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When Mr。 and Mrs。 Cole saw Jeremy standing in the hall; his great
coat still on and his muffler round his neck; there was a fine scene
of wonder and amazement。

Uncle Samuel explained。 〃It was my fault。 I told him you'd forgiven
him and sent for him to come; after all。 He's in an awful state now
that you shouldn't forgive him。〃

Whatever they thought of Uncle Samuel; this was obviously neither
the time nor the place to speak out。 Mrs。 Cole looked at her son。
His body defiant; sleepy; excited。 His mouth was obstinate; but his
eyes appealed to her on the scene of the common marvellous
experience that they had just enjoyed。

She hugged him。

〃And you won't tell a lie again; will you; Jeremy; dear?〃

〃Oh; no!〃 And then; hurrying on: 〃And when the old woman tumbled
down the steps; Mother; wasn't it lovely? And the fairies in Dick
Whittington's sleep; and when the furniture all fell all over the

He went slowly upstairs to the nursery; the happiest boy in the
kingdom。 But through all his happiness there was this puzzle: Uncle
Samuel had told a lie; and no one had thought that it mattered。
There were good lies and bad ones then。 Or was it that grown…up
people could tell lies and children mustn't? 。 。 。

He tumbled into the warm; lighted nursery half asleep。 There was
Hamlet watching in front of the Jampot's sewing machine。

He would have things to think about for years and years and
years。 。 。

There was the Jampot。

〃I'm sorry I called you a beastly woman;〃 he said。

She sniffed。

〃Well; I hope you'll be a good boy now;〃 she said。

〃Oh; I'll be good;〃 he smiled。 〃But; Nurse; are there some people
can tell lies and others mustn't?〃

〃All them that tell lies goes to Hell;〃 said the Jampot。 〃And now;
Master Jeremy; come along and take your things off。 It's past
eleven; and what you'll be like to…morrow〃




The coming of the new year meant the going of the Jampot; and the
going of the Jampot meant the breaking of a life…time's traditions。
The departure was depressing and unsettling; the weather wasas it
always is during January in Glebeshireat its worst; and the
Jampot; feeling it all very deeply; maintained a terrible Spartan
composure; which was meant to show indifference and a sense of
injustice。 She had to the very last believed it incredible that she
should really go。 She had been in the old Orange Street house for
eight years; and had intended to be there until she died。 She was
forced to admit that Master Jeremy was going beyond her; but in
September he would go to school; and then she could help with the
sewing and other things about the house。 The real truth of the
matter was that she had never been a very good servant; having too
much of the Glebeshire pride and independence and too little of the
Glebeshire fidelity。

Mrs。 Cole had been glad of the opportunity that Hamlet's arrival in
the family had given her。 The Jampot; only a week before the date of
her departure; came to her mistress and begged; with floods of
tears; to be allowed to continue in her service。 But Mrs。 Cole; with
all her placidity; was firm。 The Jampot had to go。

I would like to paint a pleasant picture of the sentiment of the
Cole children on this touching occasion; something; perhaps; in the
vein of tragi…comedy with which Mr。 Kenneth Graham embroiders a
similar occasion in his famous masterpiecebut in this case there
was very little sentiment and no tragedy at all。 They did not think
of the event beforehand; and then when it suddenly occurred there
was all the excitement of being looked after by Rose; the housemaid;
of having a longer time with their mother in the evening; and; best
of all; a delightful walk with Aunt Amy; whose virginal peace of
mind they attacked from every possible quarter。

The Jampot left in a high state of sulks; declaring to the kitchen
that no woman had ever been so unfairly treated; that her married
sister Sarah Francis; of Rafiel; with whom she was now to live;
should be told all about it; and that the citizens of Rafiel should
be compelled to sympathise。 The children were not unfeeling; but
they hated the Jampot's sulks; and while she waited in the nursery;
longing for a word or movement of affection; but wearing a face of
stony disapproval; they stood awkwardly beholding her; and aching
for her to go。 She was the more unapproachable in that she wore her
Sunday silks and a heavy black bonnet with shiny rattling globes of
some dark metal that nodded and becked and bowed like live things。
Hamlet; who had; of course; always hated the Jampot; barked at this
bonnet furiously; and would have bitten at it had it been within his
reach。 She had meant to leave them all with little sentences about
life and morals; but the noise of the dog; the indifference of the
children; and the general air of impatience for her departure
strangled her aphorisms。 Poor Jampot! She was departing to a married
sister who did not want her; and would often tell her so; her
prospects in life were not bright; and it is sad to think that no
inhabitant of the Orange Street house felt any sorrow at the sight
of the last gesticulating wave of her black bonnet as she stepped
into the old mouldy Polchester cab。

