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the vanished messenger-第46节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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the presence of this unlooked…for emergency; he closed the outside
door and relit the lamp with firm fingers。  Then he turned to face
her; and his amazement at this strange visit became consternation。

She was still in her dinner…gown of black satin; but it was soaked
through with the rain and hung about her like a black shroud。  She
had lost one shoe; and there was a great hole in her silk stocking。
Her hair was all disarranged; one of its numerous switches was
hanging down over her ear。  The rouge upon her cheeks had run down
on to her neck。  She sat there; looking at him out of her hollow
eyes like some trapped animal。  She was shaking with fear。  It was
fear; not faintness; which kept her silent。

〃Tell me; please; what is the matter?〃 he insisted; speaking as
indifferently as he could。  〃Tell me at once what has happened?〃

She pointed to the door。

〃Lock it!〃 she implored。

He turned down the latch and drew the bolt。  The sound seemed to
give her a little courage。  Her fingers went to her throat for a

〃Give me some water。〃

He poured out some soda…water。  She drank only o sip and put it down
again。  He began to be alarmed。  She had the appearance of one who
has suddenly lost her senses。

〃Please tell me just what has happened?〃 he begged。  〃If I can help
in any way; you know I will。  But you must tell me。  Do you realise
that it is three o'clock?  I should have been in bed; only I went
to sleep over the fire here。〃

〃I know;〃 she answered。  〃It is just the wind that has taken away
my breath。  It was a hard struggle to get here。  Listen … you are
our friend; Mr。 Hamel … Esther's and mine?  Swear that you are our

〃Upon my honour; I am;〃 he assured her。  〃You should know that。〃

〃For eight years;〃 she went on; her voice clear enough now; although
it seemed charged with a curious metallic vibration; 〃for eight
years we've borne it; all three of us; slaves; bound hand and foot;
lashed with his tongue; driven along the path of his desires。  We
have seen evil things。  We have been on the point of rebellion; and
he's come a little nearer and he's pointed back。  He has taken me by
the hand; and I have walked by the side of his chair; loathing it;
loathing myself; out on to the terrace and down below; just where
it happened。  You know what happened there; Mr。 Hamel?〃

〃You mean where Mr。 Fentolin met with his accident。〃

〃It was no accident!〃 she cried; glancing for a moment around her。
〃It was no accident!  It was my husband who took him up and threw
him over the terrace; down below; my husband who tried to kill him;
Esther's father … Gerald's father!  Miles was in the Foreign Office
then; and he did something disgraceful。  He sold a secret to Austria。
He was always a great gambler; and he was in debt。  Seymour found
out about it。  He followed him down here。  They met upon the terrace。
I … I saw it!〃

He was silent for a moment。

〃No one has known the truth;〃 he murmured。

〃No one has ever known;〃 she assented; 〃and our broken lives have
been the price。  It was Miles himself who made the bargain。  We … we
can't go on; Mr。 Hamel。〃

〃I begin to understand;〃 Hamel said softly。  〃You suffer everything
from Miles Fentolin because he kept the secret。  Very well; that
belongs to the past。  Something has happened; something to…night;
which has brought you here。  Tell me about it?〃

Once more her voice began to shake。

〃We've seen … terrible things … horrible things;〃 she faltered。
〃We've held our peace。  Perhaps it's been nearly as bad before;
but we've closed our eyes; we haven't wanted to know。  Now … we
can't help it。  Mr。 Hamel; Esther isn't at Lord Saxthorpe's。
She never went there。  They didn't ask her。  And Dunster … the
man Dunster …〃

〃'Where is Esther?〃 Hamel interrupted suddenly。

〃Locked up away from you; locked up because she rebelled! 〃

〃And Dunster?〃

She shook her head。  Her eyes were filled with horror。

〃But he left the Hall … I saw him!〃

She shook her head。

〃It wasn't Dunster。  It was the man Miles makes use of … Ryan; the
librarian。  He was once an actor。〃

〃Where is Dunster; then?〃 Hamel asked quickly。  〃What has become
of him?〃

She opened her lips and closed them again; struggled to speak and
failed。  She sat there; breathing quickly; but silent。  The power
of speech had gone。


