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小说: ivanoff 字数: 每页4000字

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your feelings。 I cannot say all I should like to; I have not the
gift of words; butbut I can at least say that you are deeply
antipathetic to me。

IVANOFF。 I suppose I am。 As an onlooker; of course you see me
more clearly than I see myself; and your judgment of me is
probably right。 No doubt I
 am terribly guilty。 'Listens' I think I hear the carriage
coming。 I must get ready to go。 'He goes toward the house and
then stops' You dislike me; doctor; and you don't conceal it。
Your sincerity does you credit。 'He goes into the house。'

LVOFF。 'Alone' What a confoundedly disagreeable character! I have
let another opportunity slip without speaking to him as I meant
to; but I simply cannot talk calmly to that man。 The moment I
open my mouth to speak I feel such a commotion and suffocation
here 'He puts his hand on his breast' that my tongue sticks to
the roof of my mouth。 Oh; I loathe that Tartuffe; that
unmitigated rascal; with all my heart! There he is; preparing to
go driving in spite of the entreaties of his unfortunate wife;
who adores him and whose only happiness is his presence。 She
implores him to spend at least one evening with her; and he
cannot even do that。 Why; he might shoot himself in despair if he
had to stay at home! Poor fellow; what he wants are new fields
for his villainous schemes。 Oh; I know why you go to Lebedieff's
every evening; Ivanoff! I know。

Enter IVANOFF; in hat and coat; ANNA and SHABELSKI

SHABELSKI。 Look here; Nicholas; this is simply barbarous You go
away every evening and leave us here alone; and we get so bored
that we have to go to bed at eight o'clock。 It is a scandal; and
no decent way of living。 Why can you go driving if we can't? Why?

ANNA。 Leave him alone; Count。 Let him go if he wants to。

IVANOFF。 How can a sick woman like you go anywhere? You know you
have a cough and must not go out after sunset。 Ask the doctor
here。 You are no child; Annie; you must be reasonable。 And as for
you; what would you do with yourself over there?

SHABELSKI。 I am ready to go anywhere: into the jaws of a
crocodile; or even into the jaws of hell; so long as I don't have
to stay here。 I am horribly bored。 I am stupefied by this
dullness。 Every one here is tired of me。 You leave me at home to
entertain Anna; but I feel more like scratching and biting her。

ANNA。 Leave him alone; Count。 Leave him alone。 Let him go if he
enjoys himself there。

IVANOFF。 What does this mean; Annie? You know I am not going for
pleasure。 I must see Lebedieff about the money I owe him。

ANNA。 I don't see why you need justify yourself to me。 Go ahead!
Who is keeping you?

IVANOFF。 Heavens! Don't let us bite one another's heads off。 Is
that really unavoidable?

SHABELSKI。 'Tearfully' Nicholas; my dear boy; do please take me
with you。 I might possibly be amused a little by the sight of all
the fools and scoundrels I should see there。 You know I haven't
been off this place since Easter。

IVANOFF。 'Exasperated' Oh; very well! Come along then! How
tiresome you all are!

SHABELSKI。 I may go? Oh; thank you! 'Takes him gaily by the arm
and leads him aside' May I wear your straw hat?

IVANOFF。 You may; only hurry; please。

SHABELSKI runs into the house。

IVANOFF。 How tired I am of you all! But no; what am I saying?
Annie; my manner to you is insufferable; and it never used to be。
Well; good…bye; Annie。 I shall be back by one。

ANNA。 Nicholas! My dear husband; stay at home to…night!

IVANOFF。 'Excitedly' Darling; sweetheart; my dear; unhappy one; I
implore you to let me leave home in the evenings。 I know it is
cruel and unjust to ask this; but let me do you this injustice。
It is such torture for me to stay。 As soon as the sun goes down
my soul is overwhelmed by the most horrible despair。 Don't ask me
why; I don't know; I swear I don't。 This dreadful melancholy
torments me here; it drives me to the Lebedieff's and there it
grows worse than ever。 I rush home; it still pursues me; and so I
am tortured all through the night。 It is breaking my heart。

ANNA。 Nicholas; won't you stay? We will talk together as we used
to。 We will have supper together and read afterward。 The old
grumbler and I have learned so many duets to play to you。 'She
kisses him。 Then; after a pause' I can't understand you any more。
This has been going on for a year now。 What has changed you so?

