london in 1731-及7准
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The Post Office is situated on the south side of Lombard Street察near Stocks Market。 It was the dwelling´house of Sir Robert Vyner察in the reign of King Charles II。 The principal entrance is out of Lombard Street察through a great gate and passage that leads into a handsome paved court察about which are the several offices for receiving and distributing letters察extremely well contrived。
Letters and packets are despatched from hence every Monday to France察Italy察Spain察Portugal察Flanders察Germany察Sweden察Denmark察Kent察and the Downs。
Every Tuesday to the United Netherlands察Germany察Sweden察Denmark察and to all parts of England察Scotland察and Ireland。
Every Wednesday to Kent only察and the Downs。
Every Thursday to France察Spain察Portugal察Italy察and all parts of England and Scotland。
Every Friday to the Austrian and United Netherlands察Germany察Sweden察Denmark察and to Kent and the Downs。
Every Saturday to all parts of England察Scotland察and Ireland。
The post goes also every day to those places where the Court resides察as also to the usual stations and rendezvous of His Majesty's fleet察as the Downs察Spithead察and to Tunbridge during the season for drinking waters察&c。
Letters and packets are received from all parts of England and Scotland察except Wales察every Monday察Wednesday察and Friday察from Wales every Monday and Friday察and from Kent and the Downs every day。
His Majesty keeps constantly察for the transport of the said letters and packets察in times of peace
Between England and France察three packet´boats察Spain察one in a fortnight察Portugal察one ditto察Flanders察two packet´boats察Holland察three packet´boats察Ireland察three packet´boats。
And at Deal察two packet´boats for the Downs。
Not to mention the extraordinary packet´boats察in time of war with France and Spain察to the Leeward Islands察&c。
A letter containing a whole sheet of paper is conveyed eighty miles for 3d。察and two sheets 6d。 and an ounce of letters but 1s。 And above eighty miles a single letter is 4d。察a double letter 8d。察and an ounce 1s。 4d。
9。 Billingsgate Ward is bounded by Langbourn Ward towards the north察by Tower Street Ward on the east察by the River Thames on the south察and by Bridge Ward Within on the west。 The principal streets and places in this ward are察Thames Street察Little East Cheap察Pudding Lane察Botolph Lane察Love Lane察St。 Mary Hill察and Rood Lane。
The wharves察or quays察as they lie on the Thames side from east to west察are察Smart's Quay察Billings gate察Little Somer's Quay察Great Somer's Quay察Botolph Wharf察Cox's Quay察and Fresh Wharf which last is the next quay to the bridge察of which Billingsgate is much the most resorted to。 It is a kind of square dock察or inlet察having quays on three sides of it察to which the vessels lie close while they are unloading。 By a statute of the 10th and 11th of William III。 it was enacted察 That Billingsgate should be a free market for fish every day in the week察except Sundays。; That a fishing´vessel should pay no other toll or duty than the Act prescribes察viz。察every salt´fish vessel察for groundage察8d。 per day察and 20d。 per voyage察a lobster boat 2d。 per day groundage察and 13d。 the voyage察every dogger boat察or smack with sea´fish察2d。 per day groundage察and 13d。 the voyage察every oyster vessel察2d。 per day groundage察and a halfpenny per bushel metage。 And that it should be lawful for any person who should buy fish in the said market to sell the same in any other market or place in London察or elsewhere察by retail。; And because the fishmongers used to buy up great part of the fish at Billingsgate察and then divide the same among themselves察in order to set an extravagant price upon them察it was enacted察 That no person should buy察or cause to be bought察in the said market of Billingsgate察any quantity of fish察to be divided by lot among the fishmongers察or other persons察with an intent to sell them afterwards by retail察and that no fishmonger should buy any more than for his own use察on pain of 20 pounds。; And by the 6th Annae it was enacted察 That no person should buy fish at Billingsgate to sell again in the same market察and that none but fishermen察their wives察or servants察should sell fish by retail at Billingsgate察and that none should buy or sell fish there before the ringing of the market bell。;
The public buildings in this ward are Butchers' Hall察and the churches of St。 Mary Hill察St。 Margaret Pattens察and St。 George察in Botolph Lane。
10。 Bridge Ward Within contains London Bridge察New Fish Street察Gracechurch Street as far as Fenchurch Street察Thames Street from Fish Street to the Old Swan察part of St。 Martin's Lane察part of St。 Michael's Lane察and part of Crooked Lane。
