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the vanished messenger-第16节

小说: the vanished messenger 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Squire Fentolin;〃 she answered; dropping her voice a little。  〃He's
a very kind…hearted gentleman; Squire Fentolin; but he don't like
strangers hanging around。〃

〃Well; I am not exactly a stranger; you see;〃 Hamel remarked。  〃My
father used to stay for months at a time in that little shanty there
and paint pictures。  It's a good many years ago。〃

〃I mind him;〃 the woman said slowly。  〃His name was Hamel。〃

〃I am his son;〃 Hamel announced。

She pointed to the Hall。  〃Does he know that you are here?〃

Hamel shook his head。  〃Not yet。  I have been abroad for so long。〃

She suddenly relapsed into her curious habit。  Her lips moved; but
no words came。  She had turned her head a little and was facing
the sea。

〃Tell me;〃 Hamel asked gently; 〃why do you come out here alone; so
far from the village?〃

She pointed with her finger to where the waves were breaking in a
thin line of white; about fifty yards from the beach。

〃It's the cemetery;。  that;〃 she said; 〃the village cemetery; you
know。  I have three buried there: George; the eldest; James; the
middle one; and David; the youngest。  Three of them … that's why
I come。 I can't put flowers on their graves; but I can sit and
watch and look through the sea; down among the rocks where their
bodies are; and wonder。〃

Hamel looked at her curiously。  Her voice had grown lower and lower。

〃It's what you land folks don't believe; perhaps;〃 she went on; 〃but
it's true。  It's only us who live near the sea who understand it。
I am not an ignorant body; either。  I was schoolmistress here before
I married David Cox。  They thought I'd done wrong to marry a
fisherman; but I bore him brave sons; and I lived the life a woman
craves for。  No; I am not ignorant。  I have fancies; perhaps … the
Lord be praised for them! … and I tell you it's true。  You look at
a spot in the sea and you see nothing … a gleam of blue; a fleck of
white foam; one day; a gleam of green with a black line; another;
and a grey little sob; the next; perhaps。  But you go on looking。
You look day by day and hour by hour; and the chasms of the sea will
open; and their voices will come to you。  Listen!〃

She clutched his arm。

〃Couldn't you hear that?〃 she half whispered。

〃'The light!'  It was David's voice!  'The light!'〃 Hamel was
speechless。  The woman's face was suddenly strangely transformed。
Her mood; however; swiftly changed。  She turned once more towards
the  hall。
〃You'll know him soon;〃 she went on; 〃the kindest man in these
parts; they say。  It's not much that he gives away; but he's a kind
heart。  You see that great post at the entrance to the river there?〃
she went on; pointing to it。  〃He had that set up and a lamp hung
from there。  Fentolin's light; they call it。  It was to save men's
lives。  It was burning; they say; the night I lost my lads。
Fentolin's light!〃

〃They were wrecked?〃 he asked her gently。

〃Wrecked;〃  she answered。  〃Bad steering it must have been。  James
would steer; and they say that he drank a bit。  Bad steering!  Yes;
you'll meet Squire Fentolin before long。  He's queer to look at … a
small body but a great; kind heart。  A miserable life; his; but it
will be made up to him。  It will be made up to him!〃

She turned away。  Her lips were moving all the time。  She walked
about a dozen steps; and then she returned。

〃You're Hamel's son; the painter;〃 she said。  〃You'll be welcome
down here。  He'll have you to stay at the Hall … a brave place。
Don't let him be too kind to you。  Sometimes kindness hurts。〃

She passed on; walking with a curious; shambling gait; and soon she
disappeared on her way to the village。  Hamel watched her for a
moment and then turned his head towards St。  David's Hall。  He felt
somehow that her abrupt departure was due to something which she
had seen in that direction。  He rose to his feet。  His instinct had
been a true one。


