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were said Telamon stood up and faced him。 ;Jason察─he said angrily察 you 

do not bid Heracles come on board察and you would have the Argo leave 

without him。 You would leave Heracles here so that he may not be with us 

on the quest where his glory might overshadow your glory察Jason。; 

     Jason   said   no   word察  but he   sat back   on his   bench   with   head   bowed。 

And then察even as Telamon said these angry words察a strange figure rose 

up out of the waves of the sea。 

     It was the figure of a man察wrinkled and old察with seaweed in his beard 

and his hair。 There was a majesty about him察and the Argonauts all knew 

that this was one of the immortalshe was Nereus察the ancient one of the 


     ;To Heracles察and to you察the rest of the Argonauts察I have a thing to 

say察─said the ancient one察Nereus。 ;Know察first察that Hylas has been taken 

by the nymphs who love him and who think to win his love察and that he 

will stay forever with them in their cold and glimmering cave。 For Hylas 

seek no more。 And to you察Heracles察I will say this此Go aboard the Argo 

again察the ship will take you to where a great labor awaits you察and which察

in accomplishing察you will work out the will of Zeus。 You will know what 

this labor is when a spirit seizes on you。; So the ancient one of the sea said察

and he sank back beneath the waves。 

     Heracles went aboard the Argo once more察and he took his place on the 

bench察the new oar in his hand。 Sad he was to think that young Hylas who 

used to sit at his knee would never be there again。 The breeze filled the 

sail察  the  Argonauts   pulled   at   the   oars察  and   in   sadness   they   watched   the 

island where young Hylas had been lost to them recede from their view。 

                                 VII。 KING PHINEUS 

     Said Tiphys察the steersman此 If we could enter the Sea of Pontus察we 

could   make   our   way   across   that   sea   to   Colchis   in   a   short   time。   But   the 

passage into the Sea of Pontus is most perilous察and few mortals dare even 

to make approach to it。; 

     Said   Jason察  the   chieftain   of   the   host此   The   dangers   of   the   passage察

Tiphys察we have spoken of察and it may be that we shall have to carry Argo 


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overland   to   the   Sea   of   Pontus。   But You察 Tiphys察  have   spoken   of   a   wise 

king   who   is   hereabouts察  and   who   might   help   us   to   make   the   dangerous 

passage。 Speak again to us察and tell us what the dangers of the passage are察

and who the   king is   who may  be able to help us to   make these   dangers 


     Then   said    Tiphys察   the  steersman     of   the  Argo此    No   ship   sailed   by 

mortals has as yet gone through the passage that brings this sea into the 

Sea of Pontus。 In the way are the rocks that mariners call The Clashers。 

These rocks are not fixed as rocks should be察but they rush one against the 

other察dashing up the sea察and crushing whatever may be between。 Yea察if 

Argo were of iron察and if she were between these rocks when they  met察

she   would   be   crushed   to   bits。   I   have   sailed   as   far   as   that   passage察  but 

seeing The Clashers strike together I turned back my ship察and journeyed 

as far as the Sea of Pontus overland。 

     ;But   I   have   been   told   of   one   who   knows   how   a   ship   may   be   taken 

through the passage that The Clashers make so perilous。 He who knows is 

a king hereabouts察Phineus察who has made himself as wise as the gods。 To 

no one has Phineus told how the passage may be made察but knowing what 

high favor has been shown to us察the Argonauts察it may be that he will tell 


     So Tiphys said察and Jason commanded him to steer the Argo   toward 

the city where ruled Phineus察the wise king。 

     To Salmydessus察then察where Phineus ruled察Tiphys steered the Argo。 

They left Heracles with Tiphys aboard to guard the ship察and察with the rest 

of the heroes察Jason went through the streets of the city。 They met many 

men察but when they asked any of them how they might come to the palace 

of King Phineus the men turned fearfully away。 

     They found their way to the king's palace。 Jason spoke to the servants 

and   bade   them   tell   the   king   of   their   coming。   The   servants察  too察  seemed 

