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Do   this察 O  king察  and   you   will   be   shown   a   thing   to   wonder   at   and   to   be 

hopeful over。; 

     So Medea said察and then she turned around and left the king's presence。 

Pelias   called   to   his   guards   and   he   bade   them   take   the   woman   into   their 

charge and treat her considerately。 The guards took Medea away。 Then all 

day   the   king   mused   on   what   had   been   told   him   and   a   wild   hope   kept 

beating   about   his   heart。   He   had   the   servants   prepare   a   great   vat   in   the 

lower   chambers察  and   he   had   his   shepherd   bring   him   a   ram   that   was   the 

oldest in the flock。 

     Only Medea was permitted to come into that chamber with the king察

the ways to it were guarded察and all that took place in it was secret。 Medea 

was brought to the closed door by her guard。 She opened it and she saw 

the king there and the vat already prepared察she saw a ram tethered near 

the vat。 


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     Medea looked upon the king。 In the light of the torches his face was 

white and fierce and his mouth moved gaspingly。 She spoke to him quietly察

and said此 There is no need for you to hear me speak。 You will watch a 

great miracle察for behold the ram which is the oldest and feeblest in the 

flock   will   become   young   and invigorated   when   it   comes   forth   from  this 


     She untethered the ram察and with the help of Pelias drew it to the vat。 

This was not hard to do察for the beast was very feeble察its feet could hardly 

bear   it   upright察  its   wool   was   yellow   and   stayed   only   in   patches   on   its 

shrunken body。 Easily the beast was forced into the vat。 Then Medea drew 

the phial out of her bosom and poured into the water some of the brew she 

had   made   in   Creon's   garden   in   Corinth。  The   water   in   the   vat   took   on   a 

strange bubbling察and the ram sank down。 

     Then Medea察standing beside the vat察sang an incantation。 

     ;O Earth察─she sang察 O Earth who dost provide wise men with potent 

herbs察O Earth help me now。 I am she who can drive the clouds察I am she 

who can dispel the winds察I   am she who   can break the   jaws of   serpents 

with my incantations察I am she who can uproot living trees and rocks察who 

can make the mountains shake察who can bring the ghosts from their tombs。 

O Earth察help me now。; At this strange incantation the mixture in the vat 

boiled and bubbled more and more。 Then the boiling and bubbling ceased。 

Up to the surface came the ram。 Medea helped it to struggle out of the vat察

and then it turned and smote the vat with its head。 

     Pelias took down a torch and stood before the beast。 Vigorous indeed 

was the ram察and its wool was white and grew evenly upon it。 They could 

not tether it again察and when the。servants were brought into the chamber it 

took two of them to drag away the ram。 

     The king was most eager to enter the vat and have Medea put in the 

brew and speak the incantation over it。 But Medea bade him wait until the 

morrow。 All night the king lay awake察thinking of how he might regain his 

youth and his strength and be secure and triumphant thereafter。 

     At the first light he sent for Medea and he told her that he would have 

the vat made ready and that he would go into it that night。 Medea looked 


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upon him察and the helplessness that he showed made her want to work a 

greater evil upon him察or察if not upon him察upon his house。 How soon it 

would have reached its end察all her plot for the destruction of this king 

But she would leave in the king's house a misery that would not have an 

end so soon。 

     So she said to the king此 I would say the incantation over a beast of the 

field察but over a king I could not say it。 Let those of your own blood be 

with you when you enter the vat that will bring such change to you。 Have 

your daughters there。 I will give them the juice to mix in the vat察and I will 

teach them the incantation that has to be said。; 

     So she said察and she made Pelias consent to having his daughters and 

not Medea in the chamber of the vat。 They were sent for and they came 

before Medea察the daughters of King Pelias。 

     They were women who had been borne down by the tyranny of their 

father察  they   stood   before   him   now察  two   dim´eyed   creatures察  very   feeble 

and fearful。 To them Medea gave the phial that had in it the liquid to mix 

in the vat察also she taught them the words of the incantation察but she taught 

them to use these words wrongly。 

     The vat was prepared in the lower chambers察Pelias and his daughters 

went there察and the chamber was guarded察and what happened there was in 

secret。 Pelias went into the vat察the brew was thrown into it察and the vat 

boiled and bubbled as before。 Pelias sank down in it。 Over him then his 

daughters said the magic words as Medea had taught them。 

     Pelias sank down察but he did not rise again。 The hours went past and 

the   morning   came察  and   the   daughters   of   King   Pelias   raised   frightened 

laments。   Over   the   sides   of   the   vat   the   mixture   boiled   and   bubbled察  and 

Pelias was to be seen at the bottom with his limbs stiffened in death。 

     Then the guards came察and they took King Pelias out of the vat and left 

him in his royal chamber。 The word went through 

     the palace that the king was dead。 There was a hush in the palace then察

but   not   the   hush   of   grief。   One   by   one   servants   and   servitors   stole   away 

from the palace that was hated by all。 Then there was clatter in the streets 

as   the   fierce   fighting   men   from  the   mountains   galloped   away  with   what 


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plunder they could seize。 And through all this the daughters of King Pelias 

sat crouching in fear above the body of their father。 

     And     Medea察    still  an  ancient   woman      seemingly察    went    through    the 

crowds that now came on the streets of the city。 She told those she went 

amongst that the son of Eson was alive and would soon be in their midst。 

Hearing   this   the   men   of   the   city   formed   a   council   of   elders   to   rule   the 

people until Jason's coming。 In such way Medea brought about the end of 

King Pelias's reign。 

     In   triumph   she   went   through   the   city。   But   as   she   was   passing   the 

temple her dress   was caught and   held察and turning   around she faced the 

ancient priestess of Artemis察Iphias。  ;Thou art Aeetes's daughter察─  Iphias 

said察 who in deceit didst come into Iolcus。 Woe to thee and woe to Jason 

for   what   thou   hast   done   this   day   Not   for   the   slaying   of   Pelias   art   thou 

blameworthy察but for the misery that thou hast brought upon his daughters 

by bringing them into the guilt of the slaying。 Go from the city察daughter 

of King Eetes察never察never wilt thou come back into it。; 

     But little heed did Medea pay to the ancient priestess察Iphias。 Still in 

the guise of an old woman she went through the streets of the city察and out 

through the gate and along the highway that led from Iolcus。 To that dark 

pool she came where she had bathed herself before。 But now she did not 

step into the pool nor pour its water over her shrinking flesh察instead she 

built up two altars of green sods an altar to Youth and an altar to Hecate察

queen   of   the   witches察  she   wreathed   them   with   green   boughs   from   the 

forest察and she prayed before each。 Then she made herself naked察and she 

anointed herself with the brew she had made from the magical herbs and 

grasses。 All   marks   of   age   and   decrepitude   left   her察  and   when   she   stood 

over the dark pool and looked down on herself she saw that her body was 

white and shapely as before察and that her hair was soft and lovely。 

     She stayed all night between the tangled wood and the dark pool察and 

with   the   first   light   the   car drawn   by  the   scaly  dragons   came   to   her。  She 

mounted the car察and she journeyed back to Corinth。 

     Into Jason's mind a fear of Medea had come since the hour when he 

had seen her mount the car drawn by the scaly dragons。 He could not think 


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of her any more as the one who had been his companion on the Argo。 He 

thought of her as one who could help him and do wonderful things 

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