london in 1731-及24准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
Towards autumn察when the town is thin察many of the citizens who deal in a wholesale way visit the distant parts of the kingdom to get in their debts察or procure orders for fresh parcels of goods察and much about the same time the lawyers are either employed in the several circuits察or retired to their country seats察so that the Court察the nobility and gentry察the lawyers察and many of the citizens being gone into the country察the town resumes another face。 The west end of it appears perfectly deserted察in other parts their trade falls off察but still in the streets about the Royal Exchange we seldom fail to meet with crowds of people察and an air of business in the hottest season。
I have heard it affirmed察however察that many citizens live beyond their income察which puts them upon tricking and prevaricating in their dealings察and is the principal occasion of those frequent bankruptcies seen in the papers察ordinary tradesmen drink as much wine察and eat as well察as gentlemen of estates察their cloth察their lace察their linen察are as fine察and they change it as often察and they frequently imitate the quality in their expensive pleasures。
As to the diversions of the inferior tradesmen and common people on Sundays and other holidays察they frequently get out of town察the neighbouring villas are full of them察and the public´houses there usually provide a dinner in expectation of their city guests察but if they do not visit them in a morning察they seldom fail of walking out in the fields in the afternoon察every walk察every public garden and path near the town are crowded with the common people察and no place more than the park察for which reason I presume the quality are seldom seen there on a Sunday察though the meanest of them are so well dressed at these times that nobody need be ashamed of their company on that account察for you will see every apprentice察every porter察and cobbler察in as good cloth and linen as their betters察and it must be a very poor woman that has not a suit of Mantua silk察or something equal to it察to appear abroad in on holidays。
And now察if we survey these several inhabitants in one body察it will be found that there are about a million of souls in the whole town察of whom there may be 150000 men and upwards capable of bearing arms察that is察between eighteen and sixty。
If it be demanded what proportion that part of the town properly called the City of London bears to the rest察I answer that察according to the last calculations察there are in the city 12000 houses察in the parishes without the walls察36320察in the parishes of Middlesex and Surrey察which make part of the town察46300察and in the city and liberties of Westminster察28330察in which are included the precincts of the Tower察Norton Folgate察the Rolls察Whitefriars察the Inns of Court and Chancery察the King's palaces察and all other extra´parochial places。
As to the number of inhabitants in each of these four grand divisions察if we multiply the number of houses in the City of London by eight and a half察there must be 102000 people there察according to this estimate。 By the same rule察there must be 308720 people in the seventeen parishes without the walls察393550 in the twenty´one out´parishes of Middlesex and Surrey察and 240805 in the city and liberties of Westminster察all which compose the sum´total of 1045075 people。
Let me now proceed to inquire into the state of the several great trading companies in London。 The first察in point of time察I find to be the Hamburg Company察originally styled ;Merchants of the Staple; that is察of the staple of wool察and afterwards Merchant Adventurers。 They were first incorporated in the reign of King Edward I。察anno 1296察and obtained leave of John察Duke of Brabant察to make Antwerp their staple or mart for the Low Countries察where the woollen manufactures then flourished more than in any country in Europe。 The business of this company at first seems to be chiefly察if not altogether察the vending of English wool unwrought。
Queen Elizabeth enlarged the trade of the Company of Adventurers察and empowered them to treat with the princes and states of Germany for a place which might be the staple or mart for the woollen manufactures they exported察which was at length fixed at Hamburg察from whence they obtained the name of the Hamburg Company。 They had another mart or staple also assigned them for the sale of their woollen cloths in the Low Countries察viz。察Dort察in Holland。
