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green mansions-第3节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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uld even say that I could get well if I wished to。  I did not take this seriously; but one morning; when calling to see me at the office; he attacked me in a way that made me downright angry with him。  He told me that indolence and the use of stimulants was the cause of my bad health。  He spoke in a mocking way; with a presence of not quite meaning it; but the feeling could not be wholly disguised。 Stung by his reproaches; I blurted out that he had no right to talk to me; even in fun; in such a way。  Yes; he said; getting serious; he had the best rightthat of our friendship。  He would be no true friend if he kept his peace about such a matter。  Then; in my haste; I retorted that to me the friendship between us did not seem so perfect and complete as it did to him。  One condition of friendship is that the partners in it should be known to each other。  He had had my whole life and mind open to him; to read it as in a book。  HIS life was a closed and clasped volume to me。

His face darkened; and after a few moments' silent reflection he got up and left me with a cold good…bye; and without that hand…grasp which had been customary between us。

After his departure I had the feeling that a great loss; a great calamity; had befallen me; but I was still smarting at his too candid criticism; all the more because in my heart I acknowledged its truth。  And that night; lying awake; I repented of the cruel retort I had made; and resolved to ask his forgiveness and leave it to him to determine the question of our future relations。  But he was beforehand with me; and with the morning came a letter begging my forgiveness and asking me to go that evening to dine with him。

We were alone; and during dinner and afterwards; when we sat smoking and sipping black coffee in the veranda; we were unusually quiet; even to gravity; which caused the two white…clad servants that waited on usthe brown…faced subtle…eyed old Hindu butler and an almost blue…black young Guiana Negroto direct many furtive glances at their master's face。  They were accustomed to see him in a more genial mood when he had a friend to dine。  To me the change in his manner was not surprising: from the moment of seeing him I had divined that he had determined to open the shut and clasped volume of which I had spokenthat the time had now come for him to speak。


Now that we are cool; he said; and regret that we hurt each other; I am not sorry that it happened。  I deserved your reproach: a hundred times I have wished to tell you the whole story of my travels and adventures among the savages; and one of the reasons which prevented me was the fear that it would have an unfortunate effect on our friendship。  That was precious; and I desired above everything to keep it。  But I must think no more about that now。  I must think only of how I am to tell you my story。  I will begin at a time when I was twenty…three。  It was early in life to be in the thick of politics; and in trouble to the extent of having to fly my country to save my liberty; perhaps my life。

Every nation; someone remarks; has the government it deserves; and Venezuela certainly has the one it deserves and that suits it best。  We call it a republic; not only because it is not one; but also because a thing must have a name; and to have a good name; or a fine name; is very convenientespecially when you want to borrow money。  If the Venezuelans; thinly distributed over an area of half a million square miles; mostly illiterate peasants; half…breeds; and indigenes; were educated; intelligent men; zealous only for the public weal; it would be possible for them to have a real republic。  They have instead a government by cliques; tempered by revolution; and a very good government it is; in harmony with the physical conditions of the country and the national temperament。  Now; it happens that the educated men; representing your higher classes; are so few that there are not many persons unconnected by ties of blood or marriage with prominent members of the political groups to which they belong。 By this you will see how easy and almost inevitable it is that we should become accustomed to look on conspiracy and revolt against the regnant partythe men of another cliqueas only in the natural order of things。  In the event of failure such outbreaks are punished; but they are not regarded as immoral。  On the contrary; men of the highest intelligence and virtue among us are seen taking a leading part in these adventures。  Whether such a condition of things is intrinsically wrong or not; or would be wrong in some circumstances and is not wrong; because inevitable; in others; I cannot pretend to decide; and all this tiresome profusion is only to enable you to understand how Ia young man of unblemished character; not a soldier by profession; not ambitious of political distinction; wealthy for that country; popular in society; a lover of social pleasures; of books; of nature actuated; as I believed; by the highest motives; allowed myself to be drawn very readily by friends and relations into a conspiracy to overthrow the government of the moment; with the object of replacing it by more worthy men ourselves; to wit。

Our adventure failed because the authorities got wind of the affair and matters were precipitated。  Our leaders at the moment happened to be scattered over the countrysome were abroad; and a few hotheaded men of the party; who were in Caracas just then and probably feared arrest; struck a rash blow: the President was attacked in the street and wounded。  But the attackers were seized; and some of them shot on the following day。  When the news reached me I was at a distance from the capital; staying with a friend on an estate he owned on the River Quebrada Honda; in the State of Guarico; some fifteen to twenty miles from the town of Zaraza。  My friend; an officer in the army; was a leader in the conspiracy; and as I was the only son of a man who had been greatly hated by the Minister of War; it became necessary for us both to fly for our lives。  In the circumstances we could not look to be pardoned; even on the score of youth。

Our first decision was to escape to the sea…coast; but as the risk of a journey to La Guayra; or any other port of embarkation on the north side of the country; seemed too great; we made our way in a contrary direction to the Orinoco; and downstream to Angostura。  Now; when we had reached this comparatively safe breathing…placesafe; at all events; for the momentI changed my mind about leaving or attempting to leave the country。  Since boyhood I had taken a very peculiar interest in that vast and almost unexplored territory we possess south of the Orinoco; with its countless unmapped rivers and trackless forests; and in its savage inhabitants; with their ancient customs and character; unadulterated by contact with Europeans。  To visit this primitive wilderness had been a cherished dream; and I had to some extent even prepared myself for such an adventure by mastering more than one of the Indian dialects of the northern states of Venezuela。 And now; finding myself on the south side of our great river; with unlimited time at my disposal; I determined to gratify this wish。  My companion took his departure towards the coast; while I set about making preparations and hunting up information from those who had travelled in the interior to trade with the savages。  I decided eventually to go back upstream and penetrate to the interior in the western part of Guayana; and the Amazonian territory bordering on Colombia and Brazil; and to return to Angostura in about six months' time。  I had no fear of being arrested in the semi…independent and in most part savage region; as the Guayana authorities concerned themselves little enough about the political upheavals at Caracas。

The first five or six months I spent in Guayana; after leaving the city of refuge; were eventful enough to satisfy a moderately adventurous spirit。  A complaisant government employee at Angostura had provided me with a passport; in which it was set down (for few to read) that my object in visiting the interior was to collect information concerning the native tribes; the vegetable products of the country; and other knowledge which would be of advantage to the Republic; and the authorities were requested to afford me protection and assist me in my pursuits。 I ascended the Orinoco; making occasional expeditions to the small Christian settlements in the neighbourhood of the right bank; also to the Indian villages; and travelling in this way; seeing and learning much; in about three months I reached the River Metal During this period I amused myself by keeping a journal; a record of personal adventures; impressions of the country and people; both semi…civilized and savage; and as my journal grew; I began to think that on my return at some future time to Caracas; it might prove useful and interesting to the public; and also procure me fame; which thought proved pleasurable and a great incentive; so that I began to observe things more narrowly and to study expression。  But the book was not to be。

From the mouth of the Meta I journeyed on; intending to visit the settlement of Atahapo; where the great River Guaviare; with other rivers; empties 

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