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into a rabbit。 This thought amused him; and he began to laugh。

〃You naughty boy; now come along; do;〃 said the Jampot; who
distrusted laughter in Jerry。

〃I'll ring the bells when I grow up;〃 he said; 〃and I'll ring them
in the middle of the night; so that everyone will have to go to
church when they don't want to。 I'll be able to do what I like when
I grow up。〃

〃No; you won't;〃 said Helen。 〃Father and Mother can't do what they

〃Yes they can;〃 said Jeremy。

〃No they can't;〃 answered Helen; 〃or they would。〃

〃So they do;〃 said Jeremy〃silly。〃

〃Silly yourself;〃 said Helen very calmly; because she knew very well
that she was not silly。

〃Now; children; stop it; do;〃 said the Jampot。

Jeremy's sense of newly received power reached its climax when they
walked round the Close and reached the back of the Cathedral。 I know
that now; both for Jeremy and me; that prospect has dwindled into
its proper grown… up proportions; but how can a man; be he come to
threescore and ten and more; ever forget the size; the splendour;
the stupendous extravagance of that early vision?

Jeremy saw that day the old fragment of castle wall; the green
expanse falling like a sheeted waterfall from the Cathedral heights;
the blue line of river flashing in the evening sun between the bare…
boughed trees; the long spaces of black shadow spreading slowly over
the colour; as though it were all being rolled up and laid away for
another day; the brown frosty path of the Rope Walk; the farther
bank climbing into fields and hedges; ending in the ridge of wood;
black against the golden sky。 And all so still! As the children
stood there they could catch nestlings' faint cries; stirrings of
dead leaves and twigs; as birds and beasts moved to their homes; the
cooing of the rooks about the black branches seemed to promise that
this world should be for ever tranquil; for ever cloistered and
removed; the sun; red and flaming above the dark wood; flung white
mists hither and thither to veil its departure。 The silence
deepened; the last light flamed on the river and died upon the hill。

〃Now; children; come along do;〃 said the Jampot who had been held in
spite of herself; and would pay for it; she knew; in rheumatism to…
morrow。 It was then that Jeremy's God…flung sense of power; born
from that moment early in the day when he had sat in the wicker
chair; reached its climax。 He stood there; his legs apart; looking
upon the darkening world and felt that he could do anything
anything。 。 。

At any rate; there was one thing that he could do; disobey the

〃I'm not coming;〃 he said; 〃till I choose。〃

〃You wicked boy!〃 she cried; her temper rising with the evening
chills; her desire for a cup of hot tea; and an aching longing for a
comfortable chair。 〃When everyone's been so good to you to…day and
the things you've been given and allwhy; it's a wicked shame。〃

The Jampot; who was a woman happily without imagination; saw a
naughty small boy spoiled and needing the slipper。

A rook; taking a last look at the world before retiring to rest;
watching from his leafless bough; saw a mortal spirit defying the
universe; and sympathised with it。

〃I shall tell your mother;〃 said the Jampot。 〃Now come; Master
Jeremy; be a good boy。〃

〃Oh; don't bother; Nurse;〃 he answered impatiently。 〃You're such a

She realised in that moment that he was suddenly beyond her power;
that he would never be within it again。 She had nursed him for eight
years; she had loved him in her own way; she; dull perhaps in the
ways of the world; but wise in the ways of nurses; ways that are
built up of surrender and surrender; gave him; then and there; to
the larger life。 。 。

〃You may behave as you like; Master Jeremy;〃 she said。 〃It won't be
for long that I'll have the dealing with you; praise be。 You'll be
going to school next September; and then we'll see what'll happen to
your wicked pride。〃

〃School!〃 he turned upon her; his eyes wide and staring。

〃School!〃 he stared at them all。

The world tumbled from him。 In his soul was a confusion of triumph
and dismay; of excitement and loneliness; of the sudden falling from
him of all old standards; old horizons; of pride and humility。 。 。
How little now was the Village to him。 He looked at them to see
whether they could understand。 They could not。

