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the vanished messenger-第6节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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ar as they could see on either side。  The road before them stretched
like a ribbon for the next three miles。  Here and there it
disappeared and reappeared again。  In many places it was lapped by
little waves。  Everywhere the hedges were either altogether or half
under water。  In the distance was one farmhouse; only the roof of
which was visible; and from which the inhabitants were clambering
into a boat。  And beyond; with scarcely a break save for the rising
of one strangely…shaped hill; was the sea。  Gerald pointed with his

〃 There's St。 David's Hall;〃 he said; 〃on the other side of the
hill。  The road seems all right。〃

〃Does it!〃 the chauffeur grunted。  〃It's under water more than half
the way; and Heaven knows how deep it is at the sides!  I'm not
going to risk my life along there。  I am going to take the car back
to Holt。〃

His hand was already upon the reverse lever; but Gerald gripped it。

〃Look here;〃 he protested; 〃we haven't come all this way to turn back。
You don't look like a coward。〃

〃I am not a coward; sir;〃 was the quiet answer。  〃Neither am I a
fool。  I don't see any use in risking our lives and my master's
motor…car; because you want to get home。〃

〃Naturally;〃 Gerald answered calmly; 〃but remember this。  I am
responsible for your car … not you。  Mr。 Fentolin is my uncle。〃

The chauffeur nodded shortly。

〃You're Mr。 Gerald Fentolin; aren't you; sir?〃 he remarked。  〃I
thought I recognised you。〃

〃I am;〃 Gerald admitted。  〃We've had a rough journey; but it doesn't
seem sense to turn back now; does it; with the house in sight?〃

〃That's all very well; sir;〃 the chauffeur objected doubtfully; 〃but
I don't believe the road's even passable; and the floods seem to me
to be rising。〃

〃Try it;〃 the young man begged。  〃Look here; I don't want to bribe
you; or anything of that sort。  You know you're coming out of this
well。  It's a serious matter for me; and I shan't be likely to forget
it。  I want to take this gentleman to St。 David's Hall and not to
a hospital。  You've brought me here so far like a man。  Let's go
through with it。  If the worst comes to the worst; we can both swim;
I suppose; and we are not likely to get out of our depth。〃

The chauffeur moved his head backwards。

〃How about him?〃

〃He must take his chance;〃 Gerald replied。  〃He's all right where
he is。  The car won't upset and there are plenty of people who'll
see if we get into trouble。  Come; let's make a dash for it。〃

The chauffeur thrust in his clutch and settled himself down。  They
glided off along that winding stretch of road。  To its very edge;
on either side of them; so close that they could almost touch it;
came the water; water which stretched as far as they could see;
swaying; waveless; sinister…looking。  Even Gerald; after his first
impulse of wonder; kept his eyes averted and fixed upon the road
ahead。  Soon they reached a place where the water met in front。
There were only the rows of white palings on either side to guide
them。  The chauffeur muttered to himself as he changed to his first

〃If the engine gets stopped;〃 he said; 〃I don't know how we shall
get out of this。〃

They emerged on the other side。  For some time they had a clear run。
Then suddenly the driver clapped on his brakes。

〃My God!〃 he cried。  〃We can't get through that!〃

In front of them for more than a hundred yards the water seemed
suddenly to have flowed across the road。  Still a mile distant;
perched on a ridge of that strangely…placed hill; was their

〃It can't be done; sir!〃 the man groaned。  〃There isn't a car ever
built could get through that。  See; it's nearly up to the top of
those posts。  I must put her in the reverse and get back; even if
we have to wait on the higher part of the road for a boat。〃

He glanced behind; and a second cry broke from his lips。  Gerald
stood up in his place。  Already the road which had been clear a
few minutes before was hidden。  The water was washing almost over
the tops of the white posts behind them。  Little waves were breaking
against the summit of the raised bank。

〃We're cut off!〃 the chauffeur exclaimed。  〃'What a fool I was to
try this!  There's the tide coming in as well!〃

