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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及21准

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supply   the   practical   knowledge察  and   he   the   book´learning。       They   knew 

that book´learning often came in useful at a pinch察in spite of what their 

neighbours   said。      What   the   Boy   chiefly   dabbled   in   was   natural   history 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

and fairy´tales察and he just took them as they came察in a sandwichy sort of 

way察  without   making   any   distinctions察  and   really   his   course   of   reading 

strikes one as rather sensible。 

     One     evening    the   shepherd察    who    for  some    nights    past   had   been 

disturbed and preoccupied察and off his usual mental balance察came home 

all of a tremble察and察sitting down at the table where his wife and son were 

peacefully      employed察     she   with   her   seam察   he   in   following     out   the 

adventures of the Giant with no Heart in his Body察exclaimed with much 


     ;It's all up with me察Maria        Never no more can I go up on them there 

Downs察was it ever so ─

     ;Now   don't   you   take   on   like   that察─  said   his   wife察  who   was   a   VERY 

sensible woman此 but tell us all about it first察whatever it is as has given 

you this shake´up察and then me and you and the son here察between us察we 

ought to be able to get to the bottom of it ─

     ;It began some nights ago察─said the shepherd。               ;You know that cave 

up thereI never liked it察somehow察and the sheep never liked it neither察

and   when   sheep   don't   like   a   thing   there's   generally   some   reason   for   it。 

Well察for some time past there's been faint noises coming from that cave 

noises like heavy sighings察with grunts mixed up in them察and sometimes a 

snoring察    far  away    downREAL         snoring察  yet   somehow      not   HONEST 

snoring察like you and me o'nights察you know ─

     ;_I_ know察─remarked the Boy察quietly。 

     ;Of    course   I  was   terrible   frightened察─   the  shepherd     went   on察   yet 

somehow   I   couldn't   keep   away。       So   this   very   evening察  before   I   come 

down察I took a cast round by the cave察quietly。             And thereO Lord there 

I saw him at last察as plain as I see you ─

     ;Saw     WHO拭─      said  his  wife察  beginning     to  share   in  her   husband's 

nervous terror。 

     ;Why HIM察I'm a telling you ─said the shepherd。                  ;He was sticking 

half´way  out   of   the   cave察  and   seemed   to   be   enjoying   of   the   cool   of   the 

evening in a poetical sort of way。          He was as big as four cart´horses察and 

all covered with shiny scalesdeep´blue scales at the top of him察shading 

off to a tender sort o' green below。          As he breathed察there was that sort of 


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flicker   over   his   nostrils   that   you   see   over   our   chalk   roads   on   a   baking 

windless day in summer。             He had his chin on his paws察and I should say 

he    was    meditating     about    things。    Oh察    yes察 a   peaceable     sort   o'  beast 

enough察and not ramping or carrying on or doing anything but what was 

quite   right   and   proper。     I   admit   all   that。  And   yet察  what   am   I   to   do拭

SCALES察you know察and claws察and a tail for certain察though I didn't see 

that   end   of   himI   ain't   USED   to   'em察  and   I   don't   HOLD   with   'em察  and 

that's a fact ─

     The   Boy察  who   had   apparently   been   absorbed   in   his   book   during   his 

father's recital察now closed the volume察yawned察clasped his hands behind 

his head察and said sleepily此

     ;It's all right察father。     Don't you worry。         It's only a dragon。; 

