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supper before The Day; the last bed before The Day。 。 。 Suddenly;
like a Jack…in…the…Box; The Day itself。

Then the awful thing happened。

Jeremy awoke to the consciousness that something terrific was about
to occur。 He lay for a minute thinkingthen he was up; running
about the nursery floor as though he were a young man in Mr。
Rossetti's poetry shouting: 〃Helen! Mary! Mary! Helen! 。 。 。 It's
Dick Whittington! Dick Whittington!〃

On such occasions he lost entirely his natural reserve and caution。
He dressed with immense speed; as though that would hasten the
coming of the evening。 He ran into the nursery; carrying the black
tie that went under his sailor…collar。

He held it out to the Jampot; who eyed him with disfavour。 She was
leaving them all in a week and was a strange confusion of sentiment
and bad temper; love and hatred; wounded pride and injured dignity。

〃Nurse。 Please。 Fasten it;〃 he said impatiently。

〃And that's not the way to speak; Master Jeremy; and well you know
it;〃 she said。 〃'Ave you cleaned your teeth?〃

〃Yes;〃 he answered without hesitation。 It was not until the word was
spoken that he realised that he had not。 He flushed。 The Jampot eyed
him with a sudden sharp suspicion。 He was then and ever afterwards a
very bad hand at a lie。 。 。

He would have taken the word back; he wanted to take it backbut
something held him as though a stronger than he had placed his hand
over his mouth。 His face flamed。

〃You've truly cleaned them?〃 she said。

〃Yes; truly;〃 he answered; his eyes on the ground。 Never was there a
more obvious liar in all the world。

She said no more; he moved to the fireplace。 His joy was gone。 There
was a cold clammy sensation about his heart。 Slowly; very slowly;
the consciousness stole upon him that he was a liar。 He had not
thought it a lie when he had first spoken; now he knew。

Still there was time。 Had he turned round and spoken; all might
still have been well。 But now obstinacy held him。 He was not going
to give the Jampot an opportunity for triumphing over him。 After
all; he would clean them so soon as she went to brush Helen's hair。
In a moment what he had said would be true。

But he was miserable。 Hamlet came up from the nether regions where
he had spent the night; showing his teeth; wagging his tail; and
even rolling on the cockatoos。 Jeremy paid no attention。 The weight
in his heart grew heavier and heavier。 He watched; from under his
eyelids; the Jampot。 In a moment she must go into Helen's room。 But
she did not。 She stayed for a little arranging the things on the
breakfast…tablethen suddenly; without a word; she turned into
Jeremy's bedchamber。 His heart began to hammer。 There was an awful
pause; he heard from miles away Mary's voice: 〃Do do that button;
Helen; I can't get it!〃 and Helen's 〃Oh; bother!〃

Then; like Judgment; the Jampot appeared again。 She stood in the
doorway; looking across at him。

〃You 'ave not cleaned your teeth; Master Jeremy;〃 she said。 〃The
glass isn't touched; nor your toothbrush。 。 。 You wicked; wicked
boy。 So it's a liar you've become; added on to all your other

〃I forgot;〃 he muttered sullenly。 〃I thought I had。〃

She smiled the smile of approaching triumph。

〃No; you did not;〃 she said。 〃You knew you'd told a lie。 It was in
your face。 All of a pieceall of a piece。〃

The way she said this; like a pirate counting over his captured
treasure; was enraging。 Jeremy could feel the wild fury at himself;
at her; at the stupid blunder of the whole business rising to his

〃If you think I'm going to let this pass you're making a mighty
mistake;〃 she continued; 〃which I wouldn't do not if you paid me all
the gold in the kingdom。 I mayn't be good enough to keep my place
and look after such as you; but anyways I'm able to stop your lying
for another week or two。 I know my duty even though there's them as
thinks I don't。〃

She positively snorted; and the excitement of her own vindication
and the just condemnation of Jeremy was such that her hands

〃I don't care what you do;〃 Jeremy shouted。 〃You can tell anyone you
like。 I don't care what you do。 You're a beastly woman。〃

She turned upon him; her face purple。 〃That's enough; Master
Jeremy;〃 she said; her voice low and trembling。 〃I'm not here to be
called names by such as you。 You'll be sorry for this before you're
much older。 。 。 。 You see。〃

There was then an awful and sickly pause。 Jeremy seemed to himself
to be sinking lower and lower into a damp clammy depth of
degradation。 What must this world be that it could change itself so
instantly from a place of gay and happy pleasure into a dim groping
room of punishment and dismay?

