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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及26准

弌傍 dream days(恂知議晩徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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     The     dragon    was    employing       the   interval   in   giving    a   ramping´ 

performance       for   the   benefit   of  the   crowd。     Ramping察      it  should    be 

explained察    consists    in  running    round   and   round    in  a  wide   circle察 and 

sending waves and   ripples of movement   along the whole length of   your 

spine察from your pointed ears right down to the spike at the end of your 

long     tail。  When       you   are   covered     with   blue    scales察  the   effect   is 

particularly     pleasing察   and    the  Boy    recollected     the   dragon's    recently 

expressed wish to become a social success。 

     St。   George   now   gathered   up   his   reins   and   began   to   move   forward察

dropping the point of his spear and settling himself firmly in the saddle。 

     ;Time ─  yelled   everybody   excitedly察  and   the   dragon察  leaving   off   his 

ramping察sat up on end察and began to leap from one side to the other with 

huge     ungainly    bounds察    whooping     like   a  Red    Indian。    This    naturally 

disconcerted the horse察who swerved violently察the Saint only just saving 

himself by the mane察and as they shot past the dragon delivered a vicious 

snap at the horse's tail which sent the poor beast careering madly far over 

the Downs察so that the language of the Saint察who had lost a stirrup察was 

fortunately inaudible to the general assemblage。 

     Round Two   evoked   audible   evidence  of   friendly  feeling   towards   the 

dragon。      The   spectators   were   not   slow   to   appreciate   a   combatant   who 

could hold his   own so well   and clearly  wanted to show  good sport察 and 

many encouraging remarks reached the ears of our friend as he strutted to 

and fro察his chest thrust out and his tail in the air察hugely enjoying his new 


     St。 George had dismounted and was tightening his girths察and telling 

his horse察with quite an Oriental flow of imagery察exactly what he thought 

of him察and his relations察and his conduct on the present occasion察so the 

Boy made his way down to the Saint's end of the line察and held his spear 

for him。 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

     ;It's been a jolly fight察St。 George ─he said with a sigh。               ;Can't you 

let it last a bit longer拭─

     ;Well察  I   think   I'd   better   not察─  replied   the   Saint。 ;The   fact   is察  your 

simple´minded old friend's getting conceited察now they've begun cheering 

him察and he'll forget all about the arrangement and take to playing the fool察

and   there's   no   telling   where  he   would   stop。   I'll   just   finish   him  off   this 


     He swung himself into the saddle and took his spear from the Boy。 

     ;Now  don't   you   be afraid察─  he   added kindly。       ;I've   marked   my  spot 

exactly察and HE'S sure to give me all the assistance in his power察because 

he knows it's his only chance of being asked to the banquet ─

     St。 George now shortened his spear察bringing the butt well up under his 

arm察   and察  instead    of  galloping    as  before察  trotted   smartly    towards    the 

dragon察who crouched at his approach察flicking his tail till it cracked in the 

air like a great cart´ whip。        The Saint wheeled as he neared his opponent 

and circled warily round him察keeping his eye on the spare place察while the 

dragon察adopting similar tactics察paced with caution round the same circle察

occasionally feinting with his head。            So the two sparred for an opening察

while the spectators maintained a breathless silence。 

     Though the round lasted for some minutes察the end was so swift that 

all the Boy saw was a lightning movement of the Saint's arm察and then a 

whirl and a confusion of spines察claws察tail察and flying bits of turf。                 The 

dust   cleared   away察  the   spectators   whooped   and   ran   in   cheering察  and   the 

Boy made out that the dragon was down察pinned to the earth by the spear察

while St。 George had dismounted察and stood astride of him。 

     It all seemed so genuine that the Boy ran in breathlessly察hoping the 

dear old dragon wasn't really hurt。            As he approached察the dragon lifted 

one large eyelid察winked solemnly察and collapsed again。                 He was held fast 

to earth by the neck察but the Saint had hit him in the spare place agreed 

upon察and it didn't even seem to tickle。 

     ;Bain't    you    goin'   to  cut   'is  'ed  orf察 master拭─   asked    one    of  the 

applauding crowd。         He had backed the dragon察and naturally felt a trifle 


     ;Well察  not   TO´DAY察  I   think察─  replied   St。   George察  pleasantly。     ;You 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

see察that can be done at ANY time。             There's no hurry at all。       I think we'll 

all go down to the village first察and have some refreshment察and then I'll 

give    him    a  good    talking´to察  and   you'll   find   he'll  be  a  very   different 

dragon ─

     At that magic word REFRESHMENT the whole crowd formed up in 

procession and silently awaited the signal to start。               The time for talking 

and   cheering   and   betting   was   past察 the  hour   for   action   had   arrived。   St。 

George察hauling on   his spear   with both   hands察 released   the   dragon察 who 

rose   and   shook   himself   and   ran   his   eye   over   his   spikes   and   scales   and 

things察to see that they were all in order。          Then the Saint mounted and led 

off   the   procession察  the   dragon   following   meekly   in   the   company   of   the 

Boy察while the thirsty spectators kept at a respectful interval behind。 

     There were great doings when they got down to the village again察and 

had formed up in front of the inn。            After refreshment St。 George made a 

speech察  in   which   he   informed   his   audience   that   he   had   removed   their 

direful scourge察at a great deal of trouble and inconvenience to him´self察

and   now   they   weren't   to   go   about   grumbling   and   fancying   they'd        got 

grievances察because they hadn't。           And they shouldn't be so fond of fights察

because next time they  might have to do the fighting themselves察 which 

would not be the same thing at all。           And there was a certain badger in the 

inn stables which had got to be released at once察and he'd come and see it 

done himself。       Then he told them that the dragon had been thinking over 

things察and saw that there were two sides to every question察and he wasn't 

going to do it any more察and if they were good perhaps he'd stay and settle 

down   there。     So   they   must   make   friends察  and   not   be   prejudiced   and   go 

about fancying they knew everything there was to be known察because they 

didn't察  not   by   a  long   way。    And     he   warned    them    against    the  sin  of 

romancing察      and   making     up   stories   and   fancying     other   people    would 

believe     them    just  because    they    were   plausible    and    highly´   coloured。 

Then     he   sat  down察   amidst    much     repentant    cheering察    and   the  dragon 

nudged   the   Boy  in   the   ribs   and   whispered   that   he   couldn't   have   done   it 

better himself。      Then every one went off to get ready for the banquet。 

     Banquets are always pleasant things察consisting mostly察as they do察of 

eating and drinking察but the specially nice thing about a banquet is察that it 


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                                          DREAM DAYS 

comes   when   something's over察 and   there's   nothing   more  to   worry  about察

and   to´morrow   seems   a   long   way   off。       St   George   was   happy   because 

there   had   been   a   fight   and   he   hadn't   had   to   kill   anybody察  for   he   didn't 

really   like   killing察  though   he   generally   had   to   do   it。 The   dragon   was 

happy because there had been a fight察and so far from being hurt in it he 

had won popularity  and   a   sure   footing in society。            The   Boy  was   happy 

because there had been a fight察and in spite of it all his two friends were on 

the best of terms。       And all the others were happy because there had been 

a fight察andwell察they didn't require any other reasons for their happiness。 

The dragon exerted himself to say the right thing to everybody察and proved 

the   life   and   soul   of   the   evening察  while   the   Saint   and   the   Boy察  as   they 

looked on察felt that they were only assisting at a feast of which the honour 

and the glory were entirely the dragon's。             But they didn'

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