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christian science-第2节

小说: christian science 字数: 每页4000字

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following self…evident propositions:
1。  God is All in all。
2。  God is good。  Good is Mind
3。  God; Spirit; being all; nothing is matter
4。  Life; God; omnipotent Good; deny death; evil; sin; disease。

Therenow you see。〃

It seemed nebulous; it did not seem to say anything about the difficulty
in handhow non…existent matter can propagate illusions I said; with
some hesitancy:

〃Doesdoes it explain?〃

〃Doesn't it?  Even if read backward it will do it。〃

With a budding hope; I asked her to do it backwards。

〃Very well。  Disease sin evil death deny Good omnipotent God life matter
is nothing all being Spirit God Mind is Good good is God all in All is
God。  There do you understand now?

〃Ititwell; it is plainer than it was before; still 〃


〃Could you try it some more ways?〃

〃As many as you like; it always means the same。  Interchanged in any way
you please it cannot be made to mean anything different from what it
means when put in any other way。  Because it is perfect。  You can jumble
it all up; and it makes no difference: it always comes out the way it was
before。  It was a marvelous mind that produced it。  As a mental tour de
force it is without a mate; it defies alike the simple; the concrete; and
the occult。〃

〃It seems to be a corker。〃

I blushed for the word; but it was out before I could stop it。

〃A what?〃

〃Awonderful structurecombination; so to speak; of profound thoughts
unthinkable onesum〃

It is true。  Read backward; or forward; or perpendicularly; or at any
given angle; these four propositions will always be found to agree in
statement and proof。〃

〃Ahproof。  Now we are coming at it。  The statements agree; they agree
withwithanyway; they agree; I noticed that; but what is it they prove
I mean; in particular?〃

〃Why; nothing could be clearer。  They prove:

1。  GODPrinciple; Life;
Truth; Love; Soul; Spirit; Mind。  Do you get that?〃

〃Iwell; I seem to。  Go on; please。〃

〃2。  MANGod's universal idea; individual; perfect; eternal。  Is it

〃ItI think so。  Continue。〃

〃3。  IDEAAn image in Mind; the immediate object of understanding。
There it isthe whole sublime Arcana of Christian Science in a nutshell。
Do you find a weak place in it anywhere?〃

〃Wellno; it seems strong。〃

〃Very well There is more。  Those three constitute the Scientific
Definition of Immortal Mind。  Next; we have the Scientific Definition of
Mortal Mind。  Thus。  FIRST DEGREE: Depravity I。  Physical…Passions and
appetites; fear; depraved will; pride; envy; deceit; hatred; revenge;
sin; disease; death。〃

〃Phantasms; madamunrealities; as I understand it。〃

〃Every one。  SECOND DEGREE: Evil Disappearing。  I。  Moral…Honesty;
affection; compassion; hope; faith; meekness; temperance。  Is it clear?〃


〃THIRD DEGREE: Spiritual Salvation。  I。  Spiritual…Faith; wisdom; power;
purity; understanding; health; love。  You see how searchingly and co…
ordinately interdependent and anthropomorphous it all is。  In this Third
Degree; as we know by the revelations of Christian Science; mortal mind

〃Not earlier?〃

〃No; not until the teaching and preparation for the Third Degree are

〃It is not until then that one is enabled to take hold of Christian
Science effectively; and with the right sense of sympathy and kinship;
as I understand you。  That is to say; it could not succeed during the
processes of the Second Degree; because there would still be remains of
mind left; and thereforebut I interrupted you。  You were about to
further explain the good results proceeding from the erosions and
disintegrations effected by the Third Degree。  It is very interesting;
go on; please。〃

〃Yes; as I was saying; in this Third Degree mortal mind disappears。
Science so reverses the evidence before the corporeal human senses as to
make this scriptural testimony true in our hearts; 'the last shall be
first and the first shall be last;' that God and His idea may be to us
what divinity really is; and must of necessity be all…inclusive。〃

〃It is beautiful。  And with what exhaustive exactness your choice and
arrangement of words confirm and establish what you have claimed for the
powers and functions of the Third Degree。  The Second could probably
produce only temporary absence of mind; it is reserved to the Third to
make it permanent。  A sentence framed under the auspices of the Second
could have a kind of meaninga sort of deceptive semblance of it
whereas it is only under the magic of the Third that that defect would
disappear。  Also; without doubt; it is the Third Degree that contributes
another remarkable specialty to Christian Scienceviz。; ease and flow
and lavishness of words; and rhythm and swing and smoothness。  There must
be a special reason for this?〃

