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Aidoneus and Persephone察brought here by Love。; 

     When Orpheus said the name of Love察Persephone察the queen of the 

dead察bowed her young head察and bearded Aidoneus察the king察bowed his 

head also。 Persephone remembered how Demeter察her mother察had sought 

her all through the world察and she remembered the touch of her mother's 

tears    upon    her   face。   And    Aidoneus      remembered       how    his   love   for 

Persephone   had   led   him  to   carry  her   away  from   the   valley  in   the   upper 

world where she had been gathering flowers。 He and Persephone bowed 

their heads and stood aside察and Orpheus went through the gate and came 

amongst the dead。 

     Still upon his lyre he played。 Tantaluswho察for his crimes察had been 

condemned   to   stand   up   to   his   neck   in   water   and   yet   never   be   able   to 

assuage his thirstTantalus heard察and for a while did not strive to put his 


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lips toward the water that ever flowed away from him察Sisyphuswho had 

been   condemned   to   roll   up   a   hill   a stone   that ever   rolled back   Sisyphus 

heard the music that Orpheus played察and for a while he sat still upon his 

stone。 And even those dread ones who bring to the dead the memories of 

all their crimes and all their faults察even the Eumenides had their cheeks 

wet with tears。 

     In   the   throng   of   the   newly   come   dead   Orpheus   saw   Eurydice。   She 

looked upon   her  husband察 but she  had not   the  power to   come   near  him。 

But slowly  she  came   when Aidoneus   called   her。 Then   with   joy  Orpheus 

took her hands。 

     It would be granted themno mortal ever gained such privilege before 

to   leave察  both   together察  the   world   of   the   dead察  and   to   abide   for   another 

space   in   the   world   of   the   living。   One   condition   there   would   bethat   on 

their way up through the valley of Acherusia neither Orpheus nor Eurydice 

should look back。 

     They went through the gate and came amongst the watchers that are 

around the portals。 These showed them the path that went up through the 

valley of Acherusia。 That way they went察Orpheus and Eurydice察he going 

before her。 

     Up and up through the darkened ways they went察Orpheus knowing察

that Eurydice was behind him察but never looking back upon her。 But as he 

went察    his  heart   was    filled   with   things    to  tellhow    the   trees   were 

blossoming in the garden she had left察how the water was sparkling in the 

fountain察  how   the   doors   of   the   house   stood   open察  and   how   they察  sitting 

together察would watch the sunlight on the laurel bushes。 All these things 

were in his heart to tell her察to tell her who came behind him察silent and 


     And now they were   nearing the place where   the valley of Acherusia 

opened on the world of the living。 Orpheus looked on the blue of the sky。 

A    white´winged      bird   flew   by。   Orpheus     turned   around     and   cried察  O 

Eurydice察look upon the world that I have won you back to ─

     He turned to say this to her。 He saw her with her long dark hair and 

pale face。 He held out his arms to clasp her。 But in that instant she slipped 


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back into the depths of the valley。 And all he heard spoken was a single 

word察 Farewell ─Long察long had it taken Eurydice to climb so far察but in 

the moment of his turning around she had fallen back to her place amongst 

the dead。 

     Down through the valley of Acherusia Orpheus went again。 Again he 

came before the watchers of the gate。 But now he was not looked at nor 

listened to察and察hopeless察he had to return to the world of the living。 

     The birds were his friends now察and the trees and the stones。 The birds 

flew    around     him   and   mourned      with   him察   the  trees   and   stones   often 

followed   him察  moved   by  the   music   of   his   lyre。   But   a   savage   band   slew 

Orpheus and threw his severed head and his lyre into the River Hebrus。 It 

is said by the poets that while they floated in midstream the lyre gave out 

some   mournful   notes   and   the   head   of   Orpheus   answered   the   notes   with 


     And now that he was no longer to be counted with the living察Orpheus 

went down to the world of the dead察not going now by that steep descent 

through   the valley  of Acherusia察  but   going   down straightway。 The   silent 

watchers let him pass察and he went amongst the dead and saw his Eurydice 

in   the   throng。 Again   they   were   together察  Orpheus   and   Eurydice察  and   as 

they went through the place that King Aidoneus ruled over察they had no 

fear of looking back察one upon the other。 

                                 VII。 JASON AND MEDEA 

     Jason   and   Medea察  unable   to   win   to   Iolcus察  staved   at   Corinth察  at   the 

court   of   King   Creon。   Creon   was   proud   to   have   Jason   in   his   city察  but   of 

Medea the king was fearful察for he had heard how she had brought about 

the death of Apsyrtus察her brother。 

     Medea   wearied   of   this   long   waiting   in   the   palace   of   King   Creon。 A 

longing came upon her to exercise her powers of enchantment。 She did not 

forget what Queen Arete had said to herthat if she wished to appease the 

wrath of the gods she should have no more to do with enchantments。 She 

did   not   forget   this察  but   still   there   grew   in   her   a   longing   to   use   all   her 

powers of enchantment。 

     And   Jason察  at   the   court   of   King   Creon察  had   his   longings察  too。   He 


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longed to enter Iolcus and to show the people the Golden Fleece that he 

had   won察  he   longed   to   destroy   Pelias察  the   mur   derer   of   his   mother   and 

father察above all he longed to be a king察and to rule in the kingdom that 

Cretheus had founded。 

     Once Jason spoke to Medea of his longing。 ;O Jason察─Medea said察 I 

have done many things for thee and this thing also I will do。 I will go into 

Iolcus察and by my enchantments I will make clear the way for the return of 

the Argo and for thy return with thy comrades´yea察and for thy coming to 

the kingship察O Jason。; 

     He should have remembered then the words of Queen Arete to Medea察

but the longing that he had for his triumph and his revenge was in the way 

of   his   remembering。   He   said察   O   Medea察  help   me   in   this   with   all   thine 

enchantments   and   thou   wilt   be   more   dear   to   me   than   ever   before   thou 


     Medea then went forth from the palace of King Creon and she made 

more   terrible   spells   than   ever   she   had   made   in   Colchis。   All   night   she 

stayed in a tangled place weaving her spells。 Dawn came察and she knew 

that the spells she had woven had not been in vain察for beside her   there 

stood a car that was drawn by dragons。 

     Medea     the   Enchantress     had   never   looked    on   these   dragon    shapes 

before。   When   she   looked   upon   them   now   she   was   fearful   of   them。   But 

then she said to herself察 I am Medea察and I would be a greater enchantress 

and a more cunning woman than I have been察and what I have thought of察

that will I carry out。; She mounted the car drawn by the dragons察and in 

the first light of the day she went from Corinth。 

     To the places where grew the herbs of magic Medea journeyed in her 

dragon´drawn   carto   the   Mountains   Ossa察  Pelion察  Oethrys察  Pindus察  and 

Olympus察then to the rivers Apidanus察Enipeus察and Peneus。 She gathered 

herbs on the mountains and grasses on the rivers' banks察some she plucked 

up by the roots and some she cut with the curved blade of a knife。 When 

she had gathered these herbs and grasses she went back to Corinth on her 

dragon´drawn car。 

     Then Jason saw her察pale and drawn was her face察and her eyes were 


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strange     and   gleaming。     He   saw    her  standing    by   the   car  drawn    by   the 

dragons察and a terror of Medea came into his mind。 He went toward her察

but in a harsh voice she bade him not come near to disturb the brewing 

that   she   was   going   to   begin。  Jason   turned   away。 As   he   went   toward   the 

palace   he   saw   Glauce察  King   Creon's   daughter察  the   maiden   was   coming 

from   the   well   and   

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