〃The King is deadlong live the King!〃 The Jampot as a power in the
Cole family has ceased to be。

The day following the Jampot's departure offered up the news that;
for the first time in the history of the Coles; there was to be a
governess。 The word 〃governess〃 had an awful sound; and the children
trembled with a mixture of delight and terror。 Jeremy pretended

〃It's only another woman;〃 he said。 〃She'll be like the Jampot
only; a lady; so she won't be able to punish us as the Jampot

I expect that Mr。 and Mrs。 Cole had great difficulty in finding
anyone who would do。 Thirty years ago governesses were an incapable
race; and belonged too closely either to the Becky Sharp or the
Amelia type to be very satisfactory。 It was then that the New Woman
was bursting upon the scene; but she was not to be found amongst the
governesses。 No one in Polchester had learnt yet to cycle in
rational costume; it was several years before the publication of
〃The Heavenly Twins;〃 and Mr。 Trollope's Lilys and Lucys were still
considered the ideal of England's maidenhood。 Mrs。 Cole; therefore;
had to choose between idiotic young women and crabbed old maids; and
she finally chose an old maid。 I don't think that Miss Jones was the
very best choice that she could have made; but time was short。
Jeremy; aided by Hamlet; was growing terribly independent; and Mr。
Cole had neither the humour nor the courage to deal with him。 No;
Miss Jones was not ideal; but the Dean had strongly recommended her。
It is true that the Dean had never seen her; but her brother; with
whom she had lived for many years; had once been the Dean's curate。
It was true that he had been a failure as a curate; but that made
the Dean the more anxious to be kind now to his memory; heMr。
Joneshaving just died of general bad…temper and selfishness。

Miss Jones; buried during the last twenty years in the green depths
of a Glebeshire valley; found herself now; at the age of fifty;
without friends; without money; without relations。 She thought that
she would be a governess。

The Dean recommended her; Mrs。 Cole approved of her birth; education
and sobriety; Mr。 Cole liked the severity of her countenance when
she came to call; and she was engaged。

〃Jeremy needs a tight hand;〃 said Mr。 Cole。 〃It's no use having a
young girl。〃

〃Miss Jones easily escapes that charge;〃 said Uncle Samuel; who had
met her in the hall。

The children were prepared to be good。 Jeremy felt that it was time
to take life seriously。 He put away his toy village; scolded Hamlet
for eating Mary's pincushion; and dragged out his dirty exercise…
book in which he did sums。

〃I do hate sums!〃 he said; with a sigh; regarding the hideous
smudges of thumbs and tears that scored the page。 〃I shall never
understand anything about them。〃

〃I'll help you;〃 said Mary; who was greatly excited at the thought
of a governess。 〃We'll do them together。〃

〃No we won't;〃 said Jeremy; who hated to be dependent。

〃I'll learn it myselfif only the paper didn't get dirty so

〃Mother says;〃 remarked Helen; 〃that she's had a very hard life; and
no one's ever been kind to her。 'She wants affection;' Mother says。〃

〃I'll give her my napkin…ring that you gave me last Christmas;
Mary;〃 said Jeremy。 〃You don't mind; do you? It's all dirty now。 I
hope Hamlet won't bark at her。〃

Hamlet was worrying Mary's pincushion at the moment; holding it
between his paws; his body stretched out in quivering excitement;
his short; 〃snappy〃 tail; as Uncle Samuel called it; standing up
straight in air。 He stopped for an instant when he heard his name;
and shook one ear。

〃Mother says;〃 continued Helen; 〃that she lived with a brother who
never gave her enough to eat。〃

Jeremy opened his eyes。 This seemed to him a horrible thing。

〃She shall have my porridge; if she likes;〃 he said; 〃I don't like
it very much。 And I'll give her that chocolate that Mr。 Je

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