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the vanished messenger-第23节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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emptiness。  From somewhere below him he could hear the wind in the

〃This way;〃 she directed。  〃Be careful。〃

They walked to the very edge of the palisading。  It was scarcely
more than a couple of feet high。  She pointed downwards。

〃Can you see? 〃 she whispered。

By degrees his eyes faintly penetrated the darkness。  It was as
though they were looking down a precipice。  The descent was perfectly
sheer for nearly a hundred feet。  At the bottom were the pine trees。

〃Come here again in the morning;〃 she whispered。  〃You will see then。
I brought you here to show you the place。  It was here that the
accident happened。〃

〃What accident?〃

〃Mr。 Fentolln's;〃 she continued。  〃It was here that he went over。
He was picked up with both his legs broken。  They never thought that
he would live。〃

Hamel shivered a little。  As his eyes grew accustomed to the
darkness; he saw more distinctly than ever the sheer fall; the tops
of the bending trees below。

〃What a horrible thing!  〃he exclaimed。

〃It was more horrible than you know;〃 she continued; dropping her
voice a little; almost whispering in his ear。  〃I do not know why
I tell you this … you; a stranger … but if I do not tell some one;
I think that the memory of it will drive me mad。  It was no accident
at all。  Mr。 Fentolin was thrown over!〃

〃By whom?〃 he asked。

She clung to his arm for a moment。

〃Ah; don't ask me!〃 she begged。  〃No one knows。  My uncle gave out;
as soon as he was conscious; that it was an accident。〃

〃That; at any rate; was fine of him;〃 Hamel dedared。

She shivered。

〃He was proud; at least; of our family name。  Whatever credit he
deserves for it; he must have。  It was owing to that accident that
we became his slaves: nothing but that … his absolute slaves; to
wait upon him; if he would; hand and foot。  You see; he has never
been able to marry。  His life was; of course; ruined。  So the burden
came to us。  We took it up; little thinking what was in store for us。
Five years ago we came here to live。  Gerald wanted to go into the
army; I wanted to travel with my mother。  Gerald has done all the
work secretly; but he has never been allowed to pass his examinations。
I have never left England except to spend two years at the strictest
boarding…school in Paris; to which I was taken and fetched away by
one of his creatures。  We live here; with the shadow of this thing
always with us。  We are his puppets。  If we hesitate to do his
bidding; he reminds us。  So far; we have been his creatures; body
and soul。  Whether it will go on; I cannot say … oh; I cannot say!
It is bad for us; but … there is mother; too。  He makes her life a
perfect hell!〃

A roar of wind came booming once more across the marshes; bending
the trees which grew so thickly beneath them and which ascended
precipitately to the back of the house。  The French windows behind
rattled。  She looked around nervously。

〃I am afraid of him all the time;〃 she murmured。  〃He seems to
overhear everything … he or his creatures。  Listen!〃

They were silent for several moments。  He whispered in her ear so
closely that through the darkness he could; see the fire in her

〃You are telling me half;〃 he said。  〃Tell me everything。  Who
threw your uncle over the parapet?

She stood by his side; motionless and trembling。

〃It was the passion of a moment;〃 she said at last; speaking
hoarsely。  〃I cannot tell you。  Listen!  Listen!〃

〃There is no one near;〃 Hamel assured her。  〃It is the wind which
shakes the windows。  I wish that you would tell me everything。  I
would like to be your friend。  Believe me; I have that desire;
really。  There are so many things which I do not understand。  That
it is dull here for you; of course; is natural; but there is
something more than that。  You seem always to fear something。  Your
uncle is a selfish man; naturally; although to look at him he seems
to have the disposition of an angel。  But beyond that; is there
anything of which you are afraid?  You seem all the time to live
in fear。〃

She suddenly clutched his hand。  There was nothing of affection in
her touch; and yet he felt a thrill of delight。

〃There are strange things which happen here;〃 she whispered; 〃things
which neither Gerald nor I understand。  Yet they terrify us。  I
think that very soon the end will come。  Neither of us can stand
it very much longer。  We have no friends。  Somehow or other; he
seems to manage to keep us always isolated。〃

