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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及14准

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Then a white road ran察with wilful察uncalled´for loops察up a steep察conical 

hill察  crowned   with   towers察  bastioned   walls察  and   belfries察  and   down   the 

road   the   little   knights   came   riding察  two   and   two。    The   hill   on   one   side 

descended to water察tranquil察far´reaching察and blue察and a very curly ship 

lay at anchor察with one mast having an odd sort of crow's´nest at the top of 


     There   was   plenty   to   do   in   this   pleasant   land。    The   annoying   thing 

about it was察one could never penetrate beyond a certain point。                       I might 

wander up that road as often as I liked察I was bound to be brought up at the 

gateway察the funny galleried察top´heavy gateway察of the little walled town。 

Inside察 doubtless察  there  were  high   jinks   going on察  but   the  password   was 

denied to me。        I could get on board a boat and row up as far as the curly 

ship察  but   around   the   headland   I   might   not   go。    On   the   other   side察  of   a 

surety察the   shipping lay  thick。         The merchants   walked on the   quay察 and 

the   sailors   sang   as   they   swung   out   the   corded   bales。    But   as   for   me察  I 

must stay down in the meadow察and imagine it all as best I could。 

     Once I broached the subject to Charlotte察and found察to my surprise察

that she had had the same joys and encountered the same disappointments 

in   this   delectable     country。     She察   too察  had    walked     up   that   road   and 

flattened her  nose  against   that   portcullis察and   she  pointed   out something 

that I had overlookedto wit察that if you rowed off in a boat to the curly 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

ship察and got hold of a rope察and clambered aboard of her察and swarmed up 

the mast察and got into the crow's´nest察you could just see over the headland察

and take in at your ease the life and bustle of the port。              She proceeded to 

describe   all the   fun   that   was going   on there察 at   such length   and   with   so 

much particularity that I looked at her suspiciously。              ;Why察you talk as if 

you'd    been    in  that  crow's´nest     yourself ─   I  said。   Charlotte     answered 

nothing察but pursed her mouth up and nodded violently for some minutes察

and I could get nothing more out of her。            I felt rather hurt。     Evidently she 

had     managed察     somehow       or  other察  to   get   up   into   that   crow's´nest。 

Charlotte had got ahead of me on this occasion。 

     It   was   necessary察    no   doubt察   that   grown´up      people    should    dress 

themselves up and go forth to pay calls。              I don't mean that we saw any 

sense   in   the   practice。  It   would   have   been   so   much   more   reasonable   to 

stay at home in your old clothes and play。              But we recognized that these 

folk had to do many unaccountable things察and after all it was THEIR life察

and not ours察and we were not in a position to criticise。              Besides察they had 

many habits more objectionable than this one察which to us generally meant 

a free and untrammelled afternoon察wherein to play the devil in our own 

way。     The case was different察however察when the press´gang was abroad察

when prayers and excuses were alike disregarded察and we were forced into 

the service察like native levies impelled toward the foe less by the inherent 

righteousness   of   the   cause   than   by   the   indisputable   rifles   of   their   white 

allies。   This was unpardonable and altogether detestable。                 Still察the thing 

happened察now and again察and when it did察there was no arguing about it。 

The order was for the front察and we just had to shut up and march。 

     Selina察to be sure察had a sneaking fondness for dressing up and paying 

calls察 though   she  pretended   to   dislike it察 just to   keep   on the  soft side  of 

public opinion。       So I thought it extremely mean in her to have the earache 

on   that   particular   afternoon   when   Aunt   Eliza   ordered   the   pony´carriage 

and went on the war´path。           I was ordered also察in the same breath as the 

pony´carriage察and察as we eventually trundled off察it seemed to me that the 

utter   waste   of   that   afternoon察  for   which   I   had   planned   so   much察  could 

never be made up nor atoned for in all the tremendous stretch of years that 

still lay before me。 


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                                           DREAM DAYS 

     The house that we were bound for on this occasion was a ;big house察─

a   generic   title   applied   by   us   to   the   class   of   residence   that   had   a   long 

carriage´drive   through   rhododendrons察  and   a   portico   propped   by   fluted 

pillars察and a grave butler who bolted back swing´doors察and came down 

steps察  and   pretended   to   have   entirely   forgotten   his   familiar   intercourse 

with you at less serious moments察and a big hall察where no boots or shoes 

or upper garments were allowed to lie about frankly and easily察as with us察

and where察finally察people were apt to sit about dressed up as if they were 

going on to a party。 

     The   lady   who   received   us   was   effusive   to Aunt   Eliza   and   hollowly 

gracious   to   me。     In   ten   seconds   they  had   their   heads   together  and   were 

hard at it talking CLOTHES。             I was left high and dry on a straight´backed 

chair察  longing   to   kick   the   legs   of   it察  yet   not   daring。 For   a   time   I   was 

content   to   stare察  there   was   lots   to   stare   at察  high   and   low   and   around。 

Then the inevitable   fidgets came   on察and scratching   one's legs   mitigated 

slightly察  but   did   not   entirely   disperse   them。    My   two   warders   were   still 

deep   in   clothes察  I   slipped off   my  chair   and   edged   cautiously  around   the 


     Many strange察fine things lay along my routepictures and gimcracks 

on   the   walls察  trinkets   and   globular   old   watches   and   snuff´boxes   on   the 

tables察and I took good care to finger everything within reach thoroughly 

and conscientiously。         Some articles察in addition察I smelt。             At last in my 

orbit I happened on an open door察half concealed by the folds of a curtain。 

I glanced carefully around。           They were still deep in clothes察both talking 

together察and I slipped through。 

     This was altogether a more sensible sort of room that I had got into察

for the walls were honestly upholstered with books察though these for the 

most   part   glimmered   provokingly   through   the   glass   doors   of   their   tall 

cases。     I read their titles longingly察breathing on every accessible pane of 

glass察for I dared not attempt to open the doors察with the enemy encamped 

so near。     In the window察though察on a high sort of desk察there lay察all by 

itself察  a   most   promising´looking   book察  gorgeously   bound。            I   raised   the 

leaves by one corner察and like scent from a pot´pourri jar there floated out 

a brief vision of blues and reds察telling of pictures察and pictures all highly 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

coloured      Here   was   the   right   sort   of   thing   at   last察  and   my   afternoon 

would not be   entirely wasted。          I inclined   an ear to the door   by which   I 

had entered。      Like the brimming tide of a full´fed river the grand察eternal察

inexhaustible   clothes´problem  bubbled   and   eddied   and   surged   along。            It 

seemed safe enough。          I slid the book off its desk with some difficulty察for 

it was very fine and large察and staggered with it to the hearthrugthe only 

fit and proper place for books of quality察such as this。 

     They were excellent hearthrugs in that house察soft and wide察with the 

thickest of pile察and one's knees sank into them most comfortably。                    When 

I got the book open there was a difficulty at first in making the great stiff 

pages   lie   down。     Most   fortunately   the   coal´scuttle   was   actually   at   my 

elbow察and it was easy to find a flat bit of coal to lay on the refractory page。 

Really察it was just as if everything had been arranged for me。                    This was 

not such a bad sort of house after all。 

     The beginnings of the thing were gay bordersscrolls and strap´ work 

and diapered backgrounds察a maze of colour察with small misshapen figures 

clambering       cheerily    up   and    down    everywhere。        But    first  I  eagerly 

scanned what text there was in the mid

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