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green mansions-第28节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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stage; to be occupied in the distant future by millions and myriads of beings; like us of upright form; the nations that will be born when all the existing dominant races on the globe and the civilizations they represent have perished as utterly as those who sculptured the stones of old Tiahuanacofrom this theatre of palms prepared for a drama unlike any which the Immortals have yet witnessedI hurried away; and then slowly conducted her along the Atlantic coast; listening to the thunder of its great waves; and pausing at intervals to survey some maritime city。

Never probably since old Father Noah divided the earth among his sons had so grand a geographical discourse been delivered; and having finished; I sat down; exhausted with my efforts; and mopped my brow; but glad that my huge task was over; and satisfied that I had convinced her of the futility of her wish to see the world for herself。

Her excitement had passed away by now。  She was standing a little apart from me; her eyes cast down and thoughtful。  At length she approached me and said; waving her hand all round: 〃What is beyond the mountains over there; beyond the cities on that sidebeyond the world?〃

〃Water; only water。  Did I not tell you?〃  I returned stoutly; for I had; of course; sunk the Isthmus of Panama beneath the sea。 

〃Water!  All round?〃  she persisted。


〃Water; and no beyond?  Only wateralways water?〃

I could no longer adhere to so gross a lie。  She was too intelligent; and I loved her too much。  Standing up; I pointed to distant mountains and isolated peaks。

〃Look at those peaks;〃 I said。  〃It is like that with the worldthis world we are standing on。  Beyond that great water that flows all round the world; but far away; so far that it would take months in a big boat to reach them; there are islands; some small; others as large as this world。  But; Rima; they are so far away; so impossible to reach; that it is useless to speak or to think of them。  They are to us like the sun and moon and stars; to which we cannot fly。  And now sit down and rest by my side; for you know everything。〃

She glanced at me with troubled eyes。

〃Nothing do I knownothing have you told me。  Did I not say that mountains and rivers and forests are nothing?  Tell me about all the people in the world。  Look!  there is Cuzco over there; a city like no other in the worlddid you not tell me so?  Of the people nothing。  Are they also different from all others in the world?〃

〃I will tell you that if you will first answer me one question; Rima。〃

She drew a little nearer; curious to hear; but was silent。

〃Promise that you will answer me;〃 I persisted; and as she continued silent; I added: 〃Shall I not ask you; then?〃

〃Say;〃 she murmured。

〃Why do you wish to know about the people of Cuzco?〃

She flashed a look at me; then averted her face。  For some moments she stood hesitating; then; coming closer; touched me on the shoulder and said softly: 〃Turn away; do not look at me。〃

I obeyed; and bending so close that I felt her warm breath on my neck; she whispered: 〃Are the people in Cuzco like me?  Would they understand methe things you cannot understand?  Do you know?〃

Her tremulous voice betrayed her agitation; and her words; I imagined; revealed the motive of her action in bringing me to the summit of Ytaioa; and of her desire to visit and know all the various peoples inhabiting the world。  She had begun to realize; after knowing me; her isolation and unlikeness to others; and at the same time to dream that all human beings might not be unlike her and unable to understand her mysterious speech and to enter into her thoughts and feelings。

〃I can answer that question; Rima;〃 I said。  〃Ah; no; poor child; there are none there like younot one; not one。  Of all therepriests; soldiers; merchants; workmen; white; black; red; and mixed; men and women; old and young; rich and poor; ugly and beautifulnot one would understand the sweet language you speak。〃

She said nothing; and glancing round; I discovered that she was walking away; her fingers clasped before her; her eyes cast down; and looking profoundly dejected。  Jumping up; I hurried after her。  〃Listen!〃  I said; coming to her side。  〃Do you know that there are others in the world like you who would understand your speech?〃

〃Oh; do I not!  Yesmother told me。  I was young when you died; but; O mother; why did you not tell me more?〃

