samual brohl & company(赛穆王·布洛公司)-第30节
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morrow morning for Cormeilles。〃
This conclusion was by no means agreeable to M。 Moriaz; whose face
grew sensibly longer。
〃Of what are you afraid? You know that I have character; and you
ought to know; no matter what Mme。 de Lorcy says; that I am not wanting
in good sense。 When it is proved to me that I have deceived myself; I will
make the sign of the cross over my romance; it will be dead and buried;
and I promise you not to wear mourning for it。〃
〃So be it;〃 said he; 〃I believe in your good sense; I have faith in your
reason: we shall leave to…morrow for Cormeilles。〃
Four days later; Mme。 de Lorcy was walking in an alley in her park。
She was joined there by M。 Langis; to whom she said; in a good…
humoured tone: 〃Always grave and melancholy; my dear Camille! When
will you cease your drooping airs? I cannot understand you。 I do my best
to be agreeable to you; to settle matters satisfactorily。 Nothing seems to
cheer you。 You make me think of the hare in La Fontaine:
〃 'Cet animal est triste; et la Crainte le ronge。' 〃
〃Fear and hate; madame;〃 replied he。 〃I hate this man; he is
insupportable to me。 I will give up coming to Maisons if I always must
meet him here。 Has he paid you his adieux for the last time?〃
〃Not yet; a little patiencewe shall not count the minutes。 Besides;
what harm can this man do you? The lion has lost his clawswhat do I
say?he has carried his good…nature to the point of muzzling himself。 It is
not generous to pursue with hate a disarmed enemy。〃
〃Very well; madame; if he is not gone in three days; I return to my first
idea; it was the best。〃
〃You will cut his throat?〃
〃With all my heart。〃
〃For the love of art?〃
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〃I am not a very bloodthirsty individual; but I would take a singular
delight in slashing at the skin of this gloomy personage。〃
Mme。 de Lorcy shrugged her shoulders。 〃What makes you think him
gloomy; my dear? You are perfectly reasonable。 You ought to adore M。
Larinski; you are under the greatest obligations to him。 He has been the
first to succeed in touching the heart of our dear; hitherto insensible girl;
he has broken the charm。 She was the Sleeping Beauty; he has awakened
her; and; through the favour of Heaven; he cannot marry her。 I can see her
in Churwalden; a prey to the gloomiest ennui; weeping over her illusions;
furious at having been deceived。 Do you not divine all the advantage that
can be derived from a woman's anger?〃
〃You know that I love her; and yet I do not wish to owe anything to her
〃You are a child: be guided。 The moment is come for you to propose。
In a few days you will start for Churwalden; and you will say to this angry
woman; 'I have liedI love you。' In short; you will talk to her of your
amorous flame; and you may; freely; under these circumstances; exhaust
all your treasure…store of hyperbole。 She will listen to you; I can promise
you; and she will say to herself; 'I seek vengeance here it is。' 〃
〃I would like to believe you; madame;〃 he replied; 〃but are you very
certain that Mlle。 Moriaz is still at Churwalden?〃
And; pointing with his finger; he showed her at the end of the avenue a
figure coming towards them clad in a pretty nut…brown dress with a long
train sweeping the gravel。
〃Truly; I believe that it is she;〃 cried Mme。 de Lorcy。 〃M。 Moriaz is the
most unskilful person; but; after all; not much harm is done。〃
Mlle。 Moriaz had arrived the evening previous at Cormeilles。 After
resting somewhat from the fatigues of the journey; she had nothing more
urgent to do than to order the horses put to her coupe and to come and pay
her respects to her godmother; who could not fail to be touched by this
Mme。 de Lorcy ran to Antoinette and embraced her several times;
saying: 〃You are here at last! How charmed I am to see you again! You
made us wait long enough; I began to fear that you had taken root in the
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Grisons。 Is it indeed an enchanted land? I rather believe that your father is
a cruel egotist; that he shamefully sacrificed you to his own convenience
in prolonging his cure; but here you areI will pardon him。 Your poor;
your /proteges/; are clamorous for you。 Who do you think asked after you;
the other day? Mlle。 Galet; whom; according to your orders; I supplied
with her quarter's allowance。 How you spoil her! I found on her table a
bouquet fit for a duchess; she insisted that you had sent it to her from
where you were; and I had all the trouble in the world to make her
understand that double camellias are not gathered among the glaciers of
Roseg。 Strew with flowers; if you will; Mlle。 Galet's existence and garret;
but do not fling at her head a bushel of double camellias; streaked with
white; it is madness。 I seriously propose to have you put under restraint。
Never mind; I am very happy to see you again。 You are looking very well。…
…Don't you think; Camille; that she appears extremely well?〃
Mlle。 Moriaz coldly received Mme。 de Lorcy's embraces; but she
smiled graciously on M。 Langis; and pressed his hand affectionately。 Mme。
de Lorcy led them into her /salon/; where they talked on indifferent
subjects。 Antoinette was waiting for M。 Langis's departure to broach the
subject that she had at heart。 At the end of twenty minutes; he rose; but
immediately reseated himself。 A door had just opened; giving admittance
to Count Abel Larinski。
At the unexpected apparition of Samuel Brohl; the two women
changed colour; the one flushed from the effort that she made to
dissimulate her vexation; the other turned pale from emotion。 Samuel
Brohl crossed the /salon/ with deliberate step; without appearing to
recognise the person who was with Mme。 de Lorcy。 Suddenly he trembled;
as if he had been touched by a torpedo; and; profoundly agitated; almost
lost countenance。 Was he as much astonished as he seemed? For some
time the Sannois Hill had become his favourite promenade; and he never
went there without going as far as a certain spot whence he could see the
front of a certain house; the window…shutters of which had remained
during two months as though hermetically sealed。 It might be that the
evening before he had found them open。 Induction is a scientific process
with which Samuel Brohls are familiar。
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He had abundant will and self…control。 He was not long in recovering
himself; he raised his head like one who feels himself strong enough to
defy all dangers。 After greeting Mme。 de Lorcy; he drew near Antoinette;
and asked how she was; in a grave; almost ceremonious tone。
〃Your visit distresses me; my dear count;〃 said Mme。 de Lorcy to him;
〃I fear it is the last。 Have you come to bid us farewell?〃
〃Alas! yes; madame;〃 he replied。 〃The letter for which I have been
waiting has not yet arrived; but this delay will not alter my plans: in three
days I shall leave Paris。〃
〃Without a desire to return; without regret?〃 she asked。
〃I shall only regret Maisons; and the kind reception I have received
there。 Paris is too large; little people like myself feel their smallness more
here than elsewhere; it does not require an excess of pride for one to
dislike being reduced to the state of an atom。 Residing in Vienna suits me
better; I breathe freer there; it is a city better adapted to my size and taste。
Birds do wrong to change their nests。〃
Thereupon; he began to describe and warmly extol the Prater and its
fine walks; Schonbrunn; its botanical gardens and the Gloriette; the church
of St。 Stephen's; and the limpid waters of the Danube; sometimes
addressing himself to Antoinette; who listened without a word; and
sometimes to Mme。 de Lorcy; whose e