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caius marius-第10节

小说: caius marius 字数: 每页4000字

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the case was examined thoroughly; it appeared both that Fannia had
been incontinent; and that her husband; knowing her to be so; had
married and lived a considerable time with her。 So that Marius was
severe enough with both; commanding him to restore her portion; and
laying a fine of four copper coins upon her by way of disgrace。 But
Fannia did not then behave like a woman that had been injured; but
as soon as she saw Marius; remembered nothing less than old
affronts; took care of him according to her ability; and comforted
him。 He made her his returns and told her he did not despair; for he
had met with a lucky omen; which was thus。 When he was brought to
Fannia's house; as soon as the gate was opened; an ass came running
out to drink at a spring hard by; and giving a bold and encouraging
look; first stood still before him; then brayed aloud and pranced by
him。 From which Marius drew his conclusion; and said; that the fates
designed his safety; rather by sea than land; because the ass
neglected his dry fodder; and turned from it to the water。 Having told
Fannia this story; he bade the chamber door to be shut and went to
  Meanwhile the magistrates and councillors of Minturnae consulted
together; and determined not to delay any longer; but immediately to
kill Marius; and when none of their citizens durst undertake the
business; a certain soldier; a Gaulish or Cimbrian horseman (the story
is told both ways); went in with his sword drawn to him。 The room
itself was not very light; that part of it especially where he then
lay was dark; from whence Marius's eyes; they say; seemed to the
fellow to dart out flames at him; and a loud voice to say; out of
the dark; 〃Fellow; darest thou kill Caius Marius?〃 The barbarian
hereupon immediately fled; and leaving his sword in the place;
rushed out of doors; crying only this; 〃I cannot kill Caius Marius。〃
At which they were all at first astonished; and presently began to
feel pity; and remorse; and anger at themselves for making so unjust
and ungrateful a decree against one who had preserved Italy; and
whom it was bad enough not to assist。 〃Let him go;〃 said they;
〃where he please to banishment; and find his fate somewhere else; we
only entreat pardon of the gods for thrusting Marius distressed and
deserted out of our city。〃
  Impelled by thoughts of this kind; they went in a body into the
room; and taking him amongst them; conducted him towards the
seaside; on his way to which; though every one was very officious to
him; and all made what haste they could; yet a considerable time was
likely to be lost。 For the grove of Marica (as she is called); which
the people hold sacred and make it a point of religion not to let
anything that is once carried into it be taken out; lay just in
their road to the sea; and if they should go round about; they must
needs come very late thither。 At length one of the old men cried out
and said; there was no place so sacred but they might pass through
it for Marius's preservation; and thereupon; first of all; he himself;
taking up some of the baggage that was carried for his accommodation
to the ship; passed through the grove; all the rest immediately;
with the same readiness; accompanying him。 And one Belaeus (who
afterwards had a picture of these things drawn; and put it in a temple
at the place of embarkation); having by this time provided him a ship;
Marius went on board; and hoisting sail; was by fortune thrown upon
the island Aenaria; where meeting with Granius; and his other friends;
he sailed with them for Africa。 But their water failing them in the
way; they were forced to put in near Eryx; in Sicily; where was a
Roman quaestor on the watch; who all but captured Marius himself on
his landing; and did kill sixteen of his retinue that went to fetch
water。 Marius; with all expedition loosing thence; crossed the sea
to the isle of Meninx; where he first heard the news of his son's
escape with Cethegus; and of his going to implore the assistance of
Hiempsal; King of Numidia。
  With this news; being somewhat comforted; he ventured to pass from
that isle towards Carthage。 Sextilius; a Roman; was then governor in
Africa; one that had never received either any injury or any
kindness from Marius; but who from compassion; it was hoped; might
lend him some help。 But he was scarce got ashore with a small
retinue when an officer met him; and said; 〃Sextilius; the governor;
forbids you; Marius; to set foot in Africa; if you do; he says he will
put the decree of the senate in execution; and treat you as an enemy
to the Romans。〃 When Marius heard this; he wanted words to express his
grief and resentment; and for a good while held his peace; looking
sternly upon the messenger; who asked him what he should say; or
what answer he should return to the governor? Marius answered him with
a deep sigh: 〃Go tell him that you have seen Caius Marius sitting in
exile among the ruins of Carthage;〃 appositely applying the example of
the fortune of that city to the change of his own condition。
  In the interim; Hiempsal; King of Numidia; dubious of what he should
determine to do; treated young Marius and those that were with him
very honourably; but when they had a mind to depart; he still had some
pretence or other to detain them; and it was manifest he made these
delays upon no good design。 However; there happened an accident that
made well for their preservation。 The hard fortune which attended
young Marius; who was of a comely aspect; touched one of the king's
concubines; and this pity of hers was the beginning and occasion of
love for him。 At first he declined the woman's solicitations; but when
he perceived that there was no other way of escaping; and that her
offers were more serious than for the gratification of intemperate
passion; he accepted her kindness; and she finding means to convey
them away; he escaped with his friends and fled to his father。 As soon
as they had saluted each other; and were going by the seaside; they
saw some scorpions fighting; which Marius took for an ill omen;
whereupon they immediately went on board a little fisher…boat; and
made towards Cercinas; an island not far distant from the continent。
They had scarce put off from shore when they espied some horse; sent
after them by the king; with all speed making towards that very
place from which they were just retired。 And Marius thus escaped a
danger; it might be said; as great as any he ever incurred。
  At Rome news came that Sylla was engaged with Mithridates's generals
in Boeotia; the consuls; from factious opposition; were fallen to
downright fighting; wherein Octavius prevailing; drove Cinna out of
the city for attempting despotic government; and made Cornelius Merula
consul in his stead; while Cinna; raising forces in other parts of
Italy; carried the war against them。 As soon as Marius heard of this
he resolved; with all expedition; to put to sea again; and taking with
him from Africa some Mauritanian horse; and a few of the refugees
out of Italy; all together not above one thousand; he; with this
handful; began his voyage。 Arriving at Telamon; in Etruria; and coming
ashore; he proclaimed freedom for the slaves; and many of the
countrymen; also; and shepherds thereabouts; who were already freemen;
at the hearing his name; flocked to him to the seaside。 He persuaded
the youngest and strongest to join him; and in a small time got
together a competent force with which he filled forty ships。 Knowing
Octavius to be a good man and willing to execute his office with the
greatest justice imaginable; and Cinna to be suspected by Sylla; and
in actual warfare against the established government; he determined to
join himself and his forces with the latter。 He therefore sent a
message to him; to let him know that he was ready to obey him as
  When Cinna had joyfully received his offer; naming him proconsul;
and sending him the fasces and other ensigns of authority; he said
that grandeur did not become his present fortune; but wearing an
ordinary habit; and still letting his hair grow as it had done; from
that very day he first went into banishment; and being now above
threescore and ten years old; he came slowly on foot; designing to
move people's compassion; which did not prevent; however; his
natural fierceness of expression from still predominating; and his
humiliation still let it appear that he was not so much dejected as
exasperated by the change of his condition。 Having saluted Cinna and
the soldiers; he immediately prepared for action; and soon made a
considerable alteration in the posture of affairs。 He first cut off
the provision ships; and plundering all the merchants; made himself
master of the supplies of corn; then bringing his navy to the
seaport towns; he took them; and at last; becoming master of Ostia
by treachery; he pillaged that town; and slew a multitude of the
inhabitants; and; blocking up the river; took from the enemy all hopes
of supply by the sea; then marched with his army toward the city;
and posted himself upon the hill called Janiculum。
  The public interest did not receive so great damage from
Octavius's unskillfulness in his management of

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