall。  As the servant

closed the door on her; a sudden impulse of curiosity

utterly unworthy of him; and at the same time utterly irresistible

sprang up in the Doctor's mind。  Blushing like a boy; he said

to the servant; 'Follow her home; and find out her name。'

For one moment the man looked at his master; doubting if his own ears

had not deceived him。  Doctor Wybrow looked back at him in silence。

The submissive servant knew what that silence meanthe took his hat

and hurried into the street。

The Doctor went back to the consulting…room。 A sudden revulsion

of feeling swept over his mind。  Had the woman left an infection

of wickedness in the house; and had he caught it?  What devil had

possessed him to degrade himself in the eyes of his own servant?

He had behaved infamouslyhe had asked an honest man; a man who had

served him faithfully for years; to turn spy!  Stung by the bare

thought of it; he ran out into the hall again; and opened the door。

The servant had disappeared; it was too late to call him back。

But one refuge from his contempt for himself was now open to him

the refuge of work。  He got into his carriage and went his rounds among

his patients。

If the famous physician could have shaken his own reputation;

he would have done it that afternoon。  Never before had he made

himself so little welcome at the bedside。  Never before had he put off

until to…morrow the prescription which ought to have been written;

the opinion which ought to have been given; to…day。 He went home

earlier than usualunutterably dissatisfied with himself。

The servant had returned。  Dr。 Wybrow was ashamed to question him。

The man reported the result of his errand; without waiting to

be asked。

'The lady's name is the Countess Narona。  She lives at'

Without waiting to hear where she lived; the Doctor acknowledged

the all…important discovery of her name by a silent bend of the head;

and entered his consulting…room。 The fee that he had vainly refused

still lay in its little white paper covering on the table。

He sealed it up in an envelope; addressed it to the 'Poor…box'

of the nearest police…court; and; calling the servant in;

directed him to take it to the magistrate the next morning。

Faithful to his duties; the servant waited to ask the customary question;

'Do you dine at home to…day; sir?'

After a moment's hesitation he said; 'No:  I shall dine at the club。'

The most easily deteriorated of all the moral qualities is

the quality called 'conscience。'  In one state of a man's mind;

his conscience is the severest judge that can pass sentence on him。

In another state; he and his conscience are on the best possible

terms with each other in the comfortable capacity of accomplices。

When Doctor Wybrow left his house for the second time; he did

not even attempt to conceal from himself that his sole object;

in dining at the club; was to hear what the world said of the

Countess Narona。


There was a time when a man in search of the pleasures of gossip

sought the society of ladies。  The man knows better now。

He goes to the smoking…room of his club。

Doctor Wybrow lit his cigar; and looked round him at his brethren

in social conclave assembled。  The room was well filled;

but the flow of talk was still languid。  The Doctor innocently

applied the stimulant that was wanted。  When he inquired if

anybody knew the Countess Narona; he was answered by something

like a shout of astonishment。  Never (the conclave agreed)

had such an absurd question been asked before!  Every human creature;

with the slightest claim to a place in society; knew the Countess Narona。

An adventuress with a European reputation of the blackest possible colour

such was the general description of the woman with the deathlike

complexion and the glittering eyes。

Descending to particulars; each member of the club contributed

his own little stock of scandal to the memoirs of the Countess。

It was doubtful whether she was really; what she called herself;

a Dalmatian lady。  It was doubtful whether she had ever

been married to the Count whose widow she assumed to be。

It was doubtful whether the man who accompanied her in her travels

(under the name of Baron Rivar; and in the character of her brother)

was her brother at all。  Report pointed to the Baron as a gambler at

every 'table' on the Continent。  Report whispered that his so…called

sister had narrowly escaped being implicated in a famous trial

for poisoning at Viennathat she had been known at Milan as a spy

in the interests of Austr

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