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green mansions-第11节

小说: green mansions 字数: 每页4000字

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ture…but stillI sat down on a stone and laughed freely。

The sun was sinking behind the forest; its broad red disk still showing through the topmost leaves; and the higher part of the foliage was of a luminous green; like green flame; throwing off flakes of quivering; fiery light; but lower down the trees were in profound shadow。

I felt very light…hearted while I gazed on this scene; for how pleasant it was just now to think of the strange experience I had passed throughto think that I had come safely out of it; that no human eye had witnessed my weakness; and that the mystery existed still to fascinate me!  For; ludicrous as the denouement now looked; the cause of all; the voice itself; was a thing to marvel at more than ever。  That it proceeded from an intelligent being I was firmly convinced; and although too materialistic in my way of thinking to admit for a moment that it was a supernatural being; I still felt that there was something more than I had at first imagined in Kua…ko's speech about a daughter of the Didi。  That the Indians knew a great deal about the mysterious voice; and had held it in great fear; seemed evident。 But they were savages; with ways that were not mine; and however friendly they might be towards one of a superior race; there was always in their relations with him a low cunning; prompted partly by suspicion; underlying their words and actions。  For the white man to put himself mentally on their level is not more impossible than for these aborigines to be perfectly open; as children are; towards the white。  Whatever subject the stranger within their gates exhibits an interest in; that they will be reticent about; and their reticence; which conceals itself under easily invented lies or an affected stupidity; invariably increases with his desire for information。  It was plain to them that some very unusual interest took me to the wood; consequently I could not expect that they would tell me anything they might know to enlighten me about the matter; and I concluded that Kua…ko's words about the daughter of the Didi; and what she would do if he blew an arrow at a bird; had accidentally escaped him in a moment of excitement。  Nothing; therefore; was to be gained by questioning them; or; at all events; by telling them how much the subject attracted me。  And I had nothing to fear; my independent investigations had made this much clear to me; the voice might proceed from a very frolicsome and tricksy creature; full of wild fantastic humours; but nothing worse。  It was friendly to me; I felt sure; at the same time it might not be friendly towards the Indians; for; on that day; it had made itself heard only after my companion had taken flight; and it had then seemed incensed against me; possibly because the savage had been in my company。

That was the result of my reflections on the day's events when I returned to my entertainer's roof and sat down among my friends to refresh myself with stewed fowl and fish from the household pot; into which a hospitable woman invited me with a gesture to dip my fingers。

Kua…ko was lying in his hammock; smoking; I thinkcertainly not reading。  When I entered he lifted his head and stared at me; probably surprised to see me alive; unharmed; and in a placid temper。  I laughed at the look; and; somewhat disconcerted; he dropped his head down again。  After a minute or two I took the metal match…box and tossed it on to his breast。  He clutched it and; starting up; stared at me in the utmost astonishment。  He could scarcely believe his good fortune; for he had failed to carry out his part of the compact and had resigned himself to the loss of the coveted prize。  Jumping down to the floor; he held up the box triumphantly; his joy overcoming the habitual stolid look; while all the others gathered about him; each trying to get the box into his own hands to admire it again; notwithstanding that they had all seen it a dozen times before。  But it was Kua…ko's now and not the stranger's; and therefore more nearly their own than formerly; and must look different; more beautiful; with a brighter polish on the metal。  And that wonderful enamelled cock on the lidfigured in Paris probably; but just like a cock in Guayana; the pet bird which they no more think of killing and eating than we do our purring pussies and lemon…coloured canariesmust now look more strikingly valiant and cock…like than ever; with its crimson comb and wattles; burnished red hackles; and dark green arching tail…plumes。  But Kua…ko; while willing enough to have it admired and praised; would not let it out of his hands; and told them pompously that it was not theirs for them to handle; but hisKua…ko'sfor all time; that he had won it by accompanying mevalorous man that he was!to that evil wood into which theytimid; inferior creatures that they were!would never have ventured to set foot。  I am not translating his words; but that was what he gave them to understand pretty plainly; to my great amusement。

After the excitement was over; Runi; who had maintained a dignified calm; made some roundabout remarks; apparently with the object of eliciting an account of what I had seen and heard in the forest of evil fame。  I replied carelessly that I had seen a great many birds and monkeysmonkeys so tame that I might have procured one if I had had a blow…pipe; in spite of my never having practiced shooting with that weapon。

It interested them to hear about the abundance and tameness of the monkeys; although it was scarcely news; but how tame they must have been when I; the stranger not to the manner bornnot naked; brown…skinned; lynx…eyed; and noiseless as an owl in his movementshad yet been able to look closely at them!  Runi only remarked; apropos of what I had told him; that they could not go there to hunt; then he asked me if I feared nothing。

〃Nothing;〃 I replied carelessly。  〃The things you fear hurt not the white man and are no more than this to me;〃 saying which I took up a little white wood…ash in my hand and blew it away with my breath。  〃And against other enemies I have this;〃 I added; touching my revolver。  A brave speech; just after that araguato episode; but I did not make it without blushingmentally。

… He shook his head; and said it was a poor weapon against some enemies; alsotruly enoughthat it would procure no birds and monkeys for the stew…pot。

Next morning my friend Kua…ko; taking his zabatana; invited me to go out with him; and I consented with some misgivings; thinking he had overcome his superstitious fears and; inflamed by my account of the abundance of game in the forest; intended going there with me。  The previous day's experience had made me think that it would be better in the future to go there alone。  But I was giving the poor youth more credit than he deserved: it was far from his intention to face the terrible unknown again。  We went in a different direction; and tramped for hours through woods where birds were scarce and only of the smaller kinds。  Then my guide surprised me a second time by offering to teach me to use the zabatana。  This; then; was to be my reward for giving him the box!  I readily consented; and with the long weapon; awkward to carry; in my hand; and imitating the noiseless movements and cautious; watchful manner of my companion; I tried to imagine myself a simple Guayana savage; with no knowledge of that artificial social state to which I had been born; dependent on my skill and little roll of poison…darts for a livelihood。  By an effort of the will I emptied myself of my life experience and knowledgeor as much of it as possibleand thought only of the generations of my dead imaginary progenitors; who had ranged these woods back to the dim forgotten years before Columbus; and if the pleasure I had in the fancy was childish; it made the day pass quickly enough。  Kua…ko was constantly at my elbow to assist and give advice; and many an arrow I blew from the long tube; and hit no bird。  Heaven knows what I hit; for the arrows flew away on their wide and wild career to be seen no more; except a few which my keen…eyed comrade marked to their destination and managed to recover。  The result of our day's hunting was a couple of birds; which Kua…ko; not I; shot; and a small opossum his sharp eyes detected high up a tree lying coiled up on an old nest; over the side of which the animal had incautiously allowed his snaky tail to dangle。  The number of darts I wasted must have been a rather serious loss to him; but he did not seem troubled at it; and made no remark。

Next day; to my surprise; he volunteered to give me a second lesson; and we went out again。  On this occasion he had provided himself with a large bundle of darts; butwise man!they were not poisoned; and it therefore mattered little whether they were wasted or not。  I believe that on this day I made some little progress; at all events; my teacher remarked that before long I would be able to hit a bird。  This made me smile and answer that if he could place me within twenty yards of a bird not smaller than a small man I might manage to touch it with an arrow。

This speech had a very unexpected and remarkable effect。  He stopped short in his walk; stared at me wildly; then grinned; and finally burst into a roar of laughter;

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