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´ Page 15´

                                           DREAM DAYS 

piece a score of times。         You are magnanimous察in finethat goes without 

saying察you have a coal´black horse察and a sabre´cut察and you can afford to 

be very magnanimous。            But all the same you give them a good talking´to。 

     This     pleasant    conceit    simply     ravished     my    soul   for   some    twenty 

minutes察and then the old sense of injury began to well up afresh察and to 

call   for   new   plasters   and   soothing   syrups。      This   time   I   took   refuge   in 

happy thoughts of the   sea。           The sea was   my  real sphere察after   all。          On 

the    sea察 in   especial察  you    could    combine     distinction     with   lawlessness察

whereas   the   army   seemed   to   be   always   weighted   by   a   certain   plodding 

submission to discipline。          To be sure察by all accounts察the life was at first 

a rough   one。      But   just then   I  wanted   to suffer  keenly察  I wanted   to  be  a 

poor     devil   of  a  cabin    boy察  kicked察   beaten察   and   sworn    atfor   a  time。 

Perhaps some hint察some inkling of my sufferings might reach their ears。 

In   due    course    the  sloop    or  felucca    would     turn  upit   always     didthe 

rakish´looking   craft察  black   of   hull察  low   in   the   water察  and   bristling   with 

guns察the jolly Roger flapping overhead察and myself for sole commander。 

By   and   by察  as   usually   happened察  an   East   Indiaman   would   come   sailing 

along full of relationsnot a necessary relation would be missing。                       And 

the   crew   should   walk   the   plank察  and   the   captain   should   dance   from   his 

own      yardarm察    and    then    I  would     take   the   passengers      in   handthat 

miserable group   of  well´known   figures   cowering   on   the quarter´   deck 

and     thenand     then    the   same     old    performance此      the   air   thick   with 

magnanimity。          In    all  the   repertory     of   heroes察   none     is  more     truly 

magnanimous than your pirate chief。 

     When   at   last   I   brought   myself   back      from   the   future   to   the   actual 

present察I found that these delectable visions had helped me over a longer 

stretch   of   road   than   I   had   imagined察  and   I   looked   around   and   took   my 

bearings。      To the right of me was a long low building of grey stone察new察

and yet not smugly so察new察and yet possessing distinction察marked with a 

character that did not depend on lichen or on crumbling semi´effacement 

of moulding and mullion。            Strangers might have been puzzled to classify 

it察to me察an explorer from earliest years察the place was familiar enough。 

Most      folk   called    it  ;The    Settlement;察      others察  with    quite    sufficient 

conciseness   for   our   neighbourhood察  spoke   of   ;them   there   fellows   up   by 


´ Page 16´

                                         DREAM DAYS 

Halliday's;察     others   again察   with   a   hint   of  derision察   named     them     the 

;monks。;       This last title I supposed to be intended for satire察and knew to 

be fatuously wrong。         I was thoroughly acquainted with monksin books´ 

´and well knew the cut of their long frocks察their shaven polls察and their 

fascinating   big   dogs察  with   brandy´bottles   round   their   necks察  incessantly 

hauling happy travellers out of the snow。              The only dog at the settlement 

was   an   Irish   terrier察  and   the   good   fellows   who   owned   him察  and   were 

owned   by  him察 in   common察 wore   clothes of the   most nondescript   order察

and   mostly  cultivated side´whiskers。           I   had   wandered   up   there one   day察

searching as usual for something I never found察and had been taken in by 

them and treated as friend and comrade。               They had made me free of their 

ideal little rooms察full of books and pictures察and clean of the antimacassar 

taint察they had shown me their chapel察high察hushed察and faintly scented察

beautiful with a strange new beauty born both of what it had and what it 

had notthat too familiar dowdiness of common places of worship。                      They 

had also fed me in their dining´hall察where a long table stood on trestles 

plain   to   view察  and   all   the   woodwork   was   natural察  unpainted察  healthily 

scrubbed察and redolent of the forest it came from。                 I brought away from 

that   visit察  and   kept   by   me   for   many   days察  a   sense   of   cleanness察  of   the 

freshness   that   pricks   the   sensesthe   freshness   of   cool   spring   water察  and 

the large swept spaces of the rooms察the red tiles察and the oaken   settles察

suggested a comfort that had no connexion with padded upholstery。 

     On this particular  morning I was in much too unsociable a mind   for 

paying      friendly   calls。    Still察  something      in  the   aspect    of   the   place 

harmonised   with   my   humour察  and   I   worked   my   way   round   to   the   back察

where the ground察after affording level enough for a kitchen´garden察broke 

steeply     away。    Both     the   word    Gothic    and   the   thing   itself  were    still 

unknown   to   me察  yet   doubtless   the   architecture   of   the   place察  consistent 

throughout察     accounted      for   its  sense   of   comradeship       in  my    hour    of 

disheartenment。        As I mused there察with the low察grey察purposeful´looking 

building before me察and thought of my pleasant friends within察and what 

good times they always seemed to be having察and how they larked with the 

Irish terrier察 whose  footing   was one  of   a perfect   equality察  I  thought  of   a 

certain look in their faces察as if they had a common purpose and a business察


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

and   were   acting   under   orders   thoroughly   recognised   and   understood。          I 

remembered察  too察 something   that   Martha   had   told   me察  about   these   same 

fellows doing ;a power o' good察─and other hints I had collected vaguely察

of renouncements察rules察self´denials察and the like。              Thereupon察out of the 

depths   of   my   morbid   soul   swam   up   a   new   and   fascinating   idea察  and   at 

once   the   career   of   arms   seemed   over´acted   and   stale察  and   piracy察  as   a 

profession察flat and unprofitable。          This察then察or something like it察should 

be   my   vocation   and   my   revenge。       A  severer   line   of   business察  perhaps察

such as I had read of察something that included black bread and a hair´shirt。 

There should be vows察tooirrevocable察blood curdling vows察and an iron 

grating。     This   iron   grating   was   the   most   necessary   feature   of   all察  for   I 

intended that on the other side of it my relations should range themselves 

I mentally ran over the catalogue察and saw that the whole gang was present察

all   in   their   proper   places   a   sad´eyed   row察  combined   in   tristful   appeal。 

;We see our error now察─they would say察 we were always dull dogs察slow 

to catch especially in those akin to usthe finer qualities of soul                  We 

misunderstood you察misappreciated you察and we own up to it。                     And now 

;    ;Alas察my dear friends察─I would strike in here察waving towards them 

an ascetic handone of the emaciated sort察that lets the light shine through 

at the finger´tips;Alas察you come too late              This conduct is fitting and 

meritorious on your part察and indeed I always expected it of you察sooner or 

later察but the die is cast察and you may go home again and bewail at your 

leisure   this   too   tardy   repentance   of   yours。    For   me察  I   am   vowed   and 

dedicated察    and    my   relations    henceforth     are  austerity   and    holy   works。 

Once a month察should you wish it察it shall be your privilege to come and 

gaze at me through this very solid grating察but;              WHACK 

     A well´aimed clod of garden soil察whizzing just past my ear察starred on 

a tree´trunk behind察spattering   me with dirt。             The   present came back   to 

me in a flash察and I nimbly took cover behind the trees察realising that the 

enemy was up and abroad察with ambuscades察alarms察and thrilling sallies。 

It was the gardener's boy察I knew well enough察a red proletariat察who hated 

me just because I was a gentleman。             Hastily picking up a nice sticky clod 

in one hand察with the other I delicately projected my hat beyond the shelter 

of   the   tree´trunk。   I   had   not   fought   with

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