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小说: jeremy 字数: 每页4000字

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smiling mouth。 He saw black curling hair and a yachting cap; faded
this last and the white of it a dirty grey but set on jauntily at a
magnificent angle。 He saw a suit of dark navy blue; this again
faded; spotted too with many stains; ragged at the trouser…ends and
even torn in one place above the elbow; fitting also so closely to
the figure that it must have been at bursting point。 He saw round
the neck a dark navy handkerchief; and down the front of the coat
brass buttons that shook and trembled as their owner's chest heaved。

And what a chest! Jeremy had never conceived that any human being
could be so thick and so broad。 The back; spreading to the farthest
limits of the shiny seams of the coat; was like a wall。 The thighs
were pillows; the arms bolsters and yet not fat; mind you; simply
muscle; all of it。 One could see in a minute that it was all muscle;
the chest thrust forward; the legs spread wide; the bull…neck
bursting the handkerchief; everything that Jeremy himself most
wished to be。 A sailor; a monument of strength; with the scent of
his 〃shag〃 strong enough to smell a mile away; andyes; most
marvellous of all; gold rings in his ears! His chest would be
tatooed probably; and perhaps his legs also!

There; on the back of his hand; was a blue anchor。 。 。 。 Jeremy
looked up and trembled lest the vision should fade; then flung a
hurried look around him to see whether Miss Jones were near。 No one
was about。 He was alone with the desire of his life。

〃I'm so so sorry I haven't a match;〃 he said。 〃I'm not allowed to
have them; you know。〃

〃No; I suppose not;〃 said the vision。 〃Just my blamed luck。 There I
am with 'undreds of pounds lying around my room at 'ome careless as
you please; and then held up for a bloomin' match。 What's gold to a
man like me? But a match 。 。 。 there you are 。 。 。 that's life。〃

He looked at Jeremy with great interest; he took in; as Jeremy
realised; every detail of his personal appearance。

〃I like boys;〃 he said。 〃'Ad two myself'ealthy little nippers they
was。 Both dead…'ere to…day and gone to…morrer; as you might say。 Got
your nurse 'anging around anywhere?〃

〃Nurse?〃 said Jeremy indignantly。 〃I don't have a nurse。 I'm much
too old! There is a governess; but she's over there talking to Mary。
She's my sisterbut they won't bother yetnot till the Cathedral
bell begins。〃

〃No intention of 'urting your feelings; young fellow my lad。 Didn't
think you'd want a nurse of coursebig chap like you。 Thought you
might 'ave a baby brother or such。 No offenceI suppose you 'aven't
begun to smoke yet。 Can't offer you some tobacco。〃

Jeremy coloured。 The man was laughing at him。

〃I'm eight if you want to know;〃 he said; 〃and I'm going to school
in September。〃

〃School!〃 said the mariner; sniffing contemptuously。 〃I don't think
much of school if you ask me。 Now I never went to school; and I
can't see that I'm much the worse for not 'aving been there。
ContrariwiseI've seen many a fine promising lad spoiled by too
much schoolin'。 Be a man of the world; I say; that's the direction
you want to sail in。〃

〃Did you really never go to school?〃 asked Jeremy。

〃Not I!〃 relied the sailor。 〃Flung out at the age of six; I was;
turned into a boat sailing to the West Indies and left to shift for
myselfand 'ere I am to…day a Captain of as fine a craft as you're
ever likely to see; with gold in 'er lockers and peacocks in the
'oldall in a manner of speaking; you know。〃

Jeremy's eyes glittered; his face was flushed a brilliant red。
Hamlet had returned from his rabbit hunting and sat with his tongue
out and a wild adventurous eye glittering up at his master from
behind his hair; yet he was not noticed。

〃You were very lucky;〃 he said devoutly; then he went on hurriedly:
〃Would you mindyou see; Miss Jones may come at any momentwould
you mind〃 he choked。

〃Would I mind what?〃 asked the Captain。

〃Would you mind telling me? Are you tatooed on your body; snakes and
ships and things; like a gardener once we had? He had a sea…serpent
all down his back。 He showed me one day。〃

The Captain smiled proudly。

〃Tatooed! Talk of tatooing! I'll show yerand it isn't everybody
I'd do it for neither。 But I've taken a fancy to you; like my own
young nipper what died。〃

