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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及8准

弌傍 dream days(恂知議晩徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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away察  and   of   penalties   and   curtailments   attaching   to   a   late   appearance。 

We took a hurried farewell of each other察and before we parted I got from 

her an admission that she might be gardening again that afternoon察if only 

the worms would be less aggressive and give her a chance。 

     ;Remember察─I said as I turned to go察 you mustn't tell anybody about 

what I've been telling you ─

     She    appeared     to  hesitate察  swinging     one   leg   to  and   fro  while    she 

regarded me sideways with half´shut eyes。 

     ;It's   a   dead   secret察─  I   said   artfully。 ;A  secret   between   us   two察  and 

nobody knows it except ourselves ─

     Then she promised察nodding violently察big´eyed察her mouth pursed up 

small。     The delight of revelation察and the bliss of possessing a secret察run 

each other very close。        But the latter generally winsfor a time。 

     I had passed the mutton stage and was weltering in warm rice pudding察

before   I   found   leisure   to   pause   and   take   in   things   generally察  and   then   a 

glance in the direction of the window told me察to my dismay察that it was 

raining hard。      This was annoying in every way察for察even if it cleared up 

later察  the  wormsI     knew     well   from   experiencewould        be   offensively 

numerous   and   frisky。      Sulkily   I   said   grace   and   accompanied   the   others 

upstairs to the schoolroom察where I got out my paint´box and resolved to 

devote     myself    seriously    to  Art察 which     of  late  I  had   much    neglected。 

Harold got hold of a sheet of paper and a pencil察retired to a table in the 

corner察  squared   his   elbows察  and   protruded   his   tongue。        Literature   had 

always been HIS form of artistic expression。 

     Selina had a fit of the fidgets察bred of the unpromising weather察and察

instead   of   settling   down   to   something   on   her   own   account察  must   needs 

walk round and annoy us artists察intent on embodying our conceptions of 

the ideal。     She had been looking over my shoulder some minutes before I 

knew of it察or I would have had a word or two to say upon the subject。 

     ;I suppose you call that thing a ship察─she remarked contemptuously。 

;Who ever heard of a pink ship拭           Hoo´hoo ─

     I   stifled   my   wrath察  knowing   that   in   order   to   score   properly   it   was 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

necessary to keep a cool head。 

     ;There is a pink ship察─I observed with forced calmness察 lying in the 

toy´shop   window   now。        You   can   go   and   look   at   it   if   you   like。 D'you 

suppose you know more about ships than the fellows who make 'em拭─

     Selina察baffled for the moment察returned to the charge presently。 

     ;Those are funny things察too察─she observed。              ;S'pose they're meant to 

be trees。    But they're BLUE。; 

     ;They     ARE     trees察─  I  replied   with   severity察   and    they   ARE     blue。 

They've got to be blue察'cos you stole my gamboge last week察so I can't 

mix up any green。; 

     ;DIDN'T       steal  your    gamboge察─     declared    Selina察  haughtily察   edging 

away察  however察  in   the   direction   of   Harold。     ;And   I   wouldn't   tell   lies察

either察if I was you察about a dirty little bit of gamboge。; 

     I preserved a discreet silence。         After all察I knew SHE knew she stole 

my gamboge。 

     The moment Harold became conscious of Selina's stealthy approach察

he dropped his pencil and flung himself flat upon the table察protecting thus 

his   literary  efforts   from   chilling   criticism  by   the   interposed   thickness   of 

his   person。    From   somewhere   in   his   interior   proceeded   a   heart   rending 

compound of squeal and whistle察as of escaping steamlong´drawn察ear 

piercing察unvarying in note。 

     ;I   only   just   want   to   see察─  protested   Selina察  struggling   to   uproot   his 

small body from the scrawl it guarded。               But Harold clung limpet´like to 

the table edge察and his shrill protest continued to deafen humanity and to 

threaten   even   the   serenities   of   Olympus。     The   time   seemed   come   for   a 

demonstration in force。         Personally I cared little what soul´outpourings of 

