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the vanished messenger-第48节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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that word; or before four o'clock strikes; you will find yourself
in a new chamber; among the corpses of those misguided fishermen;
mariners of ancient days; and a few others。  It's only a matter of
fifty yards out to the great sea pit below the Dagger Rocks … I've
spoken to you about it before; haven't I?  So surely as I speak to
you of it at this moment

Mr。 Fentolin's speech came to an abrupt termination。  A convulsive
movement of Meekins'; an expression of blank amazement on the part
of Doctor Sarson; had suddenly checked the words upon his lips。  He
turned his head quickly in the direction towards which they had been
gazing; towards which in fact; at that moment; Meekins; with a low
cry; had made a fruitless spring。  The ladder down which they had
descended was slowly disappearing。  Meekins; with a jump; missed
the last rung by only a few inches。  Some unseen hand was drawing
it up。  Already the last few feet were vanishing in mid…air。  Mr。
Fentolin sat quite quiet and still。  He looked through the trap…door
and saw Hamel。

〃Most ingenious and; I must confess; most successful; my young
friend!〃 he exclaimed pleasantly。  〃When you have made the ladder
quite secure; perhaps you will be so good as to discuss this little
matter with us?〃

There was no immediate reply。  The eyes of all four men were turned
now upon that empty space through which the ladder had finally
disappeared。  Mr。 Fentolin's fingers disappeared within the pocket
of his coat。  Something very bright was glistening in his hand when
he withdrew it。

〃Come and parley with us; Mr。 Hamel;〃 he begged。  〃You will not find
us unreasonable。〃

Hamel's voice came back in reply; but Hamel himself kept well away
from the opening。

〃The conditions;〃 he said; 〃are unpropitious。  A little time for
reflection will do you no harm。〃

The trap…doors were suddenly closed。  Mr。 Fentolin's face; as he
looked up; became diabolic。

〃We are trapped!〃 he muttered; 〃caught like rats in a hole!〃


A gleam of day was in the sky as Hamel; with Mrs。  Fentolin by his
side; passed along the path which led from the Tower to St。 David's
Hall。  Lights were still burning from its windows; the outline of
the building itself was faintly defined against the sky。  Behind
him; across the sea; was that one straight line of grey merging
into silver。   The rain had ceased and the wind had dropped。  On
either side of them stretched the brimming creeks。

〃Can we get into the house without waking any one?〃 he asked。

〃Quite easily;〃 she assured him。  〃The front door is never barred。〃

She walked by his side; swiftly and with surprising vigour。  In the
still; grey light; her face was more ghastly than ever; but there
was a new firmness about her mouth; a new decision in her tone。
They reached the Hall without further speech; and she led the way
to a small door on the eastern side; through which they entered
noiselessly and passed along a little passage out into the hall。
A couple of lights were still burning。  The place seemed full of

〃What are you going to do now?〃 she whispered。

〃I want to ring up London on the telephone;〃 he replied。  〃I know
that there is a detective either in the neighbourhood or on his
way here; but I shall tell my friend that he had better come down

She nodded。

〃I am going to release Esther;〃 she said。  〃She is locked in her
room。  The telephone is in the study。  I will come down there to

She passed silently up the broad staircase。  Hamel groped his way
across the hail into the library。  He turned on the small electric
reading…lamp and drew up a chair to the side of the telephone。  Even
as he lifted the receiver to his ear; he looked around him half
apprehensively。  It seemed as though every moment he would hear the
click of Mr。 Fentolin's chair。

He got the exchange at Norwich without difficulty; and a few minutes
later a sleepy reply came from the number he had rung up in London。
It was Kinsley's servant who answered。

〃I want to speak to Mr。 Kinsley at once upon most important
business;〃 Hamel announced。

〃Very sorry; sir;〃 the man replled。  〃Mr。 Kinsley left town last
night for the country。〃

〃Where has he gone?〃 Hamel demanded quickly。  〃You can tell me。
You know who I am; I am Mr。 Hamel。〃

〃Into Norfolk somewhere; sir。  He went with several other gentlemen。〃

〃Is that Bullen?〃 Hamel asked。

The man admitted the fact。

〃Can you tell me if any of the people with whom Mr。 Kinsley left
London were connected with the police?〃 he inquired。