His feelings were utterly confused。 He supposed that he was terribly
wicked。 But he did not feel wicked。 He only felt miserable; sick and
defiant。 Mary and Helen came in; their eyes open to a crisis; their
bodies tuned sympathetically to the atmosphere of sin and crime that
they discerned around them。

Then Mr。 Cole came in as was his daily habitfor a moment before
his breakfast。

〃Well; here are you all;〃 he cried。 〃Ready for to…night? No
breakfast yet? Why; now 。 。 。 ?〃

Then perceiving; as all practised fathers instantly must; that the
atmosphere was sinful; he changed his voice to that of the
Children's Sunday Afternoon Servicea voice well known in his

〃Please; sir;〃 began the Jampot; 〃I'm sorry to 'ave to tell you;
sir; that Master Jeremy's not been at all good this morning。〃

〃Well; Jeremy;〃 he said; turning to his son; 〃what is it?〃

Jeremy's face; raised to his father's; was hard and set and sullen。

〃I've told a lie;〃 he said; 〃I said I'd cleaned my teeth when I
hadn't。 Nurse went and looked; and then I called her a beastly

The Jampot's face expressed a grieved and at the same time
triumphant confirmation of this。

〃You told a lie?〃 Mr。 Cole's voice was full of a lingering sorrow。

〃Yes;〃 said Jeremy。

〃Are you sorry?〃

〃I'm sorry that I told a lie; but I'm not sorry I called Nurse a
beastly woman。〃


〃No; I'm not。 She is a beastly woman。〃

Mr。 Cole was always at a loss when anyone defied him; even though it
were only a small boy of eight。 He took refuge now in his
ecclesiastical and parental authority。

〃I'm very distressedvery distressed indeed。 I hope that
punishment; Jeremy; will show you how wrong you have been。 I'm
afraid you cannot come with us to the Pantomime to…night。〃

At that judgement a quiver for an instant held Jeremy's face;
turning it; for that moment; into something shapeless and old。 His
heart had given a wild leap of terror and dismay。 But he showed no
further sign。 He simply stood there waiting。

Mr。 Cole was baffled; as he always was by Jeremy's moods; so he

〃And until you've apologised to Nurse for your rudeness you must
remain by yourself。 I shall forbid your sisters to speak to you。
Mary and Helen; you are not to speak to your brother until he has
apologised to Nurse。〃

〃Yes; Father;〃 said Helen

〃Oh; Father; mayn't he come to…night?〃 said Mary。

〃No; Mary; I'm afraid not。〃

A tear rolled down her cheek。 〃It won't be any fun without Jeremy;〃
she said。 She wished to make the further sacrifice of saying that
she would not go unless Jeremy did; but some natural caution
restrained her。

Mr。 Cole; his face heavy with sorrow; departed。 At the dumb misery
of Jeremy's face the Jampot's hearin reality a kind and even
sentimental heartrepented her。

〃There; Master Jeremy; you be a good boy all day; and I dare say
your father will take you; after all; and we won't think no more
about what you said to me in the 'eat of the moment。〃

But Jeremy answered nothing; nor did he respond to the smell of
bacon; nor the advances of Hamlet; nor the flood of sunlight that
poured into the room from the frosty world outside。

A complete catastrophe。 They none of them had wanted to see this
thing with the urgent excitement that he had felt。 They had not
dreamt of it for days and nights and nights and days; as he had
done。 Their whole future existence did not depend upon their
witnessing this; as did his。

During that morning he was a desperate creature; like something
caged and tortured。 Do happy middle…aged philosophers assure us that
children are light…hearted and unfeeling animals? Let them realise
something of the agony which Jeremy suffered that day。 His whole
world had gone。

He was wicked; an outcast; his word could never be trusted again; he
would be pointed at; as the boy who had told a lie 。 。 。 And he
would not meet Dick Whittington。

The eternity of his punishment hung around his neck like an iron
chain。 Childhood's tragedies are terrible tragedies; because a child
has no sense of time; a moment's dismay is eternal; a careless word
from an elder is a lasting judgment; an instant's folly is a
lifetime's mistake。

The day dragged its weary length along; and he scarcely moved from
his corner by the fire。 He did not attempt conversation with anyone。
Once or twice the Jampot tried to penetrate behind that little mask
of anger and dismay。

〃Come; now; things aren't so bad as all that。 You be a good boy; an

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