〃YesGod all; allGod; good God; non…Matter; Matteration; Spirit;
Bones; Truth。〃

〃That explains it。〃

〃There is nothing in Christian Science that is not explicable; for God is
one; Time is one; Individuality is one; and may be one of a series; one
of many; as an individual man; individual horse; whereas God is one; not
one of a series; but one alone and without an equal。〃

〃These are noble thoughts。  They make one burn to know more。  How does
Christian Science explain the spiritual relation of systematic duality to
incidental deflection?〃

〃Christian Science reverses the seeming relation of Soul and bodyas
astronomy reverses the human perception of the movement of the solar
systemand makes body tributary to the Mind。  As it is the earth which
is in motion; While the sun is at rest; though in viewing the sun rise
one finds it impossible to believe the sun not to be really rising; so
the body is but the humble servant of the restful Mind; though it seems
otherwise to finite sense; but we shall never understand this while we
admit that soul is in body; or mind in matter; and that man is included
in non…intelligence。  Soul is God; unchangeable and eternal; and man
coexists with and reflects Soul; for the All…in…all is the Altogether;
and the Altogether embraces the All…one; Soul…Mind; Mind…Soul; Love;
Spirit; Bones; Liver; one of a series; alone and without an equal。〃

〃What is the origin of Christian Science?  Is it a gift of God; or did it
just happen?〃

〃In a sense; it is a gift of God。  That is to say; its powers are from
Him; but the credit of the discovery of the powers and what they are for
is due to an American lady。〃

〃Indeed?  When did this occur?〃

〃In 1866。  That is the immortal date when pain and disease and death
disappeared from the earth to return no more forever。  That is; the
fancies for which those terms stand disappeared。  The things themselves
had never existed; therefore; as soon as it was perceived that there were
no such things; they were easily banished。  The history and nature of the
great discovery are set down in the book here; and〃

〃Did the lady write the book?〃

〃Yes; she wrote it all; herself。  The title is Science and Health; with
Key to the Scriptures for she explains the Scriptures; they were not
understood before。  Not even by the twelve Disciples。  She begins thus
I will read it to you。〃

But she had forgotten to bring her glasses。

〃Well; it is no matter;〃 she said。  〃I remember the wordsindeed; all
Christian Scientists know the book by heart; it is necessary in our
practice。  We should otherwise make mistakes and do harm。  She begins
thus: ' In the year 1866 I discovered the Science of Metaphysical
Healing; and named it Christian Science。' And She says quite beautifully;
I think' Through Christian Science; religion and medicine are inspired
with a diviner nature and essence; fresh pinions are given to faith and
understanding; and thoughts acquaint themselves intelligently with God。'
Her very words。〃

〃It is elegant。  And it is a fine thought; toomarrying religion to
medicine; instead of medicine to the undertaker in the old way; for
religion and medicine properly belong together; they being the basis of
all spiritual and physical health。  What kind of medicine do you give for
the ordinary diseases; such as〃

〃We never give medicine in any circumstances whatever!  We〃

〃But; madam; it says〃

〃I don't care what it says; and I don't wish to talk about it。〃

〃I am sorry if I have offended; but you see the mention seemed in some
way inconsistent; and〃

〃There are no inconsistencies in Christian Science。  The thing is
impossible; for the Science is absolute。  It cannot be otherwise; since
it proceeds directly from the All…in…all and the Everything…in…Which;
also Soul; Bones; Truth; one of a series; alone and without equal。  It is
Mathematics purified from material dross and made spiritual。〃

〃I can see that; but〃

〃It rests upon the immovable basis of an Apodictical Principle。〃

The word flattened itself against my mind in trying to get in; and
disordered me a little; and before I could inquire into its pertinency;
she was already throwing the needed light:

〃This Apodictical Principle is the absolute Principle of Scientific Mind…
healing; the sovereign Omnipotence which delivers the children of men
from pain; disease; decay; and every ill that flesh is heir to。〃

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