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green mansions-第35节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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all day; and when I see her she refuses even to answer meso perverse; so foolish is she in her ignorance; for; as you can see for yourself; she has no more sense or concern about what is most important than some little painted fly that flits about all day long without any object。〃


The next day we were early at work。  Nuflo had already gathered; dried; and conveyed to a place of concealment the greater portion of his garden produce。  He was determined to leave nothing to be taken by any wandering party of savages that might call at the house during our absence。  He had no fear of a visit from his neighbours; they would not know; he said; that he and Rima were out of the wood。  A few large earthen pots; filled with shelled maize; beans; and sun…dried strips of pumpkin; still remained to be disposed of。  Taking up one of these vessels and asking me to follow with another; he started off through the wood。  We went a distance of five or six hundred yards; then made our way down a very steep incline; close to the border of the forest on the western side。  Arrived at the bottom; we followed the bank a little further; and I then found myself once more at the foot of the precipice over which I had desperately thrown myself on the stormy evening after the snake had bitten me。  Nuflo; stealing silently and softly before me through the bushes; had observed a caution and secrecy in approaching this spot resembling that of a wise old hen when she visits her hidden nest to lay an egg。  And here was his nest; his most secret treasure…house;。which he had probably not revealed even to me without a sharp inward conflict; notwithstanding that our fates were now linked together。  The lower portion of the bank was of rock; and in it; about ten or twelve feet above the ground; but easily reached from below; there was a natural cavity large enough to contain all his portable property。  Here; besides the food…stuff; he had already stored a quantity of dried tobacco leaf; his rude weapons; cooking utensils; ropes; mats; and other objects。  Two or three more journeys were made for the remaining pots; after which we adjusted a slab of sandstone to the opening; which was fortunately narrow; plastered up the crevices with clay; and covered them over with moss to hide all traces of our work。

Towards evening; after we had refreshed ourselves with a long siesta; Nuflo brought out from some other hiding…place two sacks; one weighing about twenty pounds and containing smoke…dried meat; also grease and gum for lighting…purposes; and a few other small objects。  This was his load; the other sack; which was smaller and contained parched corn and raw beans; was for me to carry。

The old man; cautious in all his movements; always acting as if surrounded by invisible spies; delayed setting out until an hour after dark。  Then; skirting the forest on its west side; we left Ytaioa on our right hand; and after travelling over rough; difficult ground; with only the stars to light us; we saw the waning moon rise not long before dawn。  Our course had been a north…easterly one at first; now it was due east; with broad; dry savannahs and patches of open forest as far as we could see before us。  It was weary walking on that first night; and weary waiting on the first day when we sat in the shade during the long; hot hours; persecuted by small stinging flies; but the days and nights that succeeded were far worse; when the weather became bad with intense heat and frequent heavy falls of rain。  The one compensation I had looked for; which would have outweighed all the extreme discomforts we suffered; was denied me。  Rima was no more to me or with me now than she had been during those wild days in her native woods; when every bush and bole and tangled creeper or fern frond had joined in a conspiracy to keep her out of my sight。  It is true that at intervals in the daytime she was visible; sometimes within speaking distance; so that I could address a few words to her; but there was no companionship; and we were fellow travellers only like birds flying independently in the same direction; not so widely separated but that they can occasionally hear and see each other。 The pilgrim in the desert is sometimes attended by a bird; and the bird; with its freer motions; will often leave him a league behind and seem lost to him; but only to return and show its form again; for it has never lost sight nor recollection of the traveller toiling slowly over the surface。  Rima kept us company in some such wild erratic way as that。  A word; a sign from Nuflo was enough for her to know the direction to takethe distant forest or still more distant mountain near which we should have to pass。  She would hasten on and be lost to our sight; and when there was a forest in the way she would explore it; resting in the shade and finding her own food; but invariably she was before us at each resting… or camping…place。

Indian villages were seen during the journey; but only to be avoided; and in like manner; if we caught sight of Indians travelling or camping at a distance; we would alter our course; or conceal ourselves to escape observation。  Only on one occasion; two days after setting out; were we compelled to speak with strangers。  We were going round a hill; and all at once came face to face with three persons travelling in an opposite directiontwo men and a woman; and; by a strange fatality; Rima at that moment happened to be with us。  We stood for some time talking to these people; who were evidently surprised at our appearance; and wished to learn who we were; but Nuflo; who spoke their language like one of themselves; was too cunning to give any true answer。 They; on their side; told us that they had been to visit a relative at Chani; the name of a river three days ahead of us; and were now returning to their own village at Baila…baila; two days beyond Parahuari。  After parting from them Nuflo was much troubled in his mind for the rest of that day。  These people; he said; would probably rest at some Parahuari village; where they would be sure to give a description of us; and so it might eventually come to the knowledge of our unneighbourly neighbour Runi that we had left Ytaioa。

Other incidents of our long and wearisome journey need not be related。  Sitting under some shady tree during the sultry hours; with Rima only too far out of earshot; or by the nightly fire; the old man told me little by little and with much digression; chiefly on sacred subjects; the strange story of the girl's origin。

About seventeen years backNuflo had no sure method to compute time bywhen he was already verging on old age; he was one of a company of nine men; living a kind of roving life in the very part of Guayana through which we were now travelling; the others; much younger than himself; were all equally offenders against the laws of Venezuela; and fugitives from justice。  Nuflo was the leader of this gang; for it happened that he had passed a great portion of his life outside the pale of civilization; and could talk the Indian language; and knew this part of Guayana intimately。  But according to his own account he was not in harmony with them。  They were bold; desperate men; whose evil appetites had so far only been whetted by the crimes they had committed; while he; with passions worn out; recalling his many bad acts; and with a vivid conviction of the truth of all he had been taught in early lifefor Nuflo was nothing if not religiouswas now grown timid and desirous only of making his peace with Heaven。  This difference of disposition made him morose and quarrelsome with his companions; and they would; he said; have murdered him without remorse if he had not been so useful to them。  Their favourite plan was to hang about the neighbourhood of some small isolated settlement; keeping a watch on it; and; when most of the male inhabitants were absent; to swoop down on it and work their will。  Now; shortly after one of these raids it happened that a woman they had carried off; becoming a burden to them; was flung into a river to the alligators; but when being dragged down to the waterside she cast up her eyes; and in a loud voice cried to God to execute vengeance on her murderers。  Nuflo affirmed that he took no part in this black deed; nevertheless; the woman's dying appeal to Heaven preyed on his mind; he feared that it might have won a hearing; and the 〃person〃 eventually commissioned to execute vengeanceafter the usual days; of course might act on the principle of the old proverb: Tell me whom you are with; and I will tell you what you areand punish the innocent (himself to wit) along with the guilty。  But while thus anxious about his spiritual interests; he was not yet prepared to break with his companions。  He thought it best to temporize; and succeeded in persuading them that it would be unsafe to attack another Christian settlement for some time to come; that in the interval they might find some pleasure; if no great credit; by turning their attention to the Indians。  The infidels; he said; were God's natural enemies and fair game to the Christian。  To make a long story short; Nuflo's Christian band; after some successful adventures; met with a reverse which reduced their number from nine to fiv

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