london in 1731-及26准
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察though for want of sufficient encouragement the quantity imported is very small。 It is said both bohea and green tea have been raised there察extraordinary good of the kind。 The olive´tree grows wild察and thrives very well察and might soon be improved so far as to supply us with large quantities of oil。 It is said the fly from whence the cochineal is made is found very common察and if care was taken very great quantities might be made。 The indigo plant grows exceedingly well。 The country has plenty of iron mines in it察and would produce excellent hemp and flax察if encouragement was given for raising it。
To Pennsylvania are exported broad´cloth察kerseys察druggets察serges察and manufactures of all kinds。
To New England are exported all sorts of woollen manufactures察linen察sail´cloth and cordage for rigging their ships察haberdashery察&c。 They carry lumber and provisions to the sugar plantations察and exchange provisions for logwood with the logwood´cutters at Campeachy。 They send pipe and barrel´staves and fish to Spain察Portugal察and the Straits。 They send pitch察tar察and turpentine to England察with some skins。
Having considered the trading companies察and other branches of foreign trade察I shall now inquire into the establishment of the Bank of England。
The governor and company of the Bank of England察&c。察are enjoined not to trade察or suffer any person in trust for them to trade察with any of the stock察moneys or effects察in the buying or selling of any merchandise or goods whatsoever察on pain of forfeiting the treble value。 Yet they may deal in bills of exchange察and in buying and selling of bullion察gold or silver察or in selling goods mortgaged to them察and not redeemed at the time agreed on察or within three months after察or such goods as should be the produce of lands purchased by the corporation。 All bills obligatory and of credit under the seal of the corporation made to any person察may by endorsement be assigned察and such assignment shall transfer the property to the moneys due upon the same察and the assignee may sue in his own name。
There is at present due to this Bank from the Government on the original fund at 6 pounds per cent。 1600000 pounds For cancelling of Exchequer bills察3 George I 1500000 Purchased of the South Sea Company 4000000 Annuities at 4 pounds per cent。 charged on the duty on coals since Lady Day察1719。 1750000 Ditto察charged on the surplus of the funds for the lottery of 1714 1250000 Total due to the Bank of England 10100000 pounds
Give me leave to observe here察that most of the foreign trade of this town is transacted by brokers察of which there are three sorts察viz。察1st察Exchange´brokers察2ndly察brokers for goods and
merchandise察and 3rdly察ship´brokers。
The exchange´brokers察who are versed in the course of exchange察furnish the merchant with money or bills察as he has occasion for either。
The broker of goods lets the merchant know where he may furnish himself with them察and the settled price察or if he wants to sell察where he may meet with a chapman for his effects。
The ship´broker finds ships for the merchant察when he wants to send his goods abroad察or goods for captains and masters of vessels to freight their ships with。
If it be demanded what share of foreign trade London hath with respect to the rest of the kingdom察it seems to have a fourth part of the whole察at least if we may judge by the produce of the customs察which are as three to twelve察or thereabouts。
As to the manufactures carried on in the City of London察here mechanics have acquired a great deal of reputation in the world察and in many things not without reason察for they excel in clock and cabinet´work察in making saddles察and all sorts of tools察and other things。 The door and gun locks察and fire´arms察are nowhere to be paralleled察the silk manufacture is equal to that of France察or any other country察and is prodigiously enlarged of late years。 Dyers also are very numerous in and about London察and are not exceeded by any foreigners in the beauty or durableness of their colours此 and those that print and stain cottons and linens have brought that art to great perfection。 Printers of books察also察may equal those abroad察but the best paper is imported from other countries。
The manufacture of glass here is equal to that of Venice察or any other country in Europe察whether we regard the coach or looking´ glasses察perspective察drinking´glasses察or any other kind of glass察whatever。 The making of pins and needles is another great manufacture in this town察as is that of wire´drawings of silver察gold察and other metals。 The goldsmiths and silversmiths excel in their way。 The pewterers and brasiers furnish all manner of vessels and implements for the kitchen察which are as neatly and substantially made and furnished here as in any country in Europe。 The trades of hat´making and shoe´making employ multitudes of mechanics察and the tailors are equally numerous。 The cabinet察screen察and chair´makers contribute also considerably to the adorning and furnishing the dwelling´house。 The common smiths察bricklayers察and carpenters are no inconsiderable branch of mechanics察as may well be imagined in a town of this magnitude察where so many churches察palaces察and private buildings are continually repairing察and so many more daily erecting upon new foundations。 And this brings me to mention the shipwrights察who are employed in the east part of the town察on both sides the river Thames察in building ships察lighters察boats察and other vessels察and the coopers察who make all the casks for domestic and foreign service。 The anchorsmiths察ropemakers察and others employed in the rigging and fitting out ships察are very numerous察and brewing and distilling may be introduced among the manufactures of this town察where so many thousand quarters of malt are annually converted into beer and spirits此 and as the various kinds of beer brewed here are not to be paralleled in the world察either for quantity or quality察so the distilling of spirits is brought to such perfection that the best of them are not easily to be distinguished from French brandy。
Having already mentioned ship´building among the mechanic trades察give me leave to observe farther察that in this England excels all other nations察the men´of´war are the most beautiful as well as formidable machines that ever floated on the ocean。
As to the number of foreigners in and about this great city察there cannot be given any certain account察only this you may depend upon察that there are more of the French nation than of any other此 such numbers of them coming over about the time of the Revolution and since to avoid the persecution of Louis XIV。察and so many more to get their bread察either in the way of trade察or in the service of persons of quality察and I find they have upwards of twenty churches in this town察to each of which察if we allow 1000 souls察then their number must be at least 20000。 Next to the French nation I account most of the Dutch and Germans察for there are but few Spaniards or Portuguese察and the latter are generally Jews察and except the raree´ show men察we see scarce any of the natives of Italy here察though the Venetian and some other Italian princes have their public chapels here for the exercise of the Romish religion。