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essays and lectures-第29节

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houses you turn to contemplate the street itself; you have nothing

to look at but chimney…pot hats; men with sandwich boards;

vermilion letter…boxes; and do that even at the risk of being run

over by an emerald…green omnibus。

Is not art difficult; you will say to me; in such surroundings as

these?  Of course it is difficult; but then art was never easy; you

yourselves would not wish it to be easy; and; besides; nothing is

worth doing except what the world says is impossible。

Still; you do not care to be answered merely by a paradox。  What

are the relations of the artist to the external world; and what is

the result of the loss of beautiful surroundings to you; is one of

the most important questions of modern art; and there is no point

on which Mr。 Ruskin so insists as that the decadence of art has

come from the decadence of beautiful things; and that when the

artist cannot feed his eye on beauty; beauty goes from his work。

I remember in one of his lectures; after describing the sordid

aspect of a great English city; he draws for us a picture of what

were the artistic surroundings long ago。

Think; he says; in words of perfect and picturesque imagery; whose

beauty I can but feebly echo; think of what was the scene which

presented itself; in his afternoon walk; to a designer of the

Gothic school of Pisa … Nino Pisano or any of his men (22):

On each side of a bright river he saw rise a line of brighter

palaces; arched and pillared; and inlaid with deep red porphyry;

and with serpentine; along the quays before their gates were riding

troops of knights; noble in face and form; dazzling in crest and

shield; horse and man one labyrinth of quaint colour and gleaming

light … the purple; and silver; and scarlet fringes flowing over

the strong limbs and clashing mall; like sea…waves over rocks at

sunset。  Opening on each side from the river were gardens; courts;

and cloisters; long successions of white pillars among wreaths of

vine; leaping of fountains through buds of pomegranate and orange:

and still along the garden…paths; and under and through the crimson

of the pomegranate shadows; moving slowly; groups of the fairest

women that Italy ever saw … fairest; because purest and

thoughtfullest; trained in all high knowledge; as in all courteous

art … in dance; in song; in sweet wit; in lofty learning; in

loftier courage; in loftiest love … able alike to cheer; to

enchant; or save; the souls of men。  Above all this scenery of

perfect human life; rose dome and bell…tower; burning with white

alabaster and gold:  beyond dome and bell…tower the slopes of

mighty hills hoary with olive; far in the north; above a purple sea

of peaks of solemn Apennine; the clear; sharp…cloven Carrara

mountains sent up their steadfast flames of marble summit into

amber sky; the great sea itself; scorching with expanse of light;

stretching from their feet to the Gorgonian isles; and over all

these; ever present; near or far … seen through the leaves of vine;

or imaged with all its march of clouds in the Arno's stream; or set

with its depth of blue close against the golden hair and burning

cheek of lady and knight; … that untroubled and sacred sky; which

was to all men; in those days of innocent faith; indeed the

unquestioned abode of spirits; as the earth was of men; and which

opened straight through its gates of cloud and veils of dew into

the awfulness of the eternal world; … a heaven in which every cloud

that passed was literally the chariot of an angel; and every ray of

its Evening and Morning streamed from the throne of God。

What think you of that for a school of design?

And then look at the depressing; monotonous appearance of any

modern city; the sombre dress of men and women; the meaningless and

barren architecture; the colourless and dreadful surroundings。

Without a beautiful national life; not sculpture merely; but all

the arts will die。

Well; as regards the religious feeling of the close of the passage;

I do not think I need speak about that。  Religion springs from

religious feeling; art from artistic feeling:  you never get one

from the other; unless you have the right root you will not get the

right flower; and; if a man sees in a cloud the chariot of an

angel; he will probably paint it very unlike a cloud。

But; as regards the general idea of the early part of that lovely

bit of prose; is it really true that beautiful surroundings are

necessary for the artist?  I think not; I am sure not。  Indeed; to

me the most inartistic thing in this age of ours is not the

indifference of the public to beautiful things; but the

indifference of the artist to the things that are called ugly。

For; to the real artist; nothing is beautiful or ugly in itself at

all。  With the facts of the object he has nothing to do; but with

its appearance only; and appearance is a matter of light and shade;

of masses; of position; and of value。

Appearance is; in fact; a matter of effect merely; and it is with

the effects of nature that you have to deal; not with the real

condition of the object。  What you; as painters; have to paint is

not things as they are but things as they seem to be; not things as

they are but things as they are not。

No object is so ugly that; under certain conditions of light and

shade; or proximity to other things; it will not look beautiful; no

object is so beautiful that; under certain conditions; it will not

look ugly。  I believe that in every twenty…four hours what is

beautiful looks ugly; and what is ugly looks beautiful; once。

And; the commonplace character of so much of our English painting

seems to me due to the fact that so many of our young artists look

merely at what we may call 'ready…made beauty;' whereas you exist

as artists not to copy beauty but to create it in your art; to wait

and watch for it in nature。

What would you say of a dramatist who would take nobody but

virtuous people as characters in his play?  Would you not say he

was missing half of life?  Well; of the young artist who paints

nothing but beautiful things; I say he misses one half of the


Do not wait for life to be picturesque; but try and see life under

picturesque conditions。  These conditions you can create for

yourself in your studio; for they are merely conditions of light。

In nature; you must wait for them; watch for them; choose them;

and; if you wait and watch; come they will。

In Gower Street at night you may see a letter…box that is

picturesque:  on the Thames Embankment you may see picturesque

policemen。  Even Venice is not always beautiful; nor France。

To paint what you see is a good rule in art; but to see what is

worth painting is better。  See life under pictorial conditions。  It

is better to live in a city of changeable weather than in a city of

lovely surroundings。

Now; having seen what makes the artist; and what the artist makes;

who is the artist?  There is a man living amongst us who unites in

himself all the qualities of the noblest art; whose work is a joy

for all time; who is; himself; a master of all time。  That man is

Mr。 Whistler。

* * * * * * * *

But; you will say; modern dress; that is bad。  If you cannot paint

black cloth you could not have painted silken doublet。  Ugly dress

is better for art … facts of vision; not of the object。

What is a picture?  Primarily; a picture is a beautifully coloured

surface; merely; with no more spiritual message or meaning for you

than an exquisite fragment of Venetian glass or a blue tile from

the wall of Damascus。  It is; primarily; a purely decorative thing;

a delight to look at。

All archaeological pictures that make you say 'How curious!' all

sentimental pictures that make you say; 'How sad!' all historical

pictures that make you say 'How interesting!' all pictures that do

not immediately give you such artistic joy as to make you say 'How

beautiful!' are bad pictures。

* * * * * * * *

We never know what an artist is going to do。  Of course not。  The

artist is not a specialist。  All such divisions as animal painters;

landscape painters; painters of Scotch cattle in an English mist;

painters of English cattle in a Scotch mist; racehorse painters;

bull…terrier painters; all are shallow。  If a man is an artist he

can paint everything。

The object of art is to stir the most divine and remote of the

chords which make music in our soul; and colour is indeed; of

itself a mystical presence on things; and tone a kind of sentinel。

Am I pleading; then; for mere technique?  No。  As long as there are

any signs of technique at all; the picture is unfinished。  What is

finish?  A picture is finished when all traces of work; and of the

means employed to bring about the result; have disappeared。

In the case of handicraftsmen … the weaver; the potter; the smith …

on their work are the traces of their hand。  But it 

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