letters to his son, 1749-第7节
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the court you are sent to; you will be of very little use to the court you are sent from。 Please the eyes and the ears; they will introduce you to the heart; and nine times in ten; the heart governs the understanding。
Make your court particularly; and show distinguished attentions to such men and women as are best at court; highest in the fashion; and in the opinion of the public; speak advantageously of them behind their backs; in companies whom you have reason to believe will tell them again。 Express your admiration of the many great men that the House of Savoy has produced; observe that nature; instead of being exhausted by those efforts; seems to have redoubled them; in the person of the present King; and the Duke of Savoy; wonder; at this rate; where it will end; and conclude that it must end in the government of all Europe。 Say this; likewise; where it will probably be repeated; but say it unaffectedly; and; the last especially; with a kind of 'enjouement'。 These little arts are very allowable; and must be made use of in the course of the world; they are pleasing to one party; useful to the other; and injurious to nobody。
What I have said with regard to my countrymen in general; does not extend to them all without exception; there are some who have both merit and manners。 Your friend; Mr。 Stevens; is among the latter; and I approve of your connection with him。 You may happen to meet with some others; whose friendship may be of great use to you hereafter; either from their superior talents; or their rank and fortune; cultivate them; but then I desire that Mr。 Harte may be the judge of those persons。
Adieu my dear child! Consider seriously the importance of the two next years to your character; your figure; and your fortune。
LONDON; May 22; O。 S。 1749。
DEAR BOY: I recommended to you; in my last; an innocent piece of art; that of flattering people behind their backs; in presence of those who; to make their own court; much more than for your sake; will not fail to repeat and even amplify the praise to the party concerned。 This is; of all flattery; the most pleasing; and consequently the most effectual。 There are other; and many other; inoffensive arts of this kind; which are necessary in the course of the world; and which he who practices the earliest; will please the most; and rise the soonest。 The spirits and vivacity of youth are apt to neglect them as useless; or reject them as troublesome。 But subsequent knowledge and experience of the world reminds us of their importance; commonly when it is too late。 The principal of these things is the mastery of one's temper; and that coolness of mind; and serenity of countenance; which hinders us from discovering by words; actions; or even looks; those passions or sentiments by which we are inwardly moved or agitated; and the discovery of which gives cooler and abler people such infinite advantages over us; not only in great business; but in all the most common occurrences of life。 A man who does not possess himself enough to hear disagreeable things without visible marks of anger and change of countenance; or agreeable ones; without sudden bursts of joy and expansion of countenance; is at the mercy of every artful knave or pert coxcomb; the former will provoke or please you by design; to catch unguarded words or looks by which he will easily decipher the secrets of your heart; of which you should keep the key yourself; and trust it with no man living。 The latter will; by his absurdity; and without intending it; produce the same discoveries of which other people will avail themselves。 You will say; possibly; that this coolness must be constitutional; and consequently does not depend upon the will: and I will allow that constitution has some power over us; but I will maintain; too; that people very often; to excuse themselves; very unjustly accuse their constitutions。 Care and reflection; if properly used; will get the better: and a man may as surely get a habit of letting his reason prevail over his constitution; as of letting; as most people do; the latter prevail over the former。 If you find yourself subject to sudden starts of passion or madness (for I see no difference between them but in their duration); resolve within yourself; at least; never to speak one word while you feel that emotion within you。 Determine; too; to keep your countenance as unmoved and unembarrassed as possible; which steadiness you may get a habit of; by constant attention。 I should desire nothing better; in any negotiation; than to have to do with one of those men of warm; quick passions; which I would take care to set in motion。 By artful provocations I would extort rash unguarded expressions; and; by hinting at all the several things that I could suspect; infallibly discover the true one; by the alteration it occasioned in the countenance of the person。 'Volto sciolto con pensieri stretti'; is a most useful maxim in business。 It is so necessary at some games; such as 'Berlan Quinze'; etc。; that a man who had not the command of his temper and countenance; would infallibly be outdone by those who had; even though they played fair。 Whereas; in business; you always play with sharpers; to whom; at least; you should give no fair advantages。 It may be objected; that I am now recommending dissimulation to you; I both own and justify it。 It has been long said; 'Qui nescit dissimulare nescit regnare': I go still further; and say; that without some dissimulation no business can be carried on at all。 It is SIMULATION that is false; mean; and criminal: that is the cunning which Lord Bacon calls crooked or left… handed wisdom; and which is never made use of but by those who have not true wisdom。 And the same great man says; that dissimulation is only to hide our own cards; whereas simulation is put on; in order to look into other people's。 Lord Bolingbroke; in his 〃Idea of a Patriot King;〃 which he has lately published; and which I will send you by the first opportunity; says very justly that simulation is a STILETTO;not only an unjust but an unlawful weapon; and the use of it very rarely to be excused; never justified。 Whereas dissimulation is a shield; as secrecy is armor; and it is no more possible to preserve secrecy in business; without same degree of dissimulation; than it is to succeed in business without secrecy。 He goes on; and says; that those two arts of dissimulation and secrecy are like the alloy mingled with pure ore: a little is necessary; and will not debase the coin below its proper standard; but if more than that little be employed (that is; simulation and cunning); the coin loses its currency; and the coiner his credit。
Make yourself absolute master; therefore; of your temper and your countenance; so far; at least; as that no visible change do appear in either; whatever you may feel inwardly。 This may be difficult; but it is by no means impossible; and; as a man of sense never attempts impossibilities on one hand; on the other; he is never discouraged by difficulties: on the contrary; he redoubles his industry and his diligence; he perseveres; and infallibly prevails at last。 In any point which prudence bids you pursue; and which a manifest utility attends; let difficulties only animate your industry; not deter you from the pursuit。 If one way has failed; try another; be active; persevere; and you will conquer。 Some people are to be reasoned; some flattered; some intimidated; and some teased into a thing; but; in general; all are to be brought into it at last; if skillfully applied to; properly managed; and indefatigably attacked in their several weak places。 The time should likewise be judiciously chosen; every man has his 'mollia tempora'; but that is far from being all day long; and you would choose your time very ill; if you applied to a man about one business; when his head was full of another; or when his heart was full of grief; anger; or any other disagreeable sentiment。
In order to judge of the inside of others; study your own; for men in general are very much alike; and though one has one prevailing passion; and another has another; yet their operations are much the same; and whatever engages or disgusts; pleases or offends you; in others will; 'mutatis mutandis'; engage; disgust; please; or offend others; in you。 Observe with the utmost attention all the operations of your own mind; the nature of your passions; and the various motives that determine your will; and you may; in a great degree; know all mankind。 For instance; do you find yourself hurt and mortified when another makes you feel his superiority; and your own inferiority; in knowledge; parts; rank; or fortune? You will certainly take great care not to make a person whose good will; good word; interest; esteem; or friendship; you would gain; feel that superiority in you; in case you have it。 If disagreeable insinuations; sly sneers; or repeated contradictions; tease and irritate you; would you use them where you wish to engage and please? Surely not; and I hope you wish to engage and please; almost universally。 The temptation of saying a smart and witty thing; or 'bon mot'; and the malicious applause with which it is commonly received; has made people who can s