the golden fleece(署剪谷)-及7准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
who were different from the Titan gods。
But Heaven and Earth had other childrenCottus察Briareus察and Gyes。
These were giants察each with fifty heads and a hundred arms。 And Heaven
grew fearful when he looked on these giant children察 and he hid them
away in the deep places of the Earth。
Cronos hated Heaven察 his father。 He drove Heaven察 his father察 and
Earth察his mother察far apart。 And far apart they stay察for they have never
been able to come near each other since。 And Cronos married to Rhea had
for children Hestia察Demeter察Hera察Aidoneus察and Poseidon察and these all
belonged to the company of the deathless gods。 Cronos was fearful that
one of his sons would treat him as he had treated Heaven察his father。 So
when another child was born to him and his wife Rhea he commanded that
the child be given to him so that he might swallow him。 But Rhea wrapped
a great stone in swaddling clothes and gave the stone to Cronos。 And
Cronos swallowed the stone察thinking to swallow his latest´born child。
That child was Zeus。 Earth took Zeus and hid him in a deep cave and
those who minded and nursed the child beat upon drums so that his cries
might not be heard。 His nurse was Adrastia察when he was able to play she
gave him a ball to play with。 All of gold was the ball察 with a dark´blue
spiral around it。 When the boy Zeus would play with this ball it would
make a track across the sky察flaming like a star。
Hyperion the Titan god wed Theia the Titan goddess察 and their
children were Hellos察 the bright Sun察 and Selene察 the clear Moon。 And
Coeus wed Phoebe察and their children were Leto察who is kind to gods and
men察and Asteria of happy name察and Hecate察whom Zeus honored above
all。 Now the gods who were the children of Cronos and Rhea went up unto
the Mountain Olympus察and there they built their shining palaces。 But the
Titan gods who were born of Heaven and Earth went up to the Mountain
Othrys察and there they had their thrones。
Between the Olympians and the Titan gods of Othrys a war began。
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Neither side might prevail against the other。 But now Zeus察grown up to be
a youth察 thought of how he might help the Olympians to overthrow the
Titan gods。
He went down into the deep parts of the Earth where the giants Cottus察
Briareus察 and Gyes had been hidden by their father。 Cronos had bound
them察weighing them down with chains。 But now Zeus loosed them and
the hundred´armed giants in their gratitude gave him the lightning and
showed him how to use the thunderbolt。
Zeus would have the giants fight against the Titan gods。 But although
they had mighty strength Cottus察 Briareus察 and Gyes had no fire of
courage in their hearts。 Zeus thought of a way to give them this courage察
he brought the food and drink of the gods to them察ambrosia and nectar察
and when they had eaten and drunk their spirits grew within the giants察
and they were ready to make war upon the Titan gods。
;Sons of Earth and Heaven察─said Zeus to the hundred´armed giants察 a
long time now have the Dwellers on Olympus been striving with the Titan
gods。 Do you lend your unconquerable might to the gods and help them to
overthrow the Titans。;
Cottus察the eldest of the giants察answered察 Divine One察through your
devising we are come back again from the murky gloom of the mid Earth
and we have escaped from the hard bonds that Cronos laid upon us。 Our
minds are fixed to aid you in the war against the Titan gods。;
So the hundred´armed giants said察 and thereupon Zeus went and he
gathered around him all who were born of Cronos and Rhea。 Cronos
himself hid from Zeus。 Then the giants察 with their fifty heads growing
from their shoulders and their hundred hands察went forth against the Titan
gods。 The boundless sea rang terribly and the earth crashed loudly察wide
Heaven was shaken and groaned察 and high Olympus reeled from its
foundation。 Holding huge rocks in their hands the giants attacked the Titan
Then Zeus entered the war。 He hurled the lightning察 the bolts flew
thick and fast from his strong hand察with thunder and lightning and flame。
The earth crashed around in burning察 the forests crackled with fire察 the
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ocean seethed。 And hot flames wrapped the earth´born Titans all around。
Three hundred rocks察 one upon another察 did Cottus察 Briareus察 and Gyes
hurl upon the Titans。 And when their ranks were broken the giants seized
upon them and held them for Zeus。
But some of the Titan gods察seeing that the strife for them was vain察
went over to the side of Zeus。 These Zeus became friendly with。 But the
other Titans he bound in chains and he hurled them down to Tartarus。
As far as Earth is from Heaven so is Tartarus from Earth。 A brazen
anvil falling down from Heaven to Earth nine days and nine nights would
reach the earth upon the tenth day。 And again察a brazen anvil falling from
Earth nine nights and nine days would reach Tartarus upon the tenth night。
Around Tartarus runs a fence of bronze and Night spreads in a triple line
all about it察 as a necklace circles the neck。 There Zeus imprisoned the
Titan gods who had fought against him察 they are hidden in the misty
gloom察in a dank place察at the ends of the Earth。 And they may not go out察
for Poseidon fixed gates of bronze upon their prison察and a wall runs all
round it。 There Cottus察Briareus察and Gyes stay察guarding them。
And there察too察is the home of Night。 Night and Day meet each other at
that place察 as they pass a threshold of bronze。 They draw near and they
greet one another察but the house never holds them both together察for while
one is about to go down into the house察the other is leaving through the
door。 One holds Light in her hand and the other holds in her arms Sleep。
There the children of dark Night have their dwellingsSleep察 and
Death察his brother。 The sun never shines upon these two。 Sleep may roam
over the wide earth察and come upon the sea察and he is kindly to men。 But
Death is not kindly察and whoever he seizes upon察him he holds fast。
There察too察stands the hall of the lord of the Underworld察Aidoneus察the
brother of Zeus。 Zeus gave him the Underworld to be his dominion when
he shared amongst the Olympians the world that Cronos had ruled over。 A
fearful hound guards the hall of Aidoneus此Cerberus he is called察he has
three heads。 On those who go within that hall Cerberus fawns察 but on
those who would come out of it he springs and would devour them。
Not all the Titans did Zeus send down to Tartarus。 Those of them who
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had wisdom joined him察and by their wisdom Zeus was able to overcome
Cronos。 Then Cronos went to live with the friendly Titan gods察while Zeus
reigned over Olympus察becoming the ruler of gods and men。
So Orpheus sang察Orpheus who knew the ways and the histories of the
All the places that the Argonauts came nigh to and went past need not
be toldMelibcea察 where they escaped a stormy beach察 Homole察 from
where they were able to look on Ossa and holy Olympus察 Lemnos察 the
island that they were to return to察the unnamed country where the Earth´
born Men abide察each having six arms察two growing from his shoulders察
and four fitting close to his terrible sides察and then the Mountain of the
Bears察 where they climbed察 to make sacrifice there to Rhea察 the mighty
mother of the gods。
Afterward察 for a whole day察 no wind blew and the sail of the Argo
hung slack。 But the heroes swore to each other that they would make their
ship go as swiftly as if the storm´footed steeds of Poseidon were racing to
overtake her。 Mightily they labored at the oars察and no one would be first
to leave his rower's bench。
And then察just as the bre