With an air of vast ceremony; as though he were throwing open the
door to all the universe; he slowly unwound from about his neck the
dark blue handkerchief; unbuttoned his coat; then a grimy shirt and
displayed a wall of deep brown chest。 This fine expanse had no hair
upon it; but was illuminated with a superb picture of a ship in full
sail against a setting sun; all worked in the most handsome of blue
tatoo。 Jeremy gasped。 He had never dreamed that such things could
be。 He ventured to touch the ship with his finger; and he could feel
the Captain's manly heart thumping like a muffled hammer beneath the

〃There's Queen Victoria on my right thigh and Nelson on my left; and
the battle of Trafalgar on the middle of my back。 P'raps I'll show
'em you one day。 It wouldn't be decent exactly 'eretoo public。 But
one day you come to my little place and I'll show 'em you。〃

〃Will you really?〃 said Jeremy。 〃Didn't it hurt terribly?〃

〃Hurt!〃 said the Captain。 〃I should just think it did。 I 'ad to put
cotton wool behind my teeth to prevent myself from screaming。 But
that's nothing。 What do you say to being tortured by the Caribbees
natives every day after breakfast for three 'ole months。 A tooth out
a day〃

〃But your teeth are all there;〃 said Jeremy。

〃False;〃 said the Captain。 〃Every one of 'em。 And the things they'll
do to your toenailsit 'ud make your 'air creep on your 'ead to
listen to the things I could tell you〃

〃Oh; it's awful!〃 said Jeremy。 〃And where is your ship now?〃

〃Ah; my ship!〃 the Captain replied; winking in the most mysterious
fashion; 〃it would be telling to say where that is。 I can trust you;
I know; I'm a great judge o' character; I am; but not even with my
own mother; gone to glory now twenty years and as holy a soul as
ever breathed; I wouldn't trust even 'er with the secret。〃

〃Why is it a secret?〃 asked Jeremy breathlessly。

〃Treasure;〃 said the Captain; dropping his voice。

〃Treasure; nothing less nor more。 Between you and me there's enough
gold on that there ship to satisfy the Prime Minister 'imself; to
say nothing of the jewelsrubies; pearls; diamonds。 My word; if
you could see them diamonds。 I'm looking about me now for an extra
man or two; and then I'm off againsilent come; silent go's my

〃I suppose you don't happen to want a cabin…boy?〃 gasped Jeremy; his
voice choked in his throat。

〃Well; now; that's a funny thing;〃 said the Captain。 〃It's one of
the very things。 But I'm afraid you're a bit young。 Yet I don't
know。 We might〃

He broke off; suddenly lifted his finger to his lip; whispered:

〃Keep your eyes open。 I'll be round again;〃 and had vanished。

Directly after Jeremy heard Miss Jones's unwelcome voice: 〃Why;
Jeremy; we couldn't find you anywhere。 It's turning coldtea…time …

With a thump and a thud and a bang he fell back into the homely


Jeremy was a perfectly normal little boy; and I defy anyone to have
discovered in him at this stage in his progress; those strange
morbidities and irregular instincts that were to be found in such
unhappy human beings as Dostoieffsky's young hero in 〃Podrostok;〃 or
the unpleasant son and heir of Jude and Sue。 Nevertheless; eight
years old is not too early for stranger impulses and wilder dreams
than most parents ever conceive of; and the fortnight that followed
Jeremy's meeting with the Sea…Captain was as peculiar and fantastic
a fortnight as he was ever; in all his later life; to know。

For he was hauntedreally haunted in the good old solid practical
meaning of the termhaunted with the haunting that pursued Sintram
and many another famous hero。 And he was haunted not only by the
Sea…Captain; but by a thousand things that attended in that hero's
company。 He was haunted by a picturewhence it had come to him he
did not knowof a dead…white high road; dropping over the hill into
shadow; the light fading around it; black; heavy hedges on every
side of it。 From below the hill came the pounding of the sea;
exactly as he had heard it so many many times on the hill above
Rafiel; and he knew; although his eyes could not catch it; that in
the valley round the head of the road was the fishing village with
the lights just coming in the windows; and beyond the village the
sloping shingly Cove。 But he could see only the dead… white road;
and upon this his eyes were always fixed as though he were expecting
someone。 And he could smell the sea…pinks and the grass damp with
evening dew; and the cold dust of the road; and the sea…smell in the
wind。 And he waited; knowing that the time would come when he would
be told to descend the hill; pass through the village; and step out;
under the heavy grey clouds; upon the little shingly beach。 He was
aware then that out at sea a dark; black ship was riding; slipping a
little with the tide; one light gleaming and swinging against the
pale glow of the dusky horizon。 The church clock st

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