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the vanished messenger-第37节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Mother wasn't able to persuade you to stay?〃

He shook his head。

〃She was very kind;〃 he said; 〃but there are really grave reasons
why I feel that I must not accept Mr。 Fentolin's hospitality any
longer。  I had;〃 he went on; 〃a very interesting talk with your

She turned quickly towards him。  The slightest possible tinge of
additional colour was in her cheeks。  She was walking on the top
of a green bank; with the wind blowing her skirts around her。  The
turn of her head was a little diffident; almost shy。  Her eyes were
asking him questions。  At that moment she seemed to him; with her
slim body; her gently parted lips and soft; tremulous eyes; almost
like a child。  He drew a little nearer to her。

〃I told your mother;〃 he continued; 〃all that I have told you; and
more。  I told her; dear; that I cared for you; that I wanted you to
be my wife。〃

She was caught in a little gust of wind。  Both her hands went up to
her hat; her face was hidden。  She stepped down from the bank。

〃You shouldn't have done that;〃 she said quietly。

〃Why not?〃 he demanded。  〃It was the truth。〃

He stooped forward; intent upon looking into her face。  The mystic
softness was still in her eyes; but her general expression was
inscrutable。  It seemed to him that there was fear there。

〃What did mother say?〃 she whispered。

〃Nothing discouraging;〃 he replied。  〃I don't think she minded at
all。  I have decided; if you give me permission; to go and talk to
Mr。 Fentolin this evening。〃

She shook her head very emphatically。

〃Don't!  〃 she implored。  〃 Don't!  Don't give him another whip to
lash us with。  Keep silent。  Let me just have the memory for a few
days all to myself。〃

Her words came to him like numb things。  There was little expression
in them; and yet he felt that somehow they meant so much。

〃Esther dear;〃 he said; 〃I shall do just as you ask me。  At the
same time; please listen。  I think that you are all absurdly
frightened of Mr。 Fentolin。  Living here alone with him; you have
all grown under his dominance to an unreasonable extent。  Because
of his horrible infirmity; you have let yourselves become his
slaves。  There are limits to this sort of thing; Esther。  I come
here as a stranger; and I see nothing more in Mr。 Fentolin than
a very selfish; irritable; domineering; and capricious old man。
Humour him; by all means。  I am willing to do the same myself。
But when it comes to the great things in life; neither he nor any
living person is going to keep from me the woman I love。〃

She walked by his side in silence。  Her breath was coming a little
quicker; her fingers lay passive in his。  Then for a moment he felt
the grip of them almost burn into his flesh。  Still she said nothing。

〃I want your permission; dear;〃 he went on; 〃to go to him。  I
suppose he calls himself your guardian。  If he says no; you are of
age。  I just want you to believe that I am strong enough to put my
arms; around you and to carry you away to my own world and keep you
there; although an army of Mr。 Fentolin's creatures followed us。〃

She turned; and he saw the great transformation。  Her face was
brilliant; her eyes shone with wonderful things。

〃Please;〃 she begged; 〃will you say or do nothing at all for a
little time; until I tell you when?  I want just a few days peace。
You have said such beautiful things to me that I want them to lie
there in my thoughts; in my heart; undisturbed; for just a littl
time。  You see; we are at the village now。  I am going to call at
this third cottage。  While I am inside; you can go and make what
enquiries you like。  Come and knock at the door for me when you are

〃And we will walk back together?〃

〃We will walk back together;〃 she promised him。

〃I will take you home another way。  I will take you over what they
call the Common; and come down behind the Hall into the gardens。

She dismissed him with a little smile。  He strolled along the
village street and plunged into the mysterious recesses of the
one tiny shop。


Hamel met Kinsley shortly before one o'clock the following afternoon;
in the lounge of the Royal Hotel at Norwich。

〃You got my wire; then?〃 the latter asked; as he held out his hand。
〃I had it sent by special messenger from Wells。〃

〃It arrived directly after breakfast;〃 Hamel replied。  〃It wasn't
the easiest matter to get here; even then; for there are only about
two trains a day; and I didn't want to borrow a car from Mr。

〃Quite right;〃 Kinsley agreed。  〃I wanted you to come absolutely on
your own。  Let's get into the coffee…room and have some lunch now。
I want to catch the afternoon train hack to town。〃

