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the heir of redclyffe-第14节

小说: the heir of redclyffe 字数: 每页4000字

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Lexicon; digging down for roots of words; and quoting passages of 

obscure Greek poets at such a rate; that if my eyes had been shut I 

could have thought them two withered old students in spectacles and 

snuff…coloured coats。'

'Philip was in his element。' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; smiling。

'Really;' proceeded Guy; with animation; 'the more I hear and see of 

Philip; the more I wonder。  What a choice collection of books he has

so many of them school prizes; and how beautifully bound!'

'Ah! that is one of Philip's peculiar ways。  With all his prudence and 

his love of books; I believe he would not buy one unless he had a 

reasonable prospect of being able to dress it handsomely。  Did you see 

the print?'

'Yes that I did。  What glorious loveliness!  There is nothing that does 

it justice but the description in the lecture。  Oh I forgot; you have 

not heard it。  You must let me read it to you by and by。  Those two 

little angels; what faces they have。  Perfect innocenceone full of 

reasoning; the other of unreasoning adoration!'

'I see it!' suddenly exclaimed Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'I see what you are 

like in one of your looks; not by any means; in allit is to the 

larger of those two angels。'

'Very seldom; I should guess;' said Guy; and sinking his voice; as if 

he was communicating a most painful fact; he added; 'My real likeness 

is old Sir Hugh's portrait at home。  But what were we saying?  Oh! 

about Philip。  How nice those stories were of Mrs。 Deane's。'

'She is very fond of him。'

'To have won so much esteem and admiration; already from strangers; 

with no prejudice in his favour。It must be entirely his own doing; 

and well it may!  Every time one hears of him; something comes out to 

make him seem more admirable。  You are laughing at me; and I own it is 

presumptuous to praise; but I did not mean to praise; only to admire。'

'I like very much to hear my nephew praised; I was only smiling at your 

enthusiastic way。'

'I only wonder I am not more enthusiastic;' said Guy。  'I suppose it is 

his plain good sense that drives away that sort of feeling; for he is 

as near heroism in the way of self…sacrifice as a man can be in these 


'Poor Philip! if disappointment can make a hero; it has fallen to his 

share。  Ah! Guy; you are brightening and looking like one of my young 

ladies in hopes of a tale of true love crossed; but it was only love of 

a sister。'

'The sister for whom he gave up so much?'

'Yes; his sister Margaret。  She was eight or nine years older; very 

handsome; very clever; a good deal like hima pattern elder sister; 

indeed; she brought him up in great part after his mother died; and he 

was devoted to her。  I do believe it made the sacrifice of his 

prospects quite easy to him; to know it was for her sake; that she 

would live on at Stylehurst; and the change be softened to her。  Then 

came Fanny's illness; and that lead to the marriage with Dr。 Henley。  

It was just what no one could object to; he is a respectable man in 

full practice; with a large income; but he is much older than she is; 

not her equal in mind or cultivation; and though I hardly like to say 

so; not at all a religious man。  At any rate; Margaret Morville was one 

of the last people one could bear to see marry for the sake of an 


'Could her brother do nothing?'

'He expostulated with all his might; but at nineteen he could do little 

with a determined sister of twenty…seven; and the very truth and power 

of his remonstrance must have made it leave a sting。  Poor fellow; I 

believe he suffered terriblyjust as he had lost Fanny; too; which he 

felt very deeply; for she was a very sweet creature; and he was very 

fond of her。  It was like losing both sisters and home at once。'

'Has he not just been staying with Mrs。 Henley?'

'Yes。  There was never any coolness; as people call it。  He is the one 

thing she loves and is proud of。  They always correspond; and he often 

stays with her; but he owns to disliking the Doctor; and I don't think 

he has much comfort in Margaret herself; for he always comes back more 

grave and stern than he went。  Her house; with all her good wishes; can 

be no home to him; and so we try to make Hollywell supply the place of 

Stylehurst as well as we can。'

'How glad he must be to have you to comfort him!'