Gerald sat down in his place。

〃Look here;〃 he said; 〃we can't go back; whether we want to or not。
It's much worse behind there than it is in front。  There's only one
chance。  Go for it straight ahead in your first speed。  It may not
stop the engine。  In any case; it will be worse presently。  There's
no use funking it。  If the worst happens; we can sit in the car。
The water won't be above our heads and there are some boats about。
Blow your horn well first; in case there's any one within hearing;
and then go for it。〃

The chauffeur obeyed。  They hissed and spluttered into the water。
Soon all trace of the road was completely lost。  They steered only
by the tops of the white posts。

〃It's getting deeper;〃 the man declared。 〃It's within an inch or
two of the bonnet now。  Hold on。〃

A wave broke almost over them but the engine continued its beat。

〃If we stop now;〃 he gasped; 〃we're done!〃

The engine began to knock。

〃Stick at it;〃 Gerald cried; rising in his place a little。  〃Look;
there's only one post lower than the last one that we passed。  They
get higher all the time; ahead。  You can almost see the road in
front there。  Now; in with your gear again; and stick at it。〃

Another wave broke; this time completely over them。  They listened
with strained ears … the engine continued to beat。  They still moved
slowly。  Then there was a shock。  The wheel had struck something in
the road … a great stone or rock。  The chauffeur thrust the car out
of gear。  The engine still beat。  Gerald leaped from the car。  The
water was over his knees。  He crossed in front of the bonnet and
stooped down。

〃I've got it!〃 he exclaimed; tugging hard。  〃It's a stone。〃

He moved it; rolled it on one side; and pushed at the wheel of the
car as his companion put in the speed。  They started again。  He
jumped back his place。

〃We've done it; all right!〃 he cried。  〃Don't you see?  It's getting
lower all the time。〃

The chauffeur had lost his nerve。  His cheeks were pale; his teeth
were chattering。  The engine; however; was still beating。  Gradually
the pressure of the water grew less。  In front of them they caught
a glimpse of the road。  They drew up at the top of a little bridge
over one of the dikes。  Gerald uttered a brief exclamation of triumph。

〃We're safe!〃 he almost sobbed。  〃There's the road; straight ahead
and round to the right。  There's no more water anywhere near。〃

They had left the main part of the flood behind them。  There were
still great pools in the side of the road; and huge masses of
seaweed had been carried up and were lying in their track。  There
was no more water; however。  At every moment they drew nearer to
the strangely…shaped hill with its crown of trees。

〃The house is on the other side;〃 Gerald pointed out。  〃We can go
through the lodge gates at the back here。  The ascent isn't so

They turned sharply to the right; along another stretch of straight
road set with white posts; ending before a red brick lodge and a
closed gate。  They blew the horn and a gardener came out。  He gazed
at them in amazement。

〃It's all right;〃 Gerald cried。  〃Let us through quickly; Foulds。
We've a gentleman in behind who's ill。〃

The man swung open the gate with a respectful salute。  They made
their way up a winding drive of considerable length; and at last
they came to a broad; open space almost like a platform。  On their
left were the marshes; and beyond; the sea。  Along their right
stretched the long front of an Elizabethan mansion。  They drew up
in front of the hail door。  Their coming had been observed; and
servants were already waiting。  Gerald sprang to the ground。

〃There's a gentleman in behind who's ill;〃 he explained to the
butler。  〃He has met with an accident on the way。  Three or four
of you had better carry him up to a bedroom … any one that is ready。
And you; George;〃 he added; turning to a boy; 〃get into the car and
show this man the way round to the garage; and then take him to the
servants' hall。〃

Several of the servants hastened to do his bidding; and Gerald did
his best to answer the eager but respectful stream of questions。
And then; just as they were in the act of lifting the still
unconscious man on to the floor of the hall; came a queer sound … a
shrill; reverberating whistle。  They all looked up the stairs。

〃The master is awake;〃 Henderson; the butler; remarked; dropping
his voice a little。

Gerald nodded。

〃I will go to him at once;〃 he said。


Accustomed though he was to the sight which he was about to face;
Gerald shivered slightly as he opened the door of Mr。 Fentolin's
room。  A strange sort of fear seemed to have crept into his bearing
and expression; a fear of which there had been no traces whatever
during those terrible hours through which he had passed … not even
during that last reckless journey across the marshes。  He walked
with hesitating footsteps across the spacious and lofty room。  He
had the ai

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