The public buildings in this ward are London Bridge察the Monument察Fishmongers' Hall察and the churches of St。 Magnus and St Bennet察Gracechurch Street。
The Monument stands on the west side of Fish Street Hill察a little to the northward of the bridge察and was erected by the legislative authority察in memory of the Fire察anno 1666察and was designed by Sir Christopher Wren。 It has a fluted column察202 feet high from the ground察the greatest diameter of the shaft 15 feet察and the plinth察or lowest part of the pedestal察28 feet square察and 40 feet high察the whole being of Portland stone察except the staircase within察which is of black marble察containing 345 steps察ten inches and a half broad察and six inches deep察and a balcony on the outside 32 feet from the top察on which is a gilded flame。 The front of the pedestal察towards the west察contains a representation of the Fire察and the resurrection of the present city out of the ruins of the former。
11。 Candlewick or Cannon Street Ward contains part of Great East Cheap察part of Candlewick察now called Cannon Street察part of Abchurch Lane察St。 Nicholas Lane察St。 Clement's Lane察St。 Michael's Lane察Crooked Lane察St。 Martin's Lane察St。 Lawrence Poultney Lane察with the courts and alleys that fall into them。
In Cannon Street is that remarkable stone called London Stone察which has remained fixed in the ground many hundred years察but for what end is uncertain察though supposed by some to be the place from whence the Romans began to compute the number of miles anciently to any part of the kingdom。
12。 Walbrook Ward contains the best part of Walbrook察part of Bucklersbury察the east end of Budge Row察the north end of Dowgate察part of Cannon Street察most of Swithin's Lane察most of Bearbinder Lane察part of Bush Lane察part of Suffolk Lane察part of Green Lattice Lane察and part of Abchurch Lane察with several courts and lanes that fall into them。
Stocks Market consists of a pretty large square察having Cornhill and Lombard Street on the north´east察the Poultry on the north´west察and Walbrook on the south´east。 Before the Fire it was a market chiefly for fish and flesh察and afterwards for fruit and garden stuff。
In this market Sir Robert Vyner察Bart。 and Alderman察erected a marble equestrian statue of King Charles II。察standing on a pedestal eighteen feet high察and trampling on his enemies。
The public buildings in this ward are Salters' Hall察the churches of St。 Swithin and St。 Stephen察Walbrook。
13。 Dowgate察or Dowgate Ward察so called from the principal street察which has a steep descent or fall into the Thames察contains part of Thames Street察part of St。 Lawrence´Poultney Hill察part of Duxford Lane察part of Suffolk Lane察part of Bush Lane察part of Dowgate Hill察Checquer Yard察Elbow Lane察and Cloak Lane察and the southward of Thames Street察Old Swan Lane察Cole Harbour察Allhallows Lane察Campion Lane察Friars Lane察Cozens Lane察Dowgate Dock察and the Steel Yard。
The public buildings in this ward are Tallow´chandlers' Hall察Skinners' Hall察Innholders' Hall察Plumbers' Hall察Joiners' Hall察Watermen's Hall察and the church of Allhallows the Great。
14。 Vintry Ward which was so called from the wine merchants who landed and sold their wines here contains part of Thames Street察New Queen Street察Garlick Hill察College Hill察and St。 Thomas Apostles。
The public buildings in this ward are Vintners' Hall察Cutlers' Hall察the churches of St。 Michael Royal and St。 James察Garlick Hill。
Vintners' Hall is situated on the south side of Thames Street察between Queen Street and Garlick Hill察being built on three sides of a quadrangle fronting the street。 The rooms are large察finely wainscoted and carved察particularly the magnificent screen at the east end of the great hall察which is adorned with two columns察their entablature and pediment察and on acroters are placed the figure of Bacchus between several Fames察with other embellishments察and they have a garden backwards towards the Thames。
15。 Cordwainers' Street Ward察so called from the cordwainers shoemakers察curriers察and other dealers in leather察that inhabited that part of the town anciently察includes Bow Lane察New Queen Street察Budge Row察Tower Royal Street察Little St。 Thomas Apostle's察Pancras Lane察a small part of Watling Street察a little part of Basing Lane察and St。 Sythe's Lane。
The public buildings in this ward are the church of St。 Anthony察St。 Mary Aldermary察and St。 Mary´le´Bow。
16。 Cheap Ward。 The principal streets and places in this ward are Cheapside察the Poultry察par