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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及9准

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off in search of a pencil。 

     The tempest   within´doors   had kept   my attention off the  condition   of 

things without。       But now a glance through the window told me that the 

rain   had   entirely   ceased察  and   that   everything   was   bathed   instead   in      a 

radiant   glow   of   sunlight察  more   golden   than   any  gamboge   of   mine   could 

possibly   depict。      Leaving   Selina   and      Harold   to   settle  their   feud   by   a 

mutual disinheritance察I slipped from the room and escaped into the open 

air察eager to pick up the loose end of my new friendship just where I had 

dropped it that morning。          In the glorious reaction of the sunshine after the 

downpour察  with   its   moist   warm   smells察  bespanglement   of   greenery察  and 

inspiriting     touch    of   rain´washed      air察 the   parks    and    palaces    of   the 

imagination   glowed   with   a   livelier   iris察  and   their   blurred   beauties   shone 

out again with fresh blush and palpitation。               As I sped along to the tryst察

again   I   accompanied   my   new   comrade   along   the   corridors   of   my   pet 

palace into which I had so hastily introduced her察and on reflection I began 

to see   that it   wouldn't work properly。         I had   made a   mistake察and those 

were     not   the   surroundings      in   which    she   was    most    fitted   to  shine。 

However察it really did not matter much察I had other palaces to place at her 

disposalplenty of 'em察and on a further acquaintance with and knowledge 

of her tastes察no doubt I could find something to suit her。 

     There was a real Arabian one察for instance察which I visited but rarely 

only  just   when   I   was   in   the   fine   Oriental   mood   for  it察  a   wonder   of   silk 


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                                          DREAM DAYS 

hangings察 fountains   of   rosewater察  pavilions察  and   minarets。         Hundreds   of 

silent察   well´trained      slaves    thronged      the   stairs   and    alleys    of   this 

establishment察ready to fetch and carry for her all day察if she wished it察and 

my     brave    soldiers   would     be   spared    the  indignity。     Also     there   were 

processions through the bazaar at odd momentsprocessions with camels察

elephants察  and   palanquins。        Yes察  she   was   more   suited   for   the   East察  this 

imperious      young     person察   and   I  determined     that  thither   she   should    be 

personally conducted as soon as ever might be。 

     I reached the fence and climbed up two bars of it察and leaning over I 

looked this way and that for my twin´souled partner of the morning。                         It 

was not long before I caught sight of her察only a short distance away。                   Her 

back was towards me andwell察one can never foresee exactly how  one 

will find thingsshe was talking to a Boy。 

     Of   course   there   are   boys   and   boys察  and     Lord   knows   I   was   never 

narrow。      But this was the parson's son from an adjoining village察a red´ 

headed boy and as common a little beast as ever stepped。                     He cultivated 

ferretshis only good point察and it was evidently through the medium of 

this   art   that  he   was    basely    supplanting     me察  for   her   head    was   bent 

absorbedly       over    something      he    carried    in  his   hands。      With     some 

trepidation I called out察 Hi ─        But answer there was none。            Then again I 

called察 Hi ─but this time with a sickening sense of failure and of doom。 

She   replied   only   by   a   complex   gesture察  decisive   in   import   if   not   easily 

described。      A petulant toss of the head察a jerk of the left shoulder察and a 

backward kick of the left foot察all delivered at oncethat was all察and that 

was enough。        The red´headed boy never even condescended to glance my 

way。     Why察     indeed察   should    he拭   I   dropped     from    the   fence   without 

another effort察and took my way homewards along the weary road。 

     Little inclination   was   left   to   me察 at   first察 for   any  solitary  visit   to   my 

accustomed   palace察  the   pleasures   of   which   I   had   so   recently   tasted   in 

company察      and   yet   after  a  minute    or  two    I  found   myself察   from   habit察

sneaking off there much as usual。             Presently I became aware of a certain 

solace   and   consolation   in   my   newly´recovered   independence   of   action。 

Quit   of   all   female   whims   and   fanciful   restrictions察  I   rowed察  sailed察  or 

punted察just as I pleased察in the Chocolate´room I cracked and nibbled the 


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hard   sticks察  with   a   certain   contempt   for   those   who   preferred   the   soft察

veneered article察and I mixed and quaffed countless fizzy drinks without 

dread of any prohibitionist。         Finally察I swaggered into the park察paraded 

all my soldiers on the terrace察and察bidding them take the time from me察

gave the order to fire off all the guns。 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

                        THE MAGIC RING 

     Grown´up        people     really   ought     to   be   more     careful。      Among 

themselves it may seem but a small thing to give their word and take back 

their   word。    For   them   there   are   so   many   compensations。        Life   lies   at 

their feet察a party´coloured india´rubber ball察they may kick it this way or 

kick   it   that察  it   turns   up   blue察  yellow察  or   green察  but   always   coloured   and 

glistening。     Thus one sees it happen almost every day察and察with a jest and 

a laugh察the thing is over察and the disappointed one turns to fresh pleasure察

lying ready to his hand。         But with those who are below them察whose little 

globe   is   swayed   by   them察  who   rush   to   build   star´pointing   alhambras   on 

their most casual word察they really ought to be more careful。 

     In this case of the circus察for instance察it was not as if we had led up to 

the subject。     It was they who began it entirely prompted thereto by the 

local   newspaper。      ;What察  a   circus ─  said   they察  in   their   irritating察  casual 

way此 that would be nice to take the children to。               Wednesday would be a 

good   day。     Suppose   we   go   on   Wednesday。         Oh察  and   pleats   are   being 

worn again察with rows of deep braid察─etc。 

     What   the   others   thought   I   know   not察  what   they   said察  if   they   said 

anything察 I  did not   comprehend。          For  me   the  house  was   bursting察  walls 

seemed to cramp and to stifle察the roof was jumping and lifting。                    Escape 

was the imperative thingto escape into the open air察to shake off bricks 

and   mortar察  and   to   wander   in   the   unfrequented   places   of   the   earth察  the 

more     properly    to   take   in  the  passion    and    the  promise     of  the   giddy 


     Nature seemed prim and staid that day and the globe gave no hint that 

it was flying round a circus ring of its own。             Could they really be true察I 

wondered察all those bewildering things I had heard tell of circuses拭                   Did 

long´tailed ponies really walk on their hind´legs and fire off pistols拭                Was 

it   humanly   possible   for   clowns   to   perform   one´half   of   the   bewitching 

drolleries    recorded     in  history拭   And     how察   oh察 how    dare   I  venture    to 

believe that察from off the backs of creamy Arab steeds察ladies of more than 

earthly  beauty  discharged themselves   through paper hoops拭                 No察 it   was 


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not altogether possible察there must have been some exaggeration。                    Still察I 

would be content with very little察I would take a low percentagea very 

small   proportion   of   the   circus   myth   would   more   than   satisfy   me。     But 

again察even supposing that history were察once in a way察no liar察could it be 

that I myself was really fated to look upon this thing in the flesh and to 

live through it察to survive the rapture拭           No察it was altogether too much。 

Something   was   bound  to   happen察 one   of  us   would   develop   measles察  the 

world would blow up with a loud explosion。                 I must not dare察I must not 

presume察  to   entertain   the   smallest   hope。      I   must   endeavour   sternly   to 

think of something else。 


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