This company consists of a governor察deputy´governor察and fellowship察or court of assistants察elected annually in June察who have a power of making bye´laws for the regulation of their trade察but this trade in a manner lies open察every merchant trading thither on his own bottom察on paying an inconsiderable sum to the company察so that though the trade to Germany may be of consequence察yet the Hamburg Company察as a company察have very little advantage by their being incorporated。
The Hamburg or German Merchants export from England broad´cloth察druggets察long´ells察serges察and several sorts of stuffs察tobacco察sugar察ginger察East India goods察tin察lead察and several other commodities察the consumption of which is in Lower Germany。
England takes from them prodigious quantities of linen察linen´yarn察kid´skins察tin´plates察and a great many other commodities。
The next company established was that of the Russia Merchants察incorporated 1st and 2nd of Philip and Mary察who were empowered to trade to all lands察ports察and places in the dominions of the Emperor of Russia察and to all other lands not then discovered or frequented察lying on the north察north´east察or north´west。
The Russia Company察as a company察are not a very considerable body at present察the trade thither being carried on by private merchants察who are admitted into this trade on payment of five pounds for that privilege。
It consists of a governor察four consuls察and twenty´four assistants察annually chosen on the 1st of March。
The Russia Merchants export from England some coarse cloth察long´ ells察worsted stuffs察tin察lead察tobacco察and a few other commodities。
England takes from Russia hemp察flax察linen cloth察linen yarn察Russia leather察tallow察furs察iron察potashes察&c。察to an immense value。
The next company is the Eastland Company察formerly called Merchants of Elbing察a town in Polish Prussia察to the eastward of Dantzic察being the port they principally resorted to in the infancy of their trade。 They were incorporated 21 Elizabeth察and empowered to trade to all countries within the Sound察Norway察Sweden察Poland察Liefland察Prussia察and Pomerania察from the river Oder eastward察viz。察with Riga察Revel察Konigsberg察Elbing察Dantzic察Copenhagen察Elsinore察Finland察Gothland察Eastland察and Bornholm except Narva察which was then the only Russian port in the Baltic。 And by the said patent the Eastland Company and Hamburg Company were each of them authorised to trade separately to Mecklenburg察Gothland察Silesia察Moravia察Lubeck察Wismar察Restock察and the whole river Oder。
This company consists of a governor察deputy´governor察and twenty´ four assistants察elected annually in October察but either they have no power to exclude others from trading within their limits察or the fine for permission is so inconsiderable察that it can never hinder any merchants trading thither who is inclined to it察and察in fact察this trade察like the former察is carried on by private merchants察and the trade to Norway and Sweden is laid open by Act of Parliament。
To Norway and Denmark merchants send guineas察crown´pieces察bullion察a little tobacco察and a few coarse woollens。
They import from Norway察&c。察vast quantities of deal boards察timber察spars察and iron。
Sweden takes from England gold and silver察and but a small quantity of the manufactures and production of England。
England imports from Sweden near two´thirds of the iron wrought up or consumed in the kingdom察copper察boards察plank察&c。
The Turkey or Levant Company was first incorporated in the reign of Queen Elizabeth察and their privileges were confirmed and enlarged in the reign of King James I。察being empowered to trade to the Levant察or eastern part of the Mediterranean察particularly to Smyrna察Aleppo察Constantinople察Cyprus察Grand Cairo察Alexandria察&c。 It consists of a governor察deputy´governor察and eighteen assistants or directors察chosen annually察&c。 This trade is open also to every merchant paying a small consideration察and carried on accordingly by private men。
These merchants export to Turkey chiefly broadcloth察long´ells察tins察lead察and some iron察and the English merchants frequently buy up French and Lisbon sugars and transport thither察as well as bullion from Cadiz。
The commodities received from thence are chiefly raw silk察grogram yarn察dyeing stuffs of sundry kinds察drugs察soap察leather察cotton察and some fruit察oil察&c。
The East India Company were incorporated about the 42nd of Elizabeth察anno 1600察and empowered to trade to all countries to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope察exclusive of all others。
About the middle of King William's reign it was generally said their patent was illegal察and that the Crown could not restrain the English merchants from trading to any country they were disposed to deal with