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green mansions-第30节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Oh; you are going to kill yourself。〃  she cried。  〃Oh; wicked man; wait until you know what will happen to you after death。  All shall now be told to my mother。  Hear my words; then kill yourself。〃

She also now dropped on to her knees and; lifting her clasped hands and fixing her resentful sparkling eyes on the dim blue patch of heaven visible beyond the treetops; began to speak rapidly in clear; vibrating tones。  She was praying to her mother in heaven; and while Nuflo listened absorbed; his mouth open; his eyes fixed on her; the hand that clutched the knife dropped to his side。  I also heard with the greatest wonder and admiration。 For she had been shy and reticent with me; and now; as if oblivious of my presence; she was telling aloud the secrets of her inmost heart。

〃O mother; mother; listen to me; to Rima; your beloved child!〃 she began。  〃All these years I have been wickedly deceived by grandfatherNuflothe old man that found you。  Often have I spoken to him of Riolama; where you once were; and your people are; and he denied all knowledge of such a place。  Sometimes he said that it was at an immense distance; in a great wilderness full of serpents larger than the trunks of great trees; and of evil spirits and savage men; slayers of all strangers。  At other times he affirmed that no such place existed; that it was a tale told by the Indians; such false things did he say to meto Rima; your child。  O mother; can you believe such wickedness?

〃Then a stranger; a white man from Venezuela; came into our woods: this is the man that was bitten by a serpent; and his name is Abel; only I do not call him by that name; but by other names which I have told you。  But perhaps you did not listen; or did not hear; for I spoke softly and not as now; on my knees; solemnly。 For I must tell you; O mother; that after you died the priest at Voa told me repeatedly that when I prayed; whether to you or to any of the saints; or to the Mother of Heaven; I must speak as he had taught me if I wished to be heard and understood。  And that was most strange; since you had taught me differently; but you were living then; at Voa; and now that you are in heaven; perhaps you know better。  Therefore listen to me now; O mother; and let nothing I say escape you。

〃When this white man had been for some days with us; a strange thing happened to me; which made me different; so that I was no longer Rima; although Rima stillso strange was this thing; and I often went to the pool to look at myself and see the change in me; but nothing different could I see。  In the first place it came from his eyes passing into mine; and filling me just as the lightning fills a cloud at sunset: afterwards it was no longer from his eyes only; but it came into me whenever I saw him; even at a distance; when I heard his voice; and most of all when he touched me with his hand。  When he is out of my sight I cannot rest until I see him again; and when I see him; then I am glad; yet in such fear and trouble that I hide myself from him。  O mother; it could not be told; for once when he caught me in his arms and compelled me to speak of it; he did not understand; yet there was need to tell it; then it came to me that only to our people could it be told; for they would understand; and reply to me; and tell me what to do in such a case。

〃And now; O mother; this is what happened next。  I went to grandfather and first begged and then commanded him to take me to Riolama; but he would not obey; nor give attention to what I said; but whenever I spoke to him of it he rose up and hurried from me; and when I followed he flung back a confused and angry reply; saying in the same breath that it was so long since he had been to Riolama that he had forgotten where it was; and that no such place existed。  And which of his words were true and which false I knew not; so that it would have been better if he had returned no answer at all; and there was no help to be got from him。  And having thus failed; and there being no other person to speak to except this stranger; I determined to go to him; and in his company seek through the whole world for my people。  This will surprise you; O mother; because of that fear which came on me in his presence; causing me to hide from his sight; but my wish was so great that for a time it overcame my fear; so that I went to him as he sat alone in the wood; sad because he could not see me; and spoke to him; and led him to the summit of Ytaioa to show me all the countries of the world from the summit。  And you must also know that I tremble in his presence; not because I fear him as I fear Indians and cruel men; for he has no evil in him; and is beautiful to look at; and his words are gentle; and his desire is to be always with me; so that he difFers from all other men I have seen; just as I differ from all women; except from you only; O sweet mother。

〃On the mountain…top he marked out and named all the countries of the world; the great mountains; the rivers; the plains; the forests; the cities; and told me also of the peoples; whites and savages; but of our people nothing。  And beyond where the world ends there is water; water; water。  And when he spoke of that unknown part on the borders of Guayana; on the side of the Cordilleras; he named the mountains of Riolama; and in that way I first found out where my people are。  I then left him on Ytaioa; he refusing to follow me; and ran to grandfather and taxed him with his falsehoods; and he; finding I knew all; escaped from me into the woods; where I have now found him once more; talking with the stranger。  And now; O mother; seeing himself caught and unable to escape a second time; he has taken up a knife to kill himself; so as not to take me to Riolama; and he is only waiting until I finish speaking to you; for I wish him to know what will happen to him after death。  Therefore; O mother; listen well and do what I tell you。  When he has killed himself; and has come into that place where you are; see that he does not escape the punishment he merits。  Watch well for his coming; for he is full of cunning and deceit; and will endeavor to hide himself from your eyes。  When you have recognized himan old man; brown as an Indian; with a white beardpoint him out to the angels; and say: 'This is Nuflo; the bad man that lied to Rima。' Let them take him and singe his wings with fire; so that he may not escape by flying; and afterwards thrust him into some dark cavern under a mountain; and place a great stone that a hundred men could not remove over its mouth; and leave him there alone and in the dark for ever!〃

Having ended; she rose quickly from her knees; and at the same moment Nuflo; dropping the knife; cast himself prostrate at her feet。

〃Rimamy child; my child; not that!〃  he cried out in a voice that was broken with terror。  He tried to take hold of her feet with his hands; but she shrank from him with aversion; still he kept on crawling after her like a disabled lizard; abjectly imploring her to forgive him; reminding her that he had saved from death the woman whose enmity had now been enlisted against him; and declaring that he would do anything she commanded him; and gladly perish in her service。

It was a pitiable sight; and moving quickly to her side I touched her on the shoulder and asked her to forgive him。

The response came quickly enough。  Turning to him once more; she said: 〃I forgive you; grandfather。  And now get up and take me to Riolama。〃

He rose; but only to his knees。  〃But you have not told her!〃  he said; recovering his natural voice; although still anxious; and jerking a thumb over his shoulder。  〃Consider; my child; that I am old and shall doubtless perish on the way。  What would become of my soul in such a case?  For now you have told her everything; and it will not be forgotten。〃

She regarded him in silence for a few moments; then; moving a little way apart; dropped on to her knees again; and with raised hands and eyes fixed on the blue space above; already sprinkled with stars; prayed again。

〃O mother; listen to me; for I have something fresh to say to you。  Grandfather has not killed himself; but has asked my forgiveness and has promised to obey me。  O mother; I have forgiven him; and he will now take me to Riolama; to our people。 Therefore; O mother; if he dies on the way to Riolama let nothing be done against him; but remember only that I forgave him at the last; and when he comes into that place where you are; let him be well received; for that is the wish of Rima; your child。〃

As soon as this second petition was ended she was up again and engaged in an animated discussion with him; urging him to take her without further delay to Riolama; while he; now recovered from his fear; urged that so important an undertaking required a great deal of thought and preparation; that the journey would occupy about twenty days; and unless he set out well provided with food he would starve before accomplishing half the distance; and his death would leave her worse off than before。  He concluded by affirming that he could not start in less time than seven or eight days。

For a while I listened with keen interest to this dispute; and at length interposed once more on the old man's side。  The poor gi

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