The man hesitated。

〃I believe so; sir;〃 he admitted。  〃The gentlemen started in a
motor…car and were going to drive all night。〃

Hamel laid down the receiver。  At any rate; he would not be left
long with this responsibility upon him。  He walked out into the hall。
The house was still wrapped in deep silence。  Then; from somewhere
above him; coming down the stairs; he heard the rustle of a woman's
gown。  He looked up; and saw Miss Price; fully dressed; coming
slowly towards him。  She held up her finger and led the way back
into the library。  She was dressed as neatly as ever; but there
was a queer light in her eyes。

〃I have seen Mrs。 Seymour Fentolin;〃 she said。  〃She tells me that
you have left Mr。  Fentolin and the others in the subterranean room
of the Tower。〃

Hamel nodded。

〃They have Dunster down there;〃 he told her。  〃I followed them in;
it seemed the best thing to do。  I have a friend from London who is
on his way down here now with some detective officers; to enquire
into the matter of Dunster's disappearance。〃

〃Are you going to leave them where they are until these people
arrive?〃 she asked。

〃I think so;〃 he replied; after a moment's hesitation。  〃I don't
seem to have had time to consider even what to do。  The opportunity
came; and I embraced it。  There they are; and they won't dare to
do any further harm to Dunster now。  Mrs。 Fentolin was down in my
room; and I thought it best to bring her back first before I even
parleyed with them again。

〃 You must be careful;〃 she advised slowly。  The man Dunster has
been drugged; he has lost some of his will; he may have lost some
of his mental balance。  Mr。 Fentolin is clever。  He will find a
dozen ways to wriggle out of any charge that can be brought against
him。  You know what he has really done?〃

〃I can guess。〃

〃He has kept back a document signed by the twelve men in America
who control the whole of Wall Street; who control practically the
money markets of the world。  That document is a warning to Germany
that they will have no war against England。  Owing to Mr。 Fentolin;
it has not been delivered; and the Conference is sitting now。  War
may be declared at any moment。〃

〃But as a matter of common sense;〃 Hamel asked; 〃why does Mr。
Fentolin desire war?〃

〃You do not understand Mr。  Fentolin;〃 she told him quietly。  〃He
is not like other men。  There are some who live almost entirely for
the sake of making others happy; who find joy in seeing people
content and satisfied。  Mr。  Fentolin is the reverse of this。  He
has but one craving in life: to see pain in others。  To see a human
being suffer is to him a debauch of happiness。  A war which laid
this country waste would fill him with a delight which you could
never understand。  There are no normal human beings like this。  It
is a disease in the man; a disease which came upon him after his

〃Yet you have all been his slaves;〃 Hamel said curiously。

〃We have all been his slaves;〃 she admitted; 〃for different reasons。
Before his accident came; Mr。 Fentolin was my master and the only
man in the world for me。  After his accident; I think my feelings
for him; if anything; grew stronger。  I became his slave。  I sold
my conscience; my self…respect; everything in life worth having; to
bring a smile to his lips; to help him through a single moment of
his misery。  And just lately the reaction has come。  He has played
with me just as he would sit and pull the legs out of a spider to
watch its agony。  I have been one of his favourite amusements。  And
even now; if he came into this room I think that I should be
helpless。  I should probably fall at his feet and pray for

Hamel looked at her wonderingly。

〃I have come down to warn you;〃 she went on。  〃It is possible that
this is the beginning of the end; that his wonderful fortune will
desert him; that his star has gone down。  But remember that he has
the brains and courage of genius。  You think that you have him in
a trap。  Don't be surprised; when you go back; to find that he has
turned the tables upon you。〃

〃Impossible!〃 Hamel declared。  〃I looked all round the place。  There
isn't a window or opening anywhere。  The trap…door is in the middle
of the ceiling and it is fifteen feet from the floor。  It shuts
with a spring。〃

〃It may be as you say;〃 she observed。  〃It may be that he is safe。
Remember; though; if you go near him; that he is desperate。〃

〃Do you know where Miss Fentolin is?〃 he interrupted。

〃She is with her mother;〃 the woman replied; impatiently。  〃She is
coming down。  Tell me; what are you going to do with Mr。 Fentolin?

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