》From where Hamel stood a queer object came strangely into sight。
Below the terrace of St。 David's Hall … from a spot; in fact; at
the base of the solid wall … it seemed as though a gate had been
opened; and there came towards him what he at first took to be a
tricycle。  As it came nearer; it presented even a weirder
appearance。  Mr。 Fentolin; in a black cape and black skull cap;
sat a little forward in his electric carriage; with his hand upon
the guiding lever。  His head came scarcely above the back of the
little vehicle; his hands and body were motionless。  He seemed to
be progressing without the slightest effort; personal or mechanical;
as though he rode; in deed; in some ghostly vehicle。  From the same
place in the wall had issued; a moment or two later; a man upon a
bicycle; who was also coming towards him。  Hamel was scarcely
conscious of this secondary figure。  His eyes were fixed upon the
strange personage now rapidly approaching him。  There was something
which seemed scarcely human in that shrunken fragment of body; the
pale face with its waving white hair; the strange expression with
which he was being regarded。  The little vehicle came to a
standstill only a few feet away。  Mr。 Fentolin leaned forward。  His
features had lost their delicately benevolent aspect; his words
were minatory。

〃I am under the impression; sir;〃 he said; 〃 that I saw you with my
glasses from the window attempting to force an entrance into that

Hamel nodded。

〃I not only tried but I succeeded;〃 he remarked。  〃I got in through
the window。〃

Mr。 Fentolin's eyes glittered for a moment。  Hamel; who had resumed
his place upon the rock close at hand; had been mixed up during his
lifetime in many wild escapades。  Yet at that moment he had a sudden
feeling that there were dangers in life which as yet he had not

〃May I ask for your explanation or your excuse?〃 〃

〃You can call it an explanation or an excuse; whichever you like;〃
Hamel replied steadily; 〃but the fact is that this little building;
which some one else seems to have appropriated; is mine。  If I had
not been a good…natured person; I should be engaged; at the present
moment; in turning out its furniture on to the beach。〃

〃What is your name?〃 Mr。 Fentolin asked suddenly。

〃My name is Hamel … Richard Hamel。〃

For several moments there was silence。  Mr。 Fentolin was still
leaning forward in his strange little vehicle。  The colour seemed
to have left even his lips。  The hard glitter in his eyes had given
place to an expression almost like fear。  He looked at Richard
Hamel as though he were some strange sea…monster come up from
underneath the sands。

〃Richard Hamel;〃 he repeated。  〃Do you mean that you are the son of
Hamel; the R。A。; who used to be in these parts so often?  He was my
brother's friend。〃

〃I am his son。〃

〃But his son was killed in the San Francisco earthquake。  I saw his
name in all the lists。  It was copied into the local papers here。〃

Hamel knocked the ashes from his pipe。

〃I take a lot of killing;〃 he observed。  〃I was in that earthquake;
right enough; and in the hospital afterwards; but it was a man named
Hamel of Philadelphia who died。〃

Mr。 Fentolin sat quite motionless for several moments。  He seemed;
if possible; to have shrunken into something smaller still。  A few
yards behind; Meekins had alighted from his bicycle and was standing

〃So you are Richard Hamel;〃 Mr。 Fentolin said at last very softly。
〃Welcome back to England; Richard Hamel!  I knew your father
slightly; although we were never very friendly。〃

He stretched out his hand from underneath the coverlet of his little
vehicle … a hand with long; white fingers; slim and white and
shapely as a woman's。  A single ring with a dull green stone was on
his fourth finger。  Hamel shook bands with him as he would have
shaken hands with a woman。  Afterwards he rubbed his fingers slowly
together。  There was something about the touch which worried him。

〃You have been making use of this little shanty; haven't you?〃 he
asked bluntly。

Mr。 Fentolin nodded。  He was apparently begin ning to recover

〃You must remember;〃 he explained suavely; 〃that it was built by my
grandfather; and that we have had rights over the whole of the
foreshore here from time immemorial。  I know quite well that my
brother gave it to your father … or rather he sold it to him for a
nominal sum。  I must tell you that it was a most complicated
transaction。  He had the greatest difficulty in getting any lawyer
to draft the deed of sale。  There were so many ancient rights and
privileges which it was impossible to deal with。  Even now there
are grave doubts as to the validity of the transaction。  When nothing
was heard of you; and we all concluded that you were dead; I ventured
to take back what I honestly believed to be my own。  Owing;〃 he
continued slowly; 〃to my unfortunate affliction; I am obliged to
depend for interest in my life upon various hobbies。  This little
place; queerly enough; has become one of them。  I have furnished it;
in a way; installed the telephone to the house; connected it with
my electric plant; and I come down here when I want to be quite
alone; and paint。  I watch the sea … such a sea sometimes; such
storms; such colour!  

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