〃Do you mean to say that you've come all the way down here to talk
to me for half an hour or so?〃 Hamel demanded; as they took their
places at a table。

〃All the way from town;〃 Kinsley assented; 〃and up to the eyes in
work we are; too。  Dick; what do you think of Miles Fentolin?〃

〃Hanged if I know!〃 Hamel answered; with a sigh。

〃Nothing definite to tell us; then?〃 Nothing!〃

〃What about Mr。 John P。 Dunster?〃

〃He left yesterday morning;〃 Hamel said。  〃I saw him go。  He looked
very shaky。  I understood that Mr。 Fentolin sent him to Yarmouth。〃

〃Did Mr。 Fentolin know that there was an enquiry on foot about this
man's disappearance?〃 Kinsley asked。

〃Certainly。  I heard Lord Saxthorpe tell him that the police had
received orders to scour the country for him; and that they were
coming to St。 David's Hall。〃

Kinsley; for a moment; was singularly and eloquently profane。

〃That's why Mr。 Fentolin let him go; then。  If Saxthorpe had only
held his tongue; or if those infernal police hadn't got chattering
with the magistrates; we might have made a coup。  As it is; the
game's up。  Mr。 Dunster left for Yarmouth; you say; yesterday

〃I saw him go myself。  He looked very shaky and ill; but he was
able to smoke a big cigar and walk down…stairs leaning on the
doctor's arm。〃

〃I don't doubt;〃 Kinsley remarked; 〃but that you saw what you say
you saw。  At the same time; you may be surprised to hear that Mr。
Dunster has disappeared again。〃

〃Disappeared again?〃 Hamel muttered。

〃It looks very much;〃 Kinsley continued; 〃as though your friend
Miles Fentolin has been playing with him like a cat with a mouse。
He has been obliged to turn him out of one hiding…place; and he has
simply transferred him to another。〃

Hamel looked doubtful。

〃Mr。 Dunster left quite alone in the car;〃 he said。  〃He was on his
guard too; for Mr。 Fentolin and he had had words。  1 really can't
see how it was possible for him to have got into any more trouble。〃

〃Where is he; then?〃 Kinsley demanded。  〃Come; I will let you a
little further into our confidence。  We have reason to believe that
he carries with him a written message which is practically the only
chance we have of avoiding disaster during the next few days。  That
written message is addressed to the delegates at The Hague; who are
now sitting。  Nothing had been heard of Dunster or the document he
carries。  No word has come from him of any sort since he left St。
David's Hall。〃

〃Have you tried to trace him from there?〃 Hamel asked。

〃Trace him?〃 Kinsley repeated。  〃By heavens; you don't seem to
understand; Dick; the immense; the extraordinary importance of this
man to us!  The cleverest detective in England spent yesterday
under your nose at St。 David's Hall。  There are a dozen others
working upon the job as hard as they can。  All the reports confirm
what you say … that Dunster left St。 David's Hall at half…past nine
yesterday morning; and he certainly arrived in Yarmouth at a little
before twelve。  From there he seems; however; to have completely
disappeared。  The car went back to St。 David's Hall empty; the man
only stayed long enough in Yarmouth; in fact; to have his dinner。
We cannot find a single smack owner who was approached in any way
for the hire of a boat。  Yarmouth has been ransacked in vain。  He
certainly has not arrived at The Hague or we should have heard news
at once。  As a last resource; I ran down here to see you on the
chance of your having picked up any information。〃

Hamel shook his head。

〃You seem to know a good deal more than I do; already;〃 he said。

〃What do you think of Mr。 Fentolin?  You have stayed in his house。
You have had an opportunity of studying him。〃

〃So far as my impressions go;〃 Hamel replied; 〃everything which you
have suggested might very well be true。  I think that either out of
sheer love of mischief; or from some subtler motive; he is capable
of anything。  Every one in the place; except one poor woman; seems
to look upon him as a sort of supernatural being。  He gives money
away to worthless people with both hands。  Yet I share your opinion
of him。  I believe that he is a creature without conscience or morals。
I have sat at his table and shivered when he has smiled。〃

〃Are you staying at St。  David's Hall now?〃

〃I left yesterday。〃

〃Where are you now; then?〃

〃I am at St。  David's Tower … the little place I told you of that
belonged to my father … but I don't know whether I shall be able to
stop there。  Mr。 Fentolin; for some 

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