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the haunted hotel-第24节

小说: the haunted hotel 字数: 每页4000字

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Henry looked at the number of the room on the door as he opened it。

The number was Fourteen。

Tired and sleepy; he naturally anticipated a good night's rest。

In the thoroughly healthy state of his nervous system; he slept

as well in a bed abroad as in a bed at home。  Without the slightest

assignable reason; however; his just expectations were disappointed。

The luxurious bed; the well…ventilated room; the delicious tranquillity

of Venice by night; all were in favour of his sleeping well。

He never slept at all。  An indescribable sense of depression and

discomfort kept him waking through darkness and daylight alike。

He went down to the coffee…room as soon as the hotel was astir;

and ordered some breakfast。  Another unaccountable change

in himself appeared with the appearance of the meal。  He was

absolutely without appetite。  An excellent omelette; and cutlets

cooked to perfection; he sent away untastedhe; whose appetite

never failed him; whose digestion was still equal to any demands

on it!

The day was bright and fine。  He sent for a gondola; and was rowed

to the Lido。

Out on the airy Lagoon; he felt like a new man。  He had not left

the hotel ten minutes before he was fast asleep in the gondola。

Waking; on reaching the landing…place; he crossed the Lido;

and enjoyed a morning's swim in the Adriatic。  There was only a poor

restaurant on the island; in those days; but his appetite was now ready

for anything; he ate whatever was offered to him; like a famished man。

He could hardly believe; when he reflected on it; that he had sent

away untasted his excellent breakfast at the hotel。

Returning to Venice; he spent the rest of the day in the picture…galleries

and the churches。  Towards six o'clock his gondola took him back;

with another fine appetite; to meet some travelling acquaintances

with whom he had engaged to dine at the table d'hote。

The dinner was deservedly rewarded with the highest approval by every

guest in the hotel but one。  To Henry's astonishment; the appetite

with which he had entered the house mysteriously and completely left

him when he sat down to table。  He could drink some wine; but he could

literally eat nothing。  'What in the world is the matter with you?'

his travelling acquaintances asked。  He could honestly answer;

'I know no more than you do。'

When night came; he gave his comfortable and beautiful bedroom

another trial。  The result of the second experiment was a repetition

of the result of the first。  Again he felt the all…pervading sense

of depression and discomfort。  Again he passed a sleepless night。

And once more; when he tried to eat his breakfast; his appetite

completely failed him!

This personal experience of the new hotel was too extraordinary

to be passed over in silence。  Henry mentioned it to his friends

in the public room; in the hearing of the manager。  The manager;

naturally zealous in defence of the hotel; was a little hurt at the

implied reflection cast on Number Fourteen。  He invited the travellers

present to judge for themselves whether Mr。 Westwick's bedroom

was to blame for Mr。 Westwick's sleepless nights; and he especially

appealed to a grey…headed gentleman; a guest at the breakfast…table

of an English traveller; to take the lead in the investigation。

'This is Doctor Bruno; our first physician in Venice;' he explained。

'I appeal to him to say if there are any unhealthy influences in

Mr。 Westwick's room。'

Introduced to Number Fourteen; the doctor looked round him with a certain

appearance of interest which was noticed by everyone present。  'The last

time I was in this room;' he said; 'was on a melancholy occasion。

It was before the palace was changed into an hotel。  I was in

professional attendance on an English nobleman who died here。'

One of the persons present inquired the name of the nobleman。

Doctor Bruno answered (without the slightest suspicion that he was

speaking before a brother of the dead man); 'Lord Montbarry。'

Henry quietly left the room; without saying a word to anybody。

He was not; in any sense of the term; a superstitious man。  But he felt;

nevertheless; an insurmountable reluctance to remaining in the hotel。

He decided on leaving Venice。  To ask for another room would be;

as he could plainly see; an offence in the eyes of the manager。

To remove to another hotel; would be to openly abandon an

establishment in the success of which he had a pecuniary interest。

Leaving a note for Arthur Barville; on his arrival in Venice;

in which he merely mentioned that he had gone to look at the

Italian lakes; and that a line addressed to his hotel at Milan

would bring him back again; he took the afternoon train to Padua

and dined with his usual appetite; and slept as well as ever

that night。

The next day; a gentleman and his wife (perfect strangers

to the Montbarry family); returning to England by way of Venice;

arrived at the hotel and occupied Number Fourteen。

Still mindful of the slur that had been cast on one of his

best bedchambers; the manager took occasion to ask the travellers

the next morning how they liked their room。  They left him to judge

for himself how well they were satisfied; by remaining a day longer

in Venice than they had originally planned to do; solely for

the purpose of enjoying the excellent accommodation offered to them

by the new hotel。  'We have met with nothing like it in Italy;'

they said; 'you may rely on our recommending you to all our friends。'

On the day when Number Fourteen was again vacant; an English lady

travelling alone with her maid arrived at the hotel; saw the room;

and at once engaged it。

The lady was Mrs。 Norbury。  She had left Francis Westwick at Milan;

occupied in negotiating for the appearance at his theatre of

the new dancer at the Scala。  Not having heard to the contrary;

Mrs。 Norbury supposed that Arthur Barville and his wife had already

arrived at Venice。  She was more interested in meeting the young

married couple than in awaiting the result of the hard bargaining

which delayed the engagement of the new dancer; and she volunteered

to make her brother's apologies; if his theatrical business caused

him to be late in keeping his appointment at the honeymoon festival。

Mrs。 Norbury's experience of Number Fourteen differed entirely

from her brother Henry's experience of the room。

Failing asleep as readily as usual; her repose was disturbed

by a succession of frightful dreams; the central figure in every

one of them being the figure of her dead brother; the first

Lord Montbarry。  She saw him starving in a loathsome prison;

she saw him pursued by assassins; and dying under their knives;

she saw him drowning in immeasurable depths of dark water; she saw him

in a bed on fire; burning to death in the flames; she saw him tempted

by a shadowy creature to drink; and dying of the poisonous draught。

The reiterated horror of these dreams had such an effect on her that she

rose with the dawn of day; afraid to trust herself again in bed。

In the old times; she had been noted in the family as the one

member of it who lived on affectionate terms with Montbarry。

His other sister and his brothers were constantly quarrelling with him。

Even his mother owned that her eldest son was of all her children

the child whom she least liked。  Sensible and resolute woman

as she was; Mrs。 Norbury shuddered with terror as she sat at

the window of her room; watching the sunrise; and thinking of

her dreams。

She made the first excuse that occurred to her; when her maid

came in at the usual hour; and noticed how ill she looked。

The woman was of so superstitious a temperament that it would have

been in the last degree indiscreet to trust her with the truth。

Mrs。 Norbury merely remarked that she had not found the bed

quite to her liking; on account of the large size of it。

She was accustomed at home; as her maid knew; to sleep in a small bed。

Informed of this objection later in the day; the manager regretted

that he could only offer to the lady the choice of one other bedchamber;

numbered Thirty…eight; and situated immediately over the bedchamber

which she desired to leave。  Mrs。 Norbury accepted the proposed change

of quarters。  She was now about to pass her second night in the room

occupied in the old days of the palace by Baron Rivar。

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