london in 1731-及15准
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he meets the twelve judges and invites them to dinner after divine service is ended。
The sheriffs are chosen into their office on Midsummer day annually by the liverymen also察to which end the Lord Mayor察aldermen察and sheriffs meet in the council´chamber at Guildhall察about eight in the morning察and coming down afterwards into the Court of Hustings察the recorder declares to the livery men assembled in the hall that this is the day prescribed for the election of these magistrates for the year ensuing此 then the Court of Aldermen go up to the Lord Mayor's Court till the sheriffs are chosen察the old sheriffs察the chamberlain察common serjeant察town clerk察and other City officers remaining in the Court of Hustings察to attend the election。 After the sheriffs are chosen察the commons proceed to elect a chamberlain察bridge´masters察auditors of the city and bridge´house accounts察and the surveyors of beer and ale察according to custom。 The old sheriffs are judges of these elections察and declare by the common serjeant who are duly chosen。 The sheriffs thus elected take the usual oaths in this court on Michaelmas eve察and the day after Michaelmas day are presented to the Barons of the Exchequer察where they take the oath of office察the oaths of allegiance察&c。 The chamberlains and bridge´masters are sworn in the court of aldermen。
Where a Lord Mayor elect refuses to serve察he is liable to be fined察and if a person chosen sheriff refuses to serve察he is fined 413 pounds 6s。 8d。察unless he makes oath he is not worth 10000 pounds。
When the alderman of any ward dies察another is within a few days elected in his room察at a wardmote held for that purpose察at which the Lord Mayor usually presides。 Every alderman has his deputy察who supplies his place in his absence。 These deputies are always taken from among the Common Council。 The aldermen above the chair察and the three eldest aldermen beneath it察are justices of peace in the City by the charter。
The Lord´Mayor's jurisdiction in some cases extends a great way beyond the City察upon the river Thames eastward as far as the conflux of the two rivers Thames and Medway察and up the river Lea as far as Temple Mills察being about three miles察and westward as far as Colney Ditch above Staine Bridge此 he names a deputy called the water´bailiff察whose business is to prevent any encroachments察nuisances察and frauds used by fishermen or others察destructive to the fishery察or hurtful to the navigation of the said waters察and yearly keeps courts for the conservation of the river in the counties it borders upon within the said limits。
The sheriffs also are sheriffs of the county of Middlesex as well as of London。 And here I shall take an opportunity to observe察that the number of aldermen are twenty´six察the number of Common´Council men two hundred and thirty´four察the number of companies eighty´ four察and the number of citizens on the livery察who have a voice in their elections察are computed to be between seven and eight thousand。 The twelve principal companies are此 1。 The Mercers察2。 Grocers察3。 Drapers察4。 Fishmongers察5。 Goldsmiths察6。 Skinners察7。 Merchant´Tailors察8。 Haberdashers察9。 Salters察10。 Ironmongers察11。 Vintners察12。 Clothworkers。 The others此 are 13。 The Dyers察14。 Brewers察15。 Leather´Sellers察16。 Pewterers察17。 Barber´Surgeons察18。 Cutlers察19。 Bakers察20。 Wax´Chandlers察21。 Tallow´Chandlers察22。 Armourers察23。 Girdlers察24。 Butchers察25。 Saddlers察26。 Carpenters察27。 Cord´wainers察28。 Painter´stainers察29。 Curriers察30。 Masons察31。 Plumbers察32。 Innholders察33。 Founders察34。 Poulterers察35。 Cooks察36。 Coopers察37。 Tilers and Bricklayers察38。 Bowyers察39。 Fletchers察40。 Blacksmiths察41。 Joiners察42。 Weavers察43。 Woolmen察44。 Scriveners察45。 Fruiterers察46。 Plasterers察47。 Stationers察48。 Embroiderers察49。 Upholders察50。 Musicians察51。 Turners察52。 *Basket´makers察53。 Glaziers察54。 *Horners察55。 Farriers察56。 *Paviours察57。 Lorimers察58。 Apothecaries察59。 Shipwrights察60。 *Spectacle´makers察61。 *Clock´makers察62。 *Glovers察63。 *Comb´makers察64。 *Felt´makers察65。 Frame´work Knitters察66。 *Silk throwers察67。 Carmen察68。 *Pin´makers察69。 Needle´makers察70。 Gardeners察71。 Soap´makers察72。 Tin´plate Workers察73。 Wheelwrights察74。 Distillers察75。 Hatband´makers察76。 Patten´makers察77。 Glasssellers察78。 Tobacco´pipe makers察79。 Coach and Coach´harness makers察80。 Gun´makers察81。 Gold and Silver Wire´Drawers察82。 Long Bow´string makers察83。 Card´makers察84。 Fan´makers。