Hamel; for the next few minutes; forgot everything else in his
efforts to restore to consciousness his unexpected visitor。  He
rebuilt the fire; heated some water upon his spirit lamp; and forced
some hot drink between the lips of the woman who was now almost in
a state of collapse。  Then he wrapped her round in his own ulster
and drew her closer to the fire。  He tried during those few moments
to put away the memory of all that she had told him。  Gradually she
began to recover。  She opened her eyes and drew a little sigh。  She
made no effort at speech; however。  She simply lay and looked at
him like some wounded animal。  He came over to her side and chafed
one of her cold hands。

〃Come;〃 he said at last; 〃you begin to look more like yourself now。
You are quite safe in here; and; for Esther's sake as well as your
own; you know that I am your friend。〃

She nodded; and her fingers gently pressed his。

〃I am sure of it;〃 she murmured。

〃Now let us see where we are;〃 he continued。  〃Tell me exactly why
you risked so much by leaving St。 David's Hall to…night and coming
down here。  Isn't there any chance that he might find out?〃

〃I don't know;〃 she answered。  〃It was Lucy Price who sent me。  She
came to my room just as I was undressing。〃

〃Lucy Price;〃 he repeated。  〃The secretary?〃

〃Yes! She told me that she had meant to come to you herself。  She
sent me instead。  She thought it best。  This man Dunster is being
kept alive because there is something Miles wants him to tell him;
and he won't。  But to…night; if he is still alive; if he won't tell;
they mean to make away with him。  They are afraid。〃

〃Miss Price told you this?〃 Hamel asked gravely。

Mrs; Fentolin nodded。

〃Yes!  She said so。  She knows … she knows everything。  She has
been like the rest of us。  She; too; has suffered。  She; too; has
reached the breaking point。  She loved him before the accident。
She has been his slave ever since。  Listen!〃

She suddenly clutched his arm。  They were both silent。  There was
nothing to be heard but the wind。  She leaned a little closer to

〃Lucy Price sent me here to…night because she was afraid that it
was to…night they meant to take him from his hiding…place and kill
him。  The police have left off searching for Mr。 Dunster in Yarmouth
and at The Hague。  There is a detective in the neighbourhood and
another one on his way here。  They are afraid to keep him alive any

〃Where was Mr。 Fentolin when you left?〃 Hamel asked。

〃I asked Lucy Price that;〃 she replied。  〃When she came to my room;
there were no signs of his leaving。  She told me to come and tell
you everything。  Do you know where Mr。 Dunster is?〃

Hamel shook his head。

〃 Within a few yards of here;〃 she went on。  〃He is in the
boat…house; the place where Miles told you he kept a model of his
invention。  They brought him here the night before they put his
clothes on Ryan and sent him off disguised as Mr。 Dunster; in the
car to Yarmouth。〃

Hamel started up; but she clutched at his arm and pulled him back。
〃No;〃 she cried; 〃you can't break in!  There are double doors and
a wonderful lock。  The boat…house is yours; the building is yours。
In the morning you must demand the keys … if he does not come

〃And how are we to know;〃 Hamel asked; 〃if he comes to…night?〃

〃Go outside;〃 she whispered。  〃Look towards St。 David's Hall and
tell me how many lights you can see。〃

He drew back the bolt; unlatched the door; and stepped out into the
darkness。  The wind and the driving rain beat against his face。  A
cloud of spray enveloped and soaked him。  Like lamps hung in the
sky; the lights of St。 David's Hall shone out through the black
gulf。  He counted them carefully; then he stepped back。

〃There are seven;〃 he told her; closing the door with an effort。

She counted upon her fingers。

〃I must come and see;〃 she muttered。  〃I must be sure。  Help me。〃

He lifted her to her feet; and they staggered out together。

〃Look!〃 she went on; gripping his arm。  〃You see that row of lights?
If anything happens; if Mr。 Fentolin leaves the Hall to…night to
come down here; a light will appear on the left in the far corner。
We must watch for that light。  We must watch …〃

The words; whispered hoarsely into。  his ear; suddenly died away。
Even as they stood there; far away from the other lights; another
one shone suddenly out in the spot towards which she had pointed;
and continued to burn steadily。  He felt the woman who was clinging
to his arm become suddenly a dead weight。

〃She was right!〃 Mrs。  Pentolin moaned。  〃He is coming down to…night!
He is preparing to leave now; perhaps he has already started!  What
shall we do?  What shall we do?〃

Hamel was conscious of a gathering sense of excitement。  He; too;
looked at the signal which was flashing out its 

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