Very quietly he followed them home。 His birthday had achieved its
climax。 。 。




That winter of Jeremy's eighth birthday was famous for its snow。
Glebeshire has never yielded to the wishes of its children in the
matter of snowy Christmases; and Polchester has the reputation of
muggy warmth and foggy mists; but here was a year when traditions
were fulfilled in the most reckless manner; and all the 1892 babies
were treated to a present of snow on so fine a scale that certainly
for the rest of their days they will go about saying: 〃Ah; you
should see the winters we used to have when we were children。 。 。〃

The snow began on the very day after Jeremy's birthday; coming down
doubtfully; slowly; little grey flakes against a grey sky; then
sparkling white; then vanishing flashes of moisture on a wet;
unsympathetic soil。 That day the snow did not lie; and for a week it
did not come again; then with a whirl it seized the land; and for
two days and nights did not loosen its grip。 From the nursery
windows the children watched it; their noses making little rings on
the window…pane; their delighted eyes snatching fascinating glimpses
of figures tossed through the storm; cabs beating their way; the
rabbit…skin man; the milkman; the postman; brave adventurers all;
fighting; as it seemed; for their very lives。

For two days the children did not leave the house; and the natural
result of that was that on the second afternoon tempers were; like
so many dogs; straining; tugging; pulling at their chains。

It could not be denied that Jeremy had been tiresome to everyone
since the afternoon when he had heard the news of his going to
school next September。 It had seemed to him a tremendous event; the
Beginning of the End。 To the others; who lived in the immediate
present; it was a crisis so remote as scarcely to count at all。 Mary
would have liked to be sentimental about it; but from this she was
sternly prevented。 There was then nothing more to be said。 。 。

Jeremy was suddenly isolated from them all。 His destiny was
peculiar。 They were girls; he was a boy。 They understood neither his
fears nor his ambitions; he needed terribly a companion。 The snow;
shutting them in; laughed at their struggles against monotony。 The
nursery clock struck three and they realised that two whole hours
must pass before the next meal。 Mary; her nose red from pressing on
the window…pane; her eyes gazing through her huge spectacles
wistfully at Jeremy; longed to suggest that she should read aloud to
him。 She knew that he hated it; she pretended to herself that she
did not know。

Jeremy stared desperately at Helen who was sitting; dignified and
collected; in the wicker chair hemming a minute handkerchief。

〃We might play Pirates;〃 Jeremy said with a little cough; the better
to secure her attention。 There was no answer。

〃Or there's the hut in the woodif anyone likes it better;〃 he
added politely。 He did not know what was the matter。 Had the Jampot
not told him about school he would at this very moment be playing
most happily with his village。 It spread out there before him on the
nursery floor; the Noah family engaged upon tea in the orchard; the
butcher staring with fixed gaze from the door of his shop; three
cows and a sheep absorbed in the architecture of the church。

He sighed; then said again: 〃Perhaps Pirates would be better。〃

Still Helen did not reply。 He abandoned the attempted control of his

〃It's very rude;〃 he said; 〃not to answer when gentlemen speak to

〃I don't see any gentlemen;〃 answered Helen quietly; without raising
her eyes; which was; as she knew; a provoking habit。

〃Yes; you do;〃 almost screamed Jeremy。 〃I'm one。〃

〃You're not;〃 continued Helen; 〃you're only eight。 Gentlemen must be
over twenty like Father or Mr。 Jellybrand。〃

〃I hate Mr。 Jellybrand and I hate you;〃 replied Jeremy。

〃I don't care;〃 said Helen。

〃Yes; you do;〃 said Jeremy; then suddenly; as though even a good
quarrel were not worth while on this heavily burdened afternoon; he
said gently: 〃You might play Pirates; Helen。 You can be Sir Roger。〃

〃I've got this to finish。〃

〃It's a dirty old thing;〃 continued Jeremy; pursuing an argument;
〃and it'll be dirtier soon; and the Jampot says you do all the
stitches wrong。 I wish I was at school。〃

〃I wish you were;〃 said Helen。

There was a pause after this。 Jeremy went sadly back to his window…
seat。 Mary felt that her moment had arrived。 Sniffing; as was her
habit when she wanted something very badly; she said in a voice that
was little more than a whisper:

〃It would be fun; wouldn't it; perhaps if I read something; Jeremy?〃

Jeremy was a gentleman; although he was only eight。 He looked at her
and saw behind the spectacles eyes beseeching his permission。

〃Well; it wouldn

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