Harold   were   pirated   by   Selinashe   was   pretty   sure   to   get   hold   of   them 

sooner or laterand indeed I rather welcomed the diversion as favourable 

to   the   undisturbed   pursuit   of   Art。   But   the   clannishness   of   sex   has   its 

unwritten     laws。    Boys察    as  such察  are  sufficiently   put   upon察   maltreated察

trodden under察as it is。      Should they fail to hang together in perilous times察

what disasters察what ignominies察may not be looked for拭                   Possibly even 

an extinction of the tribe。        I dropped my paint brush and sailed shouting 

into the fray。 


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                                          DREAM DAYS 

     The result for a short space hung dubious。                There is a period of life 

when   the   difference   of   a   year   or   two   in   age   far   outweighs   the   minor 

advantage of sex。         Then the gathers of Selina's frock came away with a 

sound like the rattle of distant musketry察and this calamity it was察rather 

than mere brute compulsion察that quelled her indomitable spirit。 

     The   female   tongue   is   mightier   than   the   sword察  as   I   soon   had   good 

reason     to  know察   when     Selina察  her   riven   garment     held   out   at  length察

avenged her discomfiture with the Greek´fire of personalities and abuse。 

Every   black   incident   in   my   short察  but   not   stainless察  careerevery   error察

every folly察every penalty ignobly sufferedwere paraded before me as in 

a   magic´ lantern   show。       The information察 however察was not particularly 

new to me察and the effect was staled by previous rehearsals。                     Besides察a 

victory remains a victory察whatever the moral character of the triumphant 


     Harold chuckled and crowed as he dropped from the table察revealing 

the document over which so many gathers had sighed their short lives out。 

;YOU   can   read   it   if   you   like察─  he   said   to   me   gratefully。 ;It's   only   a 


     It had never been possible to say what Harold's particular amusement 

of   the   hour   might   turn   out   to   be。 One   thing   only   was   certain察  that   it 

would be something improbable察unguessable察not to be foretold。                        Who察

for   instance察  in   search   of   relaxation察  would   ever   dream   of   choosing   the 

drawing´up of a testamentary disposition of property拭                   Yet this was the 

form taken by Harold's latest craze察and in justice this much had to be said 

for him察that in the christening of his amusement he had gone right to the 

heart    of  the   matter。    The    words     ;will;   and   ;testament;     have    various 

meanings and uses察but about the signification of ;death´letter; there can 

be   no   manner   of   doubt。    I   smoothed   out   the   crumpled   paper   and   read。 

In   actual   form    it  deviated    considerably     from    that   usually   adopted     by 

family   solicitors   of   standing察  the   only   resemblance察  indeed察  lying   in   the 

absence of punctuation。 

       ;my dear edward it ran when I die I leave all my muny to you my 

walkin sticks wips my crop my sord and gun bricks forts and all things i 

have   goodbye   my   dear   charlotte   when   i   die   I   leave   you   my   wach   and 


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                                          DREAM DAYS 

cumpus   and       pencel   case   my   salors    and   camperdown       my    picteres   and 

evthing   goodbye   your   loving   brother   armen   my   dear   Martha   I   love   you 

very much i leave you my garden my mice and rabets my plants in pots 

when I die please take care of them my dear; Coetera desunt。 

       ;Why察     you're     not    leaving     me    anything ─     exclaimed       Selina察

indignantly。      ;You're a regular mean little boy察and I'll take back the last 

birthday present I gave you ─

     ;I don't care察─said Harold察repossessing himself of the document。                     ;I 

was going to leave you something察but I sha'n't now察'cos you tried to read 

my death´letter before I was dead ─

     ;Then   I'll   write   a   death´letter   myself察─  retorted   Selina察  scenting   an 

artistic vengeance此 and I sha'n't leave you a single thing ─               And she went 

off in search of a pencil。 

     The tempest   wi

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