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dream days(恂知議晩徨)-及11准

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which I was capable察devoted myself to grinding his head into the gravel察

while   he察  realizing   that   the   closure   was   applied察  and   that   the   time   for 

discussion      or  argument     was   past察  sternly   concentrated     his  powers     on 

kicking me in the stomach。 

     Some people can never allow events to work themselves out quietly。 

At this juncture one of Them swooped down on the scene察pouring shrill察

misplaced abuse on both of us此on me for ill´ treating my younger brother察

whereas it was distinctly I who was the injured and the deceived察on him 

for the high offence of assault and battery on a clean collara collar which 

I had myself deflowered and defaced察shortly before察in sheer desperate ill´ 

temper。     Disgusted   and   defiant   we   fled   in   different   directions察  rejoining 

each other later in the kitchen´garden察and as we strolled along together察

our short feud forgotten察Harold observed察gloomily此                I should like to be 

a   cave´man察  like   Uncle   George   was   tellin'   us   about此  with   a   flint   hatchet 

and no clothes察and live in a cave and not know anybody ─

     ;And if anyone came to see us we didn't like察─I joined in察catching on 

to the points of the idea察 we'd hit him on the head with the hatchet till he 

dropped down dead。; 

     ;And   then察─  said   Harold察  warming   up察   we'd   drag   him  into   the   cave 

and SKIN HIM ─

     For   a   space   we   gloated   silently  over   the   fair   scene   our   imaginations 

had   conjured   up。     It   was   BLOOD   we   felt   the   need   of   just   then。  We 

wanted      no   luxuries察  nothing    dear´bought      nor  far´fetched。     Just    plain 

blood察and nothing else察and plenty of it。 

     Blood察however察was not to be had。              The time was out of joint察and 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

we had been born too late。            So we went off to the greenhouse察crawled 

into the heating arrangement underneath察and played at the dark and dirty 

and unrestricted life of cave´men till we were heartily sick of it。               Then we 

emerged once more into historic times察and went off to the road to look for 

something living and sentient to throw stones at。 

     Nature察so often a cheerful ally察sometimes sulks and refuses to play。 

When in this mood she passes the word to her underlings察and all the little 

people   of   fur   and   feather   take   the   hint   and   slip   home   quietly   by   back 

streets。    In vain we scouted察lurked察crept察and ambuscaded。                 Everything 

that    usually    scurried察  hopped察    or   flutteredthe    small    society   of   the 

undergrowthseemed           to   have    engagements       elsewhere。       The     horrid 

thought   that   perhaps   they   had   all   gone   off   to   the   circus   occurred   to   us 

simultaneously察  and   we   humped   ourselves   up   on   the   fence   and   felt   bad。 

Even   the   sound   of   approaching   wheels   failed   to   stir   any   interest   in   us。 

When   you   are   bent   on   throwing   stones   at   something察  humanity   seems 

obtrusive and better away。          Then suddenly we both jumped off the fence 

together察  our   faces   clearing。    For   our   educated   ear   had   told   us   that   the 

approaching rattle could only proceed from a dog´cart察and we felt sure it 

must be the funny man。 

     We called him the funny man because he was sad and serious察and said 

little察but gazed right into our souls察and made us tell him just what was on 

our    minds    at  the   time察  and   then   came    out   with   some     magnificently 

luminous suggestion that cleared every cloud away。                   What was more he 

would then go off with us at once and play the thing right out to its finish察

earnestly and devotedly察putting all other things aside。               So we called him 

the funny man察meaning only that he was different from those others who 

thought it incumbent on them to play the painful mummer。                     The ideal as 

opposed to the real man was what we meant察only we were not acquainted 

with    the   phrase。    Those     others察  with   their  laboured     jests  and   clumsy 

contortions察  doubtless   flattered   themselves   that   THEY  were   funny   men察

we察  who   had   to   sit   through   and   applaud   the   painful   performance察  knew 


     He pulled up to a walk as soon as he caught sight of us察and the dog´ 

cart crawled slowly along till it stopped just opposite。               Then he leant his 


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                                         DREAM DAYS 

chin on his hand and regarded us long and soulfully察yet said he never a 

word察  while   we   jigged   up   and   down   in   the   dust察  grinning   bashfully   but 

with expectation。       For you never knew exactly what this man might say 

or do。 

     ;You     look   bored察─  he   remarked     presently察   thoroughly      bored。    Or 

elselet me see察you're not married察are you拭─

     He asked this in such sad earnestness that we hastened to assure him 

we were not married察though we felt he ought to have known that much察

we had been intimate for some time。 

     ;Then it's only boredom察─he said。           ;Just satiety and world´ weariness。 

Well察if you assure me you aren't married you can climb into this cart and 

I'll take   you for   a drive。    I'm  bored察too。     I   want to do something  dark 

and dreadful and exciting。; 

     We clambered in察of course察yapping with delight and treading all over 

his toes察and as we set off察Harold demanded of him imperiously whither 

he was going。 

     ;My wife察─he replied察 has ordered me to go and look up the curate 

and   bring   him   home   to   tea。   Does   that   sound   sufficiently   exciting   for 


     Our faces fell。      The curate   of the   hour was   not a   success察from  our 

point of view。      He was not a funny man察in any sense of the word。 

     ;but I'm not going to察─he added察cheerfully。            ;Then I was to stop at 

some cottage and askwhat was it拭             There was NETTLE´ RASH mixed 

up in it察I'm sure。      But never mind察I've forgotten察and it doesn't matter。 

Look   here察  we're   three   desperate   young   fellows   who   stick   at   nothing。 

Suppose we go off to the circus拭─

     Of   certain   supreme   moments   it   is   not   easy   to   write。  The   varying 

shades   and   currents   of   emotion   may   indeed   be   put   into   words   by   those 

specially skilled that way察they often are察at considerable length。                But the 

sheer察  crude   article   itselfthe   strong察  live   thing   that   leaps   up   inside   you 

and   swells   and   strangles   you察  the   dizziness   of   revulsion   that   takes   the 

breath like cold   waterwho shall depict this and live拭              All   I knew  was 

that I would have died then and there察cheerfully察for the funny man察that I 

longed for red Indians to spring out from the hedge on the dog´cart察just to 


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                                          DREAM DAYS 

show what   I   would   do察and   that察 with all this察 I   could   not   find the   least 

little word to say to him。 

     Harold was less taciturn。          With shrill voice察uplifted in solemn chant察

he sang the great spheral circus´song察and the undying glory of the Ring。 

Of its timeless beginning he sang察of its fashioning by cosmic forces察and 

of its harmony with the stellar plan。            Of horses he sang察of their strength察

their   swiftness察  and   their   docility   as   to   tricks。 Of   clowns   again察  of   the 

glory of knavery察and of the eternal type that shall endure。                Lastly he sang 

of Herthe Woman of the Ringflawless察complete察untrammelled in each 

subtly curving limb察earth's highest output察time's noblest expression。                    At 

least察he doubtless sang all these things and morehe certainly seemed to察

though   all   that   was   distinguishable   was察   We're´goin'´to´the´circus ─  and 

then察  once   more察   We're´goin'´to´the´circus the   sweet   rhythmic   phrase 

repeated again and again。           But indeed I cannot be quite sure察for I heard 

confusedly察  as   in   a   dream。     Wings   of   fire   sprang   from   the   old   mare's 

shoulders。      We whirled on our way through purple clouds察and earth and 

the rattle of wheels were far away below。 

     The   dream   and   the   dizziness   were   still   in   my   head   when   I   found 

myself察    scarce    conscious     of  intermediate     steps察  seated   actually    in  the 


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