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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及22准

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You'd never guess it if you tried ever sofact is察I'm such a confoundedly 

lazy beggar ─

     ;You surprise me察─said the Boy察civilly。 

     ;It's   the   sad   truth察─  the   dragon   went   on察  settling   down   between   his 

paws and evidently delighted to have found a listener at last此 and I fancy 

that's really how I came to be here。           You see all the other fellows were so 

active   and   EARNEST  and   all   that   sort   of   thingalways   rampaging察  and 

skirmishing察and scouring the desert sands察and pacing the margin of the 

sea察  and   chasing   knights   all   over the   place察  and   devouring   damsels察  and 

going on generallywhereas I liked to get my meals regular and then to 

prop my back against a bit of rock and snooze a bit察and wake up and think 

of things going on and how they kept going on just the same察you know 

So when it happened I got fairly caught。; 

     ;When WHAT happened察please拭─asked the Boy。 

     ;That's just what I don't precisely know察─said the dragon。               ;I suppose 

the earth sneezed察or shook itself察or the bottom dropped out of something。 

Anyhow there was a shake and a roar and a general stramash察and I found 

myself   miles   away  underground   and   wedged in   as   tight   as tight。         Well察

thank    goodness察    my   wants     are  few察  and   at  any  rate   I  had  peace    and 

quietness and wasn't always being asked to come along and DO something。 

And   I've   got   such   an   active   mindalways   occupied察  I   assure   you    But 

time went on察and there was a certain sameness about the life察and at last I 

began to think it would be fun to work my way upstairs and see what you 

other fellows were doing。          So I scratched and burrowed察and worked this 

way and that way and at last I came out through this cave here。                      And I 

like the country察and the view察and the peoplewhat I've seen of 'emand 

on the whole I feel inclined to settle down here。; 

     ;What's your mind always occupied about拭─asked the Boy。                       ;That's 

what I want to know。; 

     The   dragon   coloured   slightly   and   looked   away。        Presently   he   said 


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     ;Did     you   everjust    for  funtry   to   make    up   poetryverses察    you 


     ;'Course I have察─said the Boy。          ;Heaps of it。     And some of it's quite 

good察I feel sure察only there's no one here cares about it。 

     Mother's very kind and all that察when I read it to her察and so's father for 

that matter。     But somehow they don't seem to; 

     ;Exactly察─cried the dragon察 my own case exactly。                They don't seem 

to察and you can't argue with 'em about it。             Now you've got culture察you 

have察  I   could   tell   it   on   you   at   once察  and   I   should   just   like   your   candid 

opinion about some little things I threw off lightly察when I was down there。 

I'm awfully pleased to have met you察and I'm hoping the other neighbours 

will be equally agreeable。         There was a very nice old gentleman up here 

only last night察but he didn't seem to want to intrude。; 

     ;That was my father察─said the boy察 and he IS a nice old gentleman察

and I'll introduce you some day if you like。; 

     ;Can't   you   two   come   up   here   and   dine   or   something   to´morrow拭─

asked the dragon eagerly。          ;Only察of course察if you've got nothing better 

to do察─he added politely。 

     ;Thanks awfully察─said the Boy察 but we don't go out anywhere without 

my mother察and察to tell you the truth察I'm afraid she mightn't quite approve 

of you。     You see there's no getting over the hard fact that you're a dragon察

is there拭   And when you talk of settling down察and the neighbours察and so 

on察I can't help feeling that you don't quite realize your position。                You're 

an enemy of the human race察you see ─

     ;Haven't got an enemy in the world察─said the dragon察cheerfully。 

     Too lazy to make 'em察to begin with。            And if I DO read other fellows 

my poetry察I'm always ready to listen to theirs ─

     ;Oh察  dear ─  cried   the   boy察   I   wish   you'd   try   and   grasp   the   situation 

properly。     When   the   other   people   find   you   out察  they'll   come   after   you 

with    spears    and   swords    and   all  sorts   of  things。    You'll    have   to   be 

exterminated察according to their way of looking at it                You're a scourge察

and a pest察and a baneful monster ─

     ;Not a word of truth in it察─said the dragon察wagging his head solemnly。 


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;Character'll   bear   the   strictest   investigation。     And   now察  there's   a   little 

sonnet´thing I was working on when you appeared on the scene; 

     ;Oh察if you WON'T be sensible察─cried the Boy察getting up察 I'm going 

off home。      No察I can't stop for sonnets察my mother's sitting up。              I'll look 

you up to´morrow察sometime or other察and do for goodness' sake try and 

realize that you're a pestilential scourge察or you'll find yourself in a most 

awful fix。     Good´ night ─

     The Boy found it an easy matter to set the mind of his parents' at ease 

about his new friend。         They had always left that branch to him察and they 

took his word without a murmur。             The shepherd was formally introduced 

and   many   compliments   and   kind   inquiries   were   exchanged。           His   wife察

however察though expressing her willingness to do anything she couldto 

mend things察or set the cave to rights察or cook a little something when the 

dragon   had   been   poring   over   sonnets   and   forgotten   his   meals察  as   male 

things WILL  do察 could  not   be brought to   recognize  him  formally。               The 

fact that he was a dragon and ;they didn't know who he was; seemed to 

count for everything with   her。         She made no objection察however察to her 

little son spending his evenings with the dragon quietly察so long as he was 

home by nine o'clock此and many a pleasant night they had察sitting on the 

sward察while the dragon told stories of old察old times察when dragons were 

quite plentiful and the world was a livelier place than it is now察and life 

was full of thrills and jumps and surprises。 

     What   the   Boy   had   feared察  however察  soon   came   to   pass。     The   most 

modest and retiring dragon in the world察if he's as big as four cart´horses 

and   covered   with   blue   scales察  cannot   keep   altogether   out   of   the   public 

view。     And   so   in   the   village   tavern   of   nights   the   fact   that   a   real   live 

dragon sat brooding in the cave on the Downs was naturally a subject for 

talk。    Though the   villagers   were   extremely  frightened察  they  were   rather 

proud as well。       It was a distinction to have a dragon of your own察and it 

was felt   to be  a feather in the  cap of the village。          Still察 all were  agreed 

that this sort of thing couldn't be allowed to go on。 

     The   dreadful   beast   must   be   exterminated察  the   country´side   must   be 

freed from this pest察this terror察this destroying scourge。             The fact that not 

even a hen roost was the worse for the dragon's arrival wasn't allowed to 


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have anything to do with it。           He was a dragon察and he couldn't deny it察

and if he didn't choose to behave as such that was his own lookout。                      But 

in spite of much valiant talk no hero was found willing to take sword and 

spear   and   free   the   suffering   village   and   win   deathless   fame察  and   each 

night's    heated    discussion     always     ended    in  nothing。      Meanwhile        the 

dragon察  a   happy   Bohemian察  lolled   on   the   turf察  enjoyed   the   sunsets察  told 

antediluvian      anecdotes     to  the   Boy察  and   polished    his  old   verses    while 

meditating on fresh ones。 

     One     day   the  Boy察  on   walking     in  to  the  village察  found    everything 

wearing   a   festal   appearance   which   was   not   to   be   accounted   for   in   the 

calendar。     Carpets and gay´coloured stuffs were hung out of the windows察

the church´bells clamoured noisily察the little street was flower´strewn察and 

the whole population jostled each other along either side of it察chattering察

shoving察and ordering each other to stand back。                The Boy saw a friend of 

his own age in the crowd and hailed him。 

     ;What's   up拭─  he   cried。     ;Is   it   t

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