〃But where?〃

〃Oh; do you not think that I would go to them if I knewthat I would ask?〃

〃Does Nuflo know?〃

She shook her head; walking dejectedly along。

〃But have you asked him?〃  I persisted。

〃Have I not!  Not oncenot a hundred times。〃

Suddenly she paused。  〃Look;〃 she said; 〃now we are standing in Guayana again。  And over there in Brazil; and up there towards the Cordilleras; it is unknown。  And there are people there。  Come; let us go and seek for my mother's people in that place。  With grandfather; but not the dogs; they would frighten the animals and betray us by barking to cruel men who would slay us with poisoned arrows。〃

〃O Rima; can you not understand?  It is too far。  And your grandfather; poor old man; would die of weariness and hunger and old age in some strange forest。〃

〃Would he dieold grandfather?  Then we could cover him up with palm leaves in the forest and leave him。  It would not be grandfather; only his body that must turn to dust。  He would be awayaway where the stars are。  We should not die; but go on; and on; and on。〃

To continue the discussion seemed hopeless。  I was silent; thinking of what I had heardthat there were others like her somewhere in that vast green world; so much of it imperfectly known; so many districts never yet explored by white men。  True; it was strange that no report of such a race had reached the ears of any traveller; yet here was Rima herself at my side; a living proof that such a race did exist。  Nuflo probably knew more than he would say; I had failed; as we have seen; to win the secret from him by fair means; and could not have recourse to foulthe rack and thumbscrewto wring it from him。  To the Indians she was only an object of superstitious feara daughter of the Didiand to them nothing of her origin was known。  And she; poor girl; had only a vague remembrance of a few words heard in childhood from her mother; and probably not rightly understood。

While these thoughts had been passing through my mind; Rima had been standing silent by; waiting; perhaps; for an answer to her last words。  Then stooping; she picked up a small pebble and tossed it three or four yards away。

〃Do you see where it fell?〃  she cried; turning towards me。  〃That is on the border of Guayanais it not?  Let us go there first。〃

〃Rime; how you distress me!  We cannot go there。  It is all a savage wilderness; almost unknown to mena blank on the map〃

〃The map?speak no word that I do not understand。〃

In a very few words I explained my meaning; even fewer would have sufficed; so quick was her apprehension。

〃If it is a blank;〃 she returned quickly; 〃then you know of nothing to stop usno river we cannot swim; and no great mountains like those where Quito is。〃

〃But I happen to know; Rima; for it has been related to me by old Indians; that of all places that is the most difficult of access。 There is a river there; and although it is not on the map; it would prove more impassable to us than the mighty Orinoco and Amazon。  It has vast malarious swamps on its borders; overgrown with dense forest; teeming with savage and venomous animals; so that even the Indians dare not venture near it。  And even before the river is reached; there is a range of precipitous mountains called by the same namejust there where your pebble fellthe mountains of Riolama〃

Hardly had the name fallen from my lips before a change swift as lightning came over her countenance; all doubt; anxiety; petulance; hope; and despondence; and these in ever…varying degrees; chasing each other like shadows; had vanished; and she was instinct and burning with some new powerful emotion which had flashed into her soul。

〃Riolama!  Riolama!〃  she repeated so rapidly and in a tone so sharp that it tingled in the brain。  〃That is the place I am seeking!  There was my mother foundthere are her people and mine!  Therefore was I called Riolamathat is my name!〃

〃Rima!〃  I returned; astonished at her words。

〃No; no; noRiolama。  When I was a child; and the priest baptized me; he named me Riolamathe place where my mother was found。  But it was long to say; and they called me Rima。〃

Suddenly she became still and then cried in a ringing voice:

〃And he knew it all alongthat old manhe knew that Riolama was nearonly there where the pebble fellthat we could go there!〃

While speaking she turned towards her home; pointing with raised hand。  Her whole appearance now reminded me of that first meeting with her when the serpent bit me; the soft red of her irides shone like fire; her delicate skin seemed to glow with an intense rose colour; and her frame trembled with her agitation; so that her loose cloud of hair was in motion as if blown through by the wind。

〃Traitor!  Traitor!〃  she cried; still  looking homewards and using quick; passionate gestures。  〃

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