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green mansions-第36节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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nd; after some successful adventures; met with a reverse which reduced their number from nine to five。  Flying from their enemies; they sought safety at Riolama; an uninhabited place; where they found it possible to exist for some weeks on game; which was abundant; and wild fruits。

One day at noon; while ascending a mountain at the southern extremity of the Riolama range in order to get a view of the country beyond the summit; Nuflo and his companions discovered a cave; and finding it dry; without animal occupants; and with a level floor; they at once determined to make it their dwelling…place for a season。  Wood for firing and water were to be had close by; they were also well provided with smoked flesh of a tapir they had slaughtered a day or two before; so that they could afford to rest for a time in so comfortable a shelter。  At a short distance from the cave they made a fire on the rock to toast some slices of meat for their dinner; and while thus engaged all at once one of the men uttered a cry of astonishment; and casting up his eyes Nuflo beheld; standing near and regarding them with surprise and fear in…her wide…open eyes; a woman of a most wonderful appearance。  The one slight garment she had on was silky and white as the snow on the summit of some great mountain; but of the snow when the sinking sun touches and gives it some delicate changing colour which is like fire。  Her dark hair was like a cloud from which her face looked out; and her head was surrounded by an aureole like that of a saint in a picture; only more beautiful。  For; said Nuflo; a picture is a picture; and the other was a reality; which is finer。  Seeing her he fell on his knees and crossed himself; and all the time her eyes; full of amazement and shining with such a strange splendour that he could not meet them; were fixed on him and not on the others; and he felt that she had come to save his soul; in danger of perdition owing to his companionship with men who were at war with God and wholly bad。

But at this moment his comrades; recovering from their astonishment; sprang to their feet; and the heavenly woman vanished。  Just behind where she had stood; and not twelve yards from them; there was a huge chasm in the mountain; its jagged precipitous sides clothed with thorny bushes; the men now cried out that she had made her escape that way; and down after her

they rushed; pell…mell。

Nuflo cried out after them that they had seen a saint and that some horrible thing would befall them if they allowed any evil thought to enter their hearts; but they scoffed at his words; and were soon far down out of hearing; while he; trembling with fear; remained praying to the woman that had appeared to them and had looked with such strange eyes at him; not to punish him for the sins of the others。

Before long the men returned; disappointed and sullen; for they had failed in their search for the woman; and perhaps Nuflo's warning words had made them give up the chase too soon。  At all events; they seemed ill at ease; and made up their minds to abandon the cave; in a short time they left the place to camp that night at a considerable distance from the mountain。  But they were not satisfied: they had now recovered from their fear; but not from the excitement of an evil passion; and finally; after comparing notes; they came to the conclusion that they had missed a great prize through Nuflo's cowardice; and when he reproved them they blasphemed all the saints in the calendar and even threatened him with violence。  Fearing to remain longer in the company of such godless men; he only waited until they slept; then rose up cautiously; helped himself to most of the provisions; and made his escape; devoutly hoping that after losing their guide they would all speedily perish。

Finding himself alone now and master of his own actions; Nuflo was in terrible distress; for while his heart was in the utmost fear; it yet urged him imperiously to go back to the mountain; to seek again for that sacred  being who had appeared to him and had been driven away by his brutal companions。  If he obeyed that inner voice; he would be saved; if he resisted it; then there would be no hope for him; and along with those who had cast the woman to the alligators he would be lost eternally。  Finally; on the following day; he went back; although not without fear and trembling; and sat down on a stone just where he had sat toasting his tapir meat on the previous day。  But he waited in vain; and at length that voice within him; which he had so far obeyed; began urging him to descend into the valley…like chasm down which the woman had escaped from his comrades; and to seek for her there。  Accordingly he rose and began cautiously and slowly climbing down over the broken jagged rocks and through a dense mass of thorny bushes and creepers。  At the bottom of the chasm a clear; swift stream of water rushed with foam and noise along its rocky bed; but before reaching it; and when it was still twenty yards lower down; he was startled by hearing a low moan among the bushes; and looking about for the cause; he found the wonderful womanhis saviour; as he expressed it。  She was not now standing nor able to stand; but half reclining among the rough stones; one foot; which she had sprained in that headlong flight down the ragged slope; wedged immovably between the rocks; and in this painful position she had remained a prisoner since noon on the previous day。  She now gazed on her visitor in silent consternation; while he; casting himself prostrate on the ground; implored her forgiveness and begged to know her will。  But she made no reply; and at length; finding that she was powerless to move; he concluded that; though a saint and one of the beings that men worship; she was also flesh and liable to accidents while sojourning on earth; and perhaps; he thought; that accident which had befallen her had been specially designed by the powers above to prove him。  With great labour; and not without causing her much pain; he succeeded in extricating her from her position; and then finding that the injured foot was half crushed and blue and swollen; he took her up in his arms and carried her to the stream。  There; making a cup of a broad green leaf; he offered her water; which she drank eagerly; and he also raved her injured foot in the cold stream and bandaged it with fresh aquatic leaves; finally he made her a soft bed of moss and dry grass and placed her on it。  That night he spent keeping watch over her; at intervals applying fresh wet leaves to her foot as the old ones became dry and wilted from the heat of the inflammation。

The effect of all he did was that the terror with which she regarded him gradually wore off; and next day; when she seemed to be recovering her strength; he proposed by signs to remove her to the cave higher up; where she would be sheltered in case of rain。 She appeared to understand him; and allowed herself to be taken up in his arms and carried with much labour to the top of the chasm。  In the cave he made her a second couch; and tended her assiduously。  He made a fire on the floor and kept it burning night and day; and supplied her with water to drink and fresh leaves for her foot。  There was little more that he could do。  From the choicest and fattest bits of toasted tapir flesh he offered her she turned away with disgust。  A little cassava bread soaked in water she would take; but seemed not to like it。  After a time; fearing that she would starve; he took to hunting after wild fruits; edible bulbs and gums; and on these small things she subsisted during the whole time of their sojourn together in the desert。

The woman; although lamed for life; was now so far recovered as to be able to limp about without assistance; and she spent a portion of each day out among the rocks and trees on the mountains。  Nuflo at first feared that she would now leave him; but before long he became convinced that she had no such intentions。  And yet she was profoundly unhappy。  He was accustomed to see her seated on a rock; as if brooding over some secret grief; her head bowed; and great tears falling from half…closed eyes。

From the first he had conceived the idea that she was in the way of becoming a mother at no distant datean idea which seemed to accord badly with the suppositions as to the nature of this heavenly being he was privileged to minister to and so win salvation; but he was now convinced of its truth; and he imagined that in her condition he had discovered the cause of that sorrow and anxiety which preyed continually on her。  By means of that dumb language of signs which enabled them to converse together a little; he made it known to her that at a great distance from the mountains there existed a place where there were beings like herself; women; and mothers of children; who would comfort and tenderly care for her。  When she had understood; she seemed pleased and willing to accompany him to that distant place; and so it came to pass that they left their rocky shelter and the mountains of Riolama far behind。  But for several days; as they slowly journeyed over the plain; she would pause at intervals in her limping walk to gaze back on those blue summits; shedding abundant tears。

Fortunately t

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