〃I shall not go away from here;〃 Hamel said firmly; 〃at present。
Mind; I am not at all sure that; living this solitary life as you
do; you have not become a little over…nervous; that you have not
exaggerated the fear of some things。  To me your uncle seems
merely quixotic and egregiously selfish。  However that may be; I
am going to remain。〃  She clutched once; more at his arm; her
finger was upraised。  They listened together。  From somewhere
behind them came the clear; low wailing of a Violin。

〃It is Mr。 Fentolin;〃 she whispered。  〃Please come in; let us go
in at once。  He only plays when he is excited。  I am afraid!  Oh;
I am afraid that something is going to happen!〃

She was already round the corner and on her way to the main terrace。
He followed her closely。


〃Let us follow the example of all great golfers;〃 Hamel said。  〃Let
us for this morning; at any rate; imagine that your whole world is
encompassed within these eighteen holes。  We have been sent here in
a moment of good humour by your tyrant uncle。  The sun shines; and
the wind is from the west。  Why not?〃

〃That is all very well for you;〃 she retorted; smiling; 〃but I have
topped my drive。〃

〃Purely an incident;〃 he assured her。  〃The vicissitudes of the game
do not enter into the question。  I have driven a ball far above my
usual form; but I am not gloating over it。  I prefer to remember
only that I am going to spend the next two hours with you。〃

She played her shot; and they walked for a little way together。
She was suddenly silent。

〃Do you know;〃 she said finally; just a little gravely; 〃I am not
at all used to speeches of this sort。〃

〃Then you ought to be;〃 he declared。  〃Nothing but the lonely life
you have been living has kept you from hearing them continually。〃

She laughed a little at the impotence of her rebuff and paused for
a moment to make her next shot。  Hame1; standing a little on one
side; watched her appraisingly。  Her short; grey tweed skirt was
obviously the handiwork of an accomplished tailor。  Her grey
stockings and suede shoes were immaculate and showed a care for her
appearance which pleased him。  Her swing; too; revealed a grace;
the grace of long arms and a supple body; at which previously he
had only guessed。  The sunshine seemed to have brought out a copper
tinge from her abundant brown hair。

〃Do you know;〃 he remarked; 〃I think I am beginning to like your
uncle。  Great idea of his; sending us off here directly after

Her face darkened for a moment; and he realised his error。  The
same thought; indeed; had been in both their minds。  Mr。 Fentolin's
courteous suggestion had been offered to them almost in the shape
of a command。  It was scarcely possible to escape from the
reflection that he had desired to rid himself of their presence for
the morning。

〃Of course;〃 he went on; 〃I knew that these links were good … quite
famous; aren't they?〃

〃I have played on so few others;〃 she told him。  〃I learned my golf
here with King; the professional。〃

He took off his cap and handed it to his caddy。  He himself was
beginning already to look younger。  The long blue waves came
rippling up the creeks。  The salt wind; soft with sunshine; blew
in their faces。  The marshes on the landward side were mauve with
lavender blossom; In the distance; the red…tiled cottages nestled
deep among a background of green trees and rising fields。

〃This indeed is a land of peace;〃 he declared。  〃If I hadn't to
give you quite so many strokes; I should be really enjoying myself。〃

〃You don't play like a man who has been living abroad for a great
many years;〃 she remarked。  〃 Tell me about some of the places you
have visited?〃

〃Don't let us talk seriously;〃 he begged。  〃I'll tell you of them
but let it be later on。  This morning I feel that the spring air
is getting into my head。  I have an absurd desire to talk nonsense。〃

〃So far;〃 she admitted; 〃you haven't been altogether unsuccessful。〃

〃If you are alluding;〃 he replied; 〃to the personal remarks I was
emboldened to make on my way here; I can only say that they were
excused by their truthfulness。〃

〃I am not at all sure that you have known me long enough to tell
me what colours suit me;〃 she demurred。

〃Then what will you say;〃 he enquired; 〃if I admire the angle of
that quill in your hat?〃

〃Don't do it;〃 she laughed。  〃If you continue like this; I may have
to go home。〃

〃You have sent the car away;〃 he reminded her cheerfully。  〃You
would simply have to sit upon the balcony and reflect upon your
wasted morning。〃

〃I decline to talk upon the putting green;〃 she said。  〃It puts me
off。  If you will stand perfectly quiet and say nothing; I will
play t

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