london in 1731-及21准
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Besides the water brought from the Thames and the New River察there are a great many good springs察pumps察and conduits about the town察which afford excellent water for drinking。 There are also mineral waters on the side of Islington and Pancras。
This capital also is well supplied with firing察particularly coals from Newcastle察and pit´coals from Scotland察and other parts察but wood is excessively dear察and used by nobody for firing察unless bakers察and some few persons of quality in their chambers and drawing´rooms。
As for bread´corn察it is for the most part brought to London after it is converted into flour察and both bread and flour are extremely reasonable此 we here buy as much good white bread for three´ halfpence or twopence察as will serve an Englishman a whole day察and flour in proportion。 Good strong beer also may be had of the brewer察for about twopence a quart察and of the alehouses that retail it for threepence a quart。 Bear Quay察below bridge察is a great market for malt察wheat察and horse´corn察and Queenhithe察above the bridge察for malt察wheat察flour察and other grain。
The butchers here compute that there are about one thousand oxen sold in Smithfield Market one week with another the year round察besides many thousand sheep察hogs察calves察pigs察and lambs察in this and other parts of the town察and a great variety of venison察game
and poultry。 Fruit察roots察herbs察and other garden stuff are very cheap and good。
Fish also are plentiful察such as fresh cod察plaice察flounders察soles察whitings察smelts察sturgeon察oysters察lobsters察crabs察shrimps察mackerel察and herrings in the season察but it must be confessed that salmon察turbot察and some other sea´fish are dear察as well as fresh´water fish。
Wine is imported from foreign countries察and is dear。 The port wine which is usually drunk察and is the cheapest察is two shillings a quart察retailed in taverns察and not much less than eighteen or twenty pounds the hogshead察when purchased at the best hand察and as to French wines察the duties are so high upon them that they are double the price of the other at least。 White wine is about the same price as red port察and canary about a third dearer。
It is computed that there are in London some part of the year察when the nobility and gentry are in town察15000 or 16000 large horses for draught察used in coaches察carts察or drays察besides some thousands of saddle´horses察and yet is the town so well supplied with hay察straw察and corn察that there is seldom any want of them。 Hay generally is not more than forty shillings the load察and from twenty pence to two shillings the bushel is the usual price of oats。
The opportunity of passing from one part of the town to the other察by coach察chair察or boat察is a very great convenience察especially in the winter察or in very hot weather。 A servant calls a coach or a chair in any of the principal streets察which attends at a minute's warning察and carries one to any part of the town察within a mile and a half distance察for a shilling察but to a chair is paid one´third more察the coaches also will wait for eighteenpence the first hour察and a shilling every succeeding hour all day long察or you may hire a coach and a pair of horses all day察in or out of town察for ten shillings per day察there are coaches also that go to every village almost about town察within four or five miles察in which a passenger pays but one shilling察and in some but sixpence察for his passage with other company。
The pleasantest way of moving from one end of the town to the other in summer time is by water察on that spacious gentle stream the Thames察on which you travel two miles for sixpence察if you have two watermen察and for threepence if you have but one察and to any village up or down the river you go with company for a trifle。 But the greatest advantage reaped from this noble river is that it brings whatever this or other countries afford。 Down the river from Oxfordshire察Berkshire察Bucks察&c。察come corn and all manner of provision of English growth察as has been observed already察and up the river察everything that the coasts and the maritime counties of England察Scotland察or Ireland afford察this way also are received the treasures and merchandise of the East and West Indies察and indeed of the four quarters of the world。
Carts are hired as coaches察to remove goods and merchandise from one part of the town to the other察whose rates are also fixed察and are very reasonable察and for small burdens or parcels察and to send on messages察there are porters at every corner of the streets察those within the City of London and liberties thereof being licensed by authority察and wearing a badge or ticket察in whose hands goods of any value察and even bills of exchange or sums of money察may be safely trusted察they being obliged at their admission to give security。 There is also a post that goes from one part of the town to the other several times a day察and once a day to the neighbouring villages察with letters and small parcels察for the carriage of which is given no more than a penny the letter or parcel。 And I should have remembered that every coach察chair察and boat that plies for hire has its number upon it察and if the number be taken by any friend or servant察at the place you set out from察the proprietor of the vehicle will be obliged to make good any loss or damage that may happen to the person carried in it察through the default of the people that carry him察and to make him satisfaction for any abuse or ill´language he may receive from them。
The high streets from one end of the town to the other are kept clean by scavengers in the winter察and in summer the dust in some wide streets is laid by water´carts此 they are so wide and spacious察that several lines of coaches and carts may pass by each other without interruption。 Foot´passengers in the high streets go about their business with abundance of ease and pleasure察they walk upon a fine smooth pavement察defended by posts from the coaches and wheel´ carriages察and though they are jostled sometimes in the throng察yet as this seldom happens out of design察few are offended at it察the variety of beautiful objects察animate and inanimate察he meets with in the streets and shops察inspires the passenger with joy察and makes him slight the trifling inconvenience of being crowded now and then。 The lights also in the shops till eight or nine in the evening察especially in those of toymen and pastry´cooks察in the winter察make the night appear even brighter and more agreeable than the day itself。
From the lights I come very naturally to speak of the night´guards or watch。 Each watch consists of a constable and a certain number of watchmen察who have a guard´room or watch´house in some certain place察from whence watchmen are despatched every hour察to patrol in the streets and places in each constable's district察to see if all be safe from fire and thieves察and as they pass they give the hour of the night察and with their staves strike at the door of every house。
If they meet with any persons they suspect of ill designs察quarrelsome people察or lewd women in the streets察they are empowered to carry them before the constable at his watch´house察who confines them till morning察when they are brought before a justice of the peace察who commits them to prison or releases them察according as the circumstances of the case are。
Mobs and tumults were formerly very terrible in this great city察not only private men have been insulted and abused察and their houses demolished察but even the Court and Parliament have been influenced or awed by them。 But there is now seldom seen a multitude of people assembled察unless it be to attend some malefactor to his execution察or to pelt a villain in the pillory察the last of which being an outrage that the Government has ever seemed to wink at察and it is observed by some that the mob are pretty just upon these occasions察they seldom falling upon any but notorious rascals察such as are guilty of perjury察forgery察scandalous practices察or keeping of low houses察and these with rotten eggs察apples察and turnips察they frequently maul unmercifully察unless the offender has money enough to bribe the constables and officers to protect him。
The London inns察though they are as commodious for the most part as those we meet with in other places察yet few people choose to take up their quarters in them for any long time察for察if their business requires them to make any stay in London察they choose to leave their horses at the inn or some livery´stable察and take lodgings in a private house。 At livery stables they lodge no travellers察only take care of their horses察which fare better here than usually at inns察and at these places it is that gentlemen hire saddle´horses for a journey。 At the best of them are found very good horses and furniture此 they will let out a good horse for 4s。 a day察and an ordinary hackney for 2s。 6d。察and for 5s。 you may have a hunter for the city hounds have the liberty of hunting察in Enfield Chase and round the town察and go out constantly every week in the season察followed by a great many young gentlemen and tradesmen。 They have an opportunity also of hunting with the King's hounds at Richmond and Windsor此 and such exercises seem very necessary for people who ar