fearful察  and   as   Jason   and   his   comrades   were   wondering   what   there   was 

about   him   that   made   men   fearful   at   his   name察  Phineus察  the   king察  came 

amongst them。 

     Were it not that he had a purple border to his robe no one would have 


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known him for the king察so miserable did this man seem。 He crept along察

touching the walls察for the eyes in his head were blind and withered。 His 

body was shrunken察and when he stood before them leaning on his staff he 

was like to a lifeless thing。 He turned his blinded eyes upon them察looking 

from one to the other as if he were searching for a face。 

     Then   his   sightless   eyes   rested   upon   Zetes   and   Calais察  the   sons   of 

Boreas察  the   North   Wind。 A  change   came   into   his   face   as   it   turned   upon 

them。     One   would     think   that  he   saw   the  wonder     that  these   two    were 

endowed withthe wings that grew upon their ankles。 It was awhile before 

he turned his face from them察then he spoke to Jason and said此

     ;You have come to have counsel with one who has the wisdom of the 

gods。 Others before you have come for such counsel察but seeing the misery 

that   is   visible   upon   me   they   went   without   asking   for   counsel此  I   would 

strive to hold you here for a while。 Stay察and have sight of the misery the 

gods visit upon those who would be as wise as they。 And when you have 

seen the thing that is wont to befall me察it may be that help will come from 

you for me。; 

     Then Phineus察the blind king察left them察and after a while the heroes 

were   brought   into   a   great   hall察  and   they  were   invited   to   rest   themselves 

there   while   a banquet   was being   prepared   for them。 The   hall   was   richly 

adorned察but it looked to the heroes as if it had known strange happenings察

rich hangings were strewn upon the ground察an ivory chair was overturned察

and the dais where the king sat had stains upon it。 The servants who went 

through the hall making ready the banquet were white´faced and fearful。 

     The feast was laid on a great table察and the heroes were invited to sit 

down to it。 The king did not come into the hall before they sat down察but a 

table with food was set before the dais。 When the heroes had feasted察the 

king    came    into   the  hall。  He    sat  at  the  table察  blind察 white´faced察    and 

shrunken察and the Argonauts all turned their faces to him。 

     Said    Phineus察   the  blind   king此   You    see察 O   heroes察   how    much    my 

wisdom   avails   me。   You   see   me   blind   and   shrunken察  who   tried   to   make 

myself in wisdom equal to the gods。 And yet you have not seen all。 Watch 

now and see what feasts Phineus察the wise king察has to delight him。; 


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     He made a sign察and the white´faced and trembling servants brought 

food and set it upon the table that was before him。 The king bent forward 

as if to eat察and they saw that his face was covered with the damp of fear。 

He took food from the dish and raised it to his mouth。 As he did察the doors 

of the hall were flung open as if by a storm。 Strange shapes flew into the 

hall and set themselves beside the king。 And when the Argonauts looked 

upon them they saw that these were terrible and unsightly shapes。 

     They were things that had the wings and claws of birds and the heads 

of women。 Black hair and gray feathers were mixed upon them察they had 

red eyes察and streaks of blood were upon their breasts and wings。 And as 

the king   raised   the  food to   his   mouth   they  flew  at   him  and   buffeted   his 

head with their wings察and snatched the food from his hands。 Then they 

devoured   or   scattered   what   was   upon   the   table察  and   all   the   time   they 

screamed and laughed and mocked。 

     ;Ah察now ye see察─Phineus panted察 what it is to have wisdom equal to 

the wisdom of the gods。 Now ye all see my misery。 Never do I strive to put 

food to my lips but these foul things察 the Harpies察the Snatchers察 swoop 

down and scatter or devour what I would eat。 Crumbs they leave me that 

my life may not altogether go from me察but these cr

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