'Philip?  Oh no。  He was always reserved; open to no one but Margaret; 

not even to his father; and since her marriage he has shut himself up 

within himself more than ever。  It has; at least I think it is this 

that has given him a severity; an unwillingness to trust; which I 

believe is often the consequence of a great disappointment either in 

love or in friendship。'

'Thank you for telling me;' said Guy: 'I shall understand him better; 

and look up to him more。  Oh! it is a cruel thing to find that what one 

loves is; or has not been; all one thought。  What must he not have gone 


Mrs。 Edmonstone was well pleased to have given so much assistance to 

Guy's sincere desire to become attached to his cousin; one of the most 

favourable signs in the character that was winning so much upon her。


A cloud was o'er my childhood's dream;

      I sat in solitude;

I know not howI know not why;

But round my soul all drearily

      There was a silent shroud。

                         THOUGHTS IN PAST YEARS

Mrs。 Edmonstone was anxious to hear Mr。 Lascelle's opinion of his 

pupil; and in time she learnt that he thought Sir Guy had very good 

abilities; and a fair amount of general information; but that his 

classical knowledge was far from accurate; and mathematics had been 

greatly neglected。  He had been encouraged to think his work done when 

he had gathered the general meaning of a passage; or translated it into 

English verse; spirited and flowing; but often further from the 

original than he or his tutor could perceive。  He had never been taught 

to work; at least as other boys study; and great application would be 

requisite to bring his attainments to a level with those of far less 

clever boys educated at a public school。

Mr。 Lascelles told him so at first; but as there were no reflections on 

his grandfather; or on Mr。 Potts; Guy's lip did not suffer; and he only 

asked how many hours a day he ought to read。  'Three;' said Mr。 

Lascelles; with a due regard to a probable want of habits of 

application; but then; remembering how much was undone; he added; that 

'it ought to be four or more; if possible。'

'Four it _shall_ be;' said Guy; 'five if I can。'

His whole strength of will was set to accomplish these four hours; 

taking them before and after breakfast; working hard all the morning 

till the last hour before luncheon; when he came to read the lectures 

on poetry with Charles。  Here; for the first time; it appeared that 

Charles had so entirely ceased to consider him as company; as to 

domineer over him like his own family。

Used as Guy had been to an active out…of…doors life; and now turned 

back to authors he had read long ago; to fight his way through the 

construction of their language; not excusing himself one jot of the 

difficulty; nor turning aside from one mountain over which his own 

efforts could carry him; he found his work as tough and tedious as he 

could wish or fear; and by the end of the morning was thoroughly 

fagged。  Then would have been the refreshing time for recreation in 

that pleasant idling…place; the Hollywell drawing…room。  Any other time 

of day would have suited Charles as well for the reading; but he liked 

to take the hour at noon; and never perceived that this made all the 

difference to his friend of a toil or a pleasure。  Now and then Guy 

gave tremendous yawns; and once when Charles told him he was very 

stupid; proposed a different time; but as Charles objected; he yielded 

as submissively as the rest of the household were accustomed to do。

To watch Guy was one of Charles's chief amusements; and he rejoiced 

greatly in the prospect of hearing his history of his first dinner…

party。  Mr。; Mrs。 and Miss Edmonstone; and Sir Guy Morville; were 

invited to dine with Mr。 and Mrs。 Brownlow。  Mr。 Edmonstone was 

delighted as usual with any opportunity of seeing his neighbours; Guy 

looked as if he did not know whether he liked the notion or not; Laura 

told him it would be very absurd and stupid; but there would be some 

good music; and Charles ordered her to say no more; that he might have 

the account; the next morning; from a fresh and unprejudiced mind。  

The next morning's question was; of course; 'How did you like your 


'O; it was great fun。'  Guy's favourite answer was caught up in the 

midst; as Laura replied; 'It was just what parties always are。'

'Come; let us have the history。  Who handed who in to

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