The companies marked with an * before them have no liverymen察and all the freemen of the rest are not upon the livery察that is察entitled to wear the gowns belonging to the respective companies察and vote in elections察but a select number of freemen only。 Every company is a distinct corporation察being incorporated by grants from the crown察or acts of parliament察and having certain rules察liberties察and privileges察for the better support and government of their several trades and mysteries此 many of them are endowed with lands to a great value察and have their masters察wardens察assistants察clerks察and other officers察to direct and regulate their affairs察and to restrain and punish abuses incident to their several trades察and when any disputes arise concerning the due execution of these charters察the Lord Mayor has a supreme power to determine the case and to punish the offenders。
The military government of the City of London is lodged in the lieutenancy察consisting of the Lord Mayor察aldermen察and other principal citizens察who receive their authority from his majesty's commission察which he revokes and alters as often as he sees fit。 These have under their command six regiments of foot察viz。此 1察The White察2察the Orange察3察the Yellow察4察the Blue察5察the Green察and 6察the Red Regimentin every one of which are eight companies察consisting of one hundred and fifty men each察in all察seven thousand two hundred men此 besides which there is a kind of independent company察called the artillery company察consisting of seven or eight hundred volunteers察whose skill in military discipline is much admired by their fellow´citizens。 These exercise frequently in the artillery ground察engage in mock fights and sieges察and storm the dunghills with great address。
The Tower Hamlets察it has been observed already察are commanded by the lieutenant of the Tower察and consist of two regiments of foot察eight hundred each此 so that the whole militia of London察exclusive of Westminster and Southwark察amount to near ten thousand men。
London察like other cities of the kingdom察is察or ought to be察governed by its bishop in spirituals察though his authority is very little regarded at present。 The justices of peace at their sessions may empower any man to preach and administer the sacraments察let his occupation or qualifications be never so mean察nor do they ever refuse it to a person who is able to raise the small sum of pence being less a great deal than is paid for licensing a common alehouse。 A clergyman indeed cannot be entitled to a benefice without being察in some measure察subject to his diocesan察but he may throw off his gown察and assemble a congregation that shall be much more beneficial to him察and propagate what doctrines he sees fit as is evident in the case of orator Henley此 but to proceed。
The diocese of London is in the province of Canterbury察and comprehends the counties of Middlesex and Essex察and part of Hertfordshire察the British plantations in America are also subject to this bishop。 To the cathedral of St。 Paul belongs a dean察three residentiaries察a treasurer察chancellor察precentor察and thirty prebendaries。 The Bishop of London takes place next to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York察but his revenues are not equal to those of Durham or Winchester。 The deanery of St。 Paul's is said to be worth a thousand pounds per annum察and each of the residentiaries about three hundred pounds per annum。
The parishes within the walls of London are ninety´seven察but several of them having been united since the Fire察there are at present but sixty´two parish churches察and consequently the same number of parish priests此 the revenues of these gentlemen are seldom less than 100 pounds per annum察and none more than 200 pounds per annum。 They appear to be most of them about 150 pounds per annum察besides their several parsonage houses and surplice fees察and most of them have lectureships in town察or livings in the country察or some other spiritual preferment of equal value。
The city of Westminster察the western part of the town察comes next under consideration which received its name from the abbey or minster situated to the westward of London。 This city察if we comprehend the district or liberties belonging to it察lies along the banks of the Thames in the form of a bow or crescent察extending from Temple Bar in the east to Millbank in the south´west察the inside of this bow being about a mile and a half in length察and the outside two miles and a half at least察the breadth察one place with another察from the Thames to the fields on the north´west side of the town察about a mile察and I am apt to think a square of two miles in length and one in breadth would contain all the buildings within the liberty of Westminster。 That part of the town