     ;Only a dragon拭─cried his father。             ;What do you mean察sitting there察

you   and   your   dragons拭      ONLY   a   dragon   indeed         And   what   do   YOU 

know about it拭─

     ;'Cos it IS察and 'cos I DO know察─replied the Boy察quietly。                  ;Look here察

father察you know we've each of us got our line。                 YOU know about sheep察

and   weather察  and   things察  _I_   know   about   dragons。         I   always   said察  you 

know察that that cave up there was a dragon´cave。                    I always said it must 

have   belonged   to   a   dragon   some   time察  and   ought   to   belong   to   a   dragon 

now察  if   rules   count   for   anything。    Well察  now   you   tell   me   it   HAS   got   a 

dragon察and so THAT'S all right。              I'm not half as much surprised as when 

you told   me   it   HADN'T  got   a dragon。          Rules   always   come   right   if   you 

wait quietly。      Now察please察just leave this all to me。            And I'll stroll up to´ 

morrow   morningno察  in   the   morning   I   can't察  I've   got   a   whole   heap   of 

things to dowell察perhaps in the evening察if I'm quite free察I'll go up and 

have a talk to him察and you'll find it'll be all right。            Only察please察don't you 

go worrying round there without me。                You don't understand 'em a bit察and 

they're very sensitive察you know ─

     ;He's     quite   right察 father察─  said   the   sensible    mother。     ;As    he   says察

dragons   is   his   line   and   not   ours。  He's   wonderful   knowing   about   book´ 

beasts察as every one allows。            And to tell the truth察I'm not half happy in 

my own mind察thinking of that poor animal lying alone up there察without a 

bit o' hot supper or anyone to change the news with察and maybe we'll be 


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able to do something for him察and if he ain't quite respectable our Boy'll 

find it out quick enough。          He's got a pleasant sort o' way with him that 

makes everybody tell him everything。; 

     Next day察after he'd had his tea察the Boy strolled up the chalky track 

that led to the summit of the Downs察and there察sure enough察he found the 

dragon察stretched lazily on the sward in front of his cave。               The view from 

that   point   was   a   magnificent   one。     To   the   right   and   left察  the   bare   and 

billowy leagues of Downs察in front察the vale察with its clustered homesteads察

its   threads   of   white   roads    running    through     orchards    and   well´   tilled 

acreage察and察far away察a hint of grey old cities on the horizon。                   A cool 

breeze   played   over   the  surface   of   the  grass   and   the   silver   shoulder   of   a 

large moon was showing above distant junipers。                  No wonder the dragon 

seemed in a peaceful and contented mood察indeed察as the Boy approached 

he could hear the beast purring with a happy regularity。                  ;Well察we live 

and   learn ─  he   said   to   himself。  ;None   of   my   books   ever   told   me   that 

dragons purred ─

     ;Hullo察dragon ─said the Boy察quietly察when he had got up to him。 

     The dragon察on hearing the approaching footsteps察made the beginning 

of a courteous effort to rise。         But when he saw it was a Boy察he set his 

eyebrows severely。 

     ;Now don't you hit me察─he said察 or bung stones察or squirt water察or 

anything。      I won't have it察I tell you ─

     ;Not   goin'   to   hit   you察─  said   the   Boy   wearily察  dropping   on   the   grass 

beside the beast此 and don't察for goodness' sake察keep on saying `Don't' I 

hear so much of it察and it's monotonous察and makes me tired。                   I've simply 

looked in to ask you how you were and all that sort of thing察but if I'm in 

the way I can easily clear out。         I've lots of friends察and no one can say I'm 

in the habit of shoving myself in where I'm not wanted ─

     ;No察no察don't go off in a huff察─said the dragon察hastily察 fact isI'm 

as   happy   up   here   as   the   day's   long察  never   without   an   occupation察  dear 

fellow察never without an occupation             And yet察between ourselves察it IS a 

trifle dull at times。; 

     The   Boy   bit   off   a   stalk   of   grass   and   chewed   it。 ;Going   to   make   a 

long stay here拭─he asked察politely。 


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     ;Can't   hardly   say   at   present察─  replied   the   dragon。  ;It   seems   a   nice 

place   enoughbut   I've   only   been   here   a   short   time察  and   one   must   look 

about and reflect and consider before settling down。                 It's rather a serious 

thing察   settling  down。     Besidesnow        I'm   going   to  tell  you  something 

You'd never guess it if you tried ever sofact is察I'

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