IVANOFF。 I don't know。

ANNA。 And why don't you want me to go driving with you in the

IVANOFF。 As you insist on knowing; I shall have to tell you。 It
is a little cruel; but you had best understand。 When this
melancholy fit is on me I begin to dislike you; Annie; and at
such times I must escape from you。 In short; I simply have to
leave this house。

ANNA。 Oh; you are sad; are you? I can understand that! Nicholas;
let me tell you something: won't you try to sing and laugh and
scold as you used to? Stay here; and we will drink some liqueur
together。 and laugh; and chase away this sadness of yours in no
time。 Shall I sing to you? Or shall we sit in your study in the
twilight as we used to; while you tell me about your sadness? I
can read such suffering in your eyes! Let me look into them and
weep; and our hearts will both be lighter。 'She laughs and cries
at once' Or is it really true that the flowers return with every
spring; but lost happiness never returns? Oh; is it? Well; go
then; go!

IVANOFF。 Pray for me; Annie! 'He goes; then stops and thinks for
a moment' No; I can't do it。 'IVANOFF goes out。'

ANNA。 Yes; go; go 'Sits down at the table。'

LVOFF。 'Walking up and down' Make this a rule; Madam: as soon as
the sun goes down you must go indoors and not come out again
until morning。 The damp evening air is bad for you。

ANNA。 Yes; sir!

LVOFF。 What do you mean by 〃Yes; sir〃? I am speaking seriously。

ANNA。 But I don't want to be serious。 'She coughs。'

LVOFF。 There now; you see; you are coughing already。

SHABELSKI comes out of the house in his hat and coat。

SHABELSKI。 Where is Nicholas? Is the carriage here yet? 'Goes
quickly to ANNA and kisses her hand' Good…night; my darling!
'Makes a face and speaks with a Jewish accent' I beg your bardon!
'He goes quickly out。'

LVOFF。 Idiot!

A pause; the sounds of a concertina are heard in the distance。

ANNA。 Oh; how lonely it is! The coachman and the cook are having
a little ball in there by themselves; and II am; as it were;
abandoned。 Why are you walking about; Doctor? Come and sit down

LVOFF。 I can't sit down。

'A pause。'

ANNA。 They are playing 〃The Sparrow〃 in the kitchen。 'She sings'

   〃Sparrow; Sparrow; where are you?
    On the mountain drinking dew。〃

'A pause' Are your father and mother living; Doctor?

LVOFF。 My mother is living; my father is dead。

ANNA。 Do you miss your mother very much?

LVOFF。 I am too busy to miss any one。

ANNA。 'Laughing' The flowers return with every spring; but lost
happiness never returns。 I wonder who taught me that? I think it
was Nicholas himself。 'Listens' The owl is hooting again。

LVOFF。 Well; let it hoot。

ANNA。 I have begun to think; Doctor; that fate has cheated me。
Other people who; perhaps; are no better than I am are happy and
have not had to pay for their happiness。 But I have paid for it
all; every moment of it; and such a price! Why should I have to
pay so terribly? Dear friend; you are all too considerate and
gentle with me to tell me the truth; but do you think I don't
know what is the matter with me? I know perfectly well。 However;
this isn't a pleasant subject 'With a Jewish accent' 〃I beg
your bardon!〃 Can you tell funny stories?

LVOFF。 No; I can't。

ANNA。 Nicholas can。 I am beginning to be surprised; too; at the
injustice of people。 Why do they return hatred for love; and
answer truth with lies? Can you tell me how much longer I shall
be hated by my mother and father? They live fifty miles away; and
yet I can feel their hatred day and night; even in my sleep。 And
how do you account for the sadness of Nicholas? He says that he
only dislikes me in the evening; when the fit is on him。 I
understand that; and can tolerate it; but what if he should come
to dislike me altogether? Of course that is impossible; and
yetno; no; I mustn't even imagine such a thing。 'Sings'

   〃Sparrow; Sparrow; where are you?〃

'She shudders' What fearful thoughts I have! You are not married;
Doctor; there are many things that you cannot understand。

LVOFF。 You say you are surprised; butbut it is you who surprise
me。 Tell me; explain to me how you; an honest and intelligent
woman; almost a
 saint; could allow yourself to be so basely deceived and dragged
into this den of bears? Why are you here? What have you in common
with such a cold and heartlessbut enough of your husband! What
have you in common with these wicked and vulgar surroundings?
With that eternal grumbler; the crazy and decrepit Count? With
that swindler; that prince of rascals; Misha; with his fool's
face? Tell me; I say; how did you get here?

ANNA。 'laughing' That is what he used to say; long ago; oh;
exactly! Only his eyes are larger than yours; and when he was
excited they used to shine like coalsgo on; go on!

LVOFF。 'Gets up and

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