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had departed when he came into the country察and all the city was in grief 

for the deaths of Prince Meleagrus and his two uncles。 

     On the steps of the temple where Meleagrus and his uncles had been 

brought Heracles saw Deianira察Meleagrus's sister。 She was pale with her 

grief察  this   tall   woman   of   the   mountains察  she   looked   like   a   priestess察  but 

also like a woman who could cheer camps of men with her counsel察her 

bravery察and her good companionship察her hair was very dark and she had 

dark eyes。 

     Straightway   she   became   friends   with   Heracles察  and   when   they   saw 

each other for a while they loved each other。 And Heracles forgot Iole察the 

childlike maiden whom he had seen in Oichalia。 

     He   made   himself   a   suitor   for   Deianira察  and   those   who   protected   her 

were glad of Heracles's suit察and they told him they would give him the 

maiden   to   marry  as   soon   as   the   mourning   for   Prince   Meleagrus   and   his 

uncles   was over。  Heracles   stayed   in   Calydon察 happy  with   Deianira察  who 

had so much beauty察wisdom察and bravery。 

     But then a dreadful thing happened in Calydon察by an accident察while 

using his strength unthinkingly察Heracles killed a lad who was related to 

Deianira。 He might not marry her now until he had taken punishment for 

slaying one who was close to her in blood。 

     As a punishment for the slaying it was judged that Heracles should be 

sold into slavery for three years。 At the end of his three years' slavery he 

could come back to Calydon and wed Deianira。 

     And so Heracles and Deianira were parted。 He was sold as a slave in 

Lydia察the one who bought him was a woman察a widow named Omphale。 

To her house Heracles went察carrying his armor and wearing his lion's skin。 

And Omphale laughed to see this tall man dressed in a lion's skin coming 

to her house to do a servant's tasks for her。 


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     She and   all   in   her house kept up   fun   with   Heracles。 They  would   set 

him  to   do   housework察  to   carry   water察  and   set   vessels   on   the   tables察  and 

clear   the   vessels   away。   Omphale   set   him   to   spin   with   a   spindle   as   the 

women did。 And often she would put on Heracles's lion skin and go about 

dragging his club察while he察dressed in woman's garb察washed dishes and 

emptied pots。 

     But    he   would     lose   patience     with   these    servant's    tasks察  and   then 

Omphale would let him go away and perform some great exploit。 Often he 

went on   long   journeys   and   stayed   away  for   long   times。   It   was   while  he 

was in slavery to Omphale that he liberated Theseus from the dungeon in 

which he was held with Peirithous察and it was while he still was in slavery 

that he made his journey to Troy。 

     At Troy  he   helped to   repair   for   King   Laomedon the   great   walls   that 

years before Apollo and Poseidon had built around the city。 As a reward 

for this labor he was offered the Princess Hesione in marriage察she was the 

daughter of King Laomedon察and the sister of Priam察who was then called察

not   Priam   but   Podarces。   He   helped   to   repair   the   wall察  and   two   of   the 

Argonauts       were    there   to  aid  him此   one   was    Peleus    and   the   other   was 

Telamon。   Peleus   did   not   stay   for   long此  Telamon   stayed察  and   to   reward 

Telamon   Heracles   withdrew   his   own   claim   for   the   hand   of   the   Princess 

Hesione。 It was not hard on Heracles to do this察for his thoughts were ever 

upon Deianira。        But Telamon rejoiced察for he loved Hesione greatly。 On 

the day they married Heracles showed the two an eagle in the sky。 He said 

it   was   sent   as   an   omen   to   theman   omen   for   their   marriage。   And   in 

memory of that omen Telamon named his son ;Alas;察that is察 Eagle。; 

     Then   the   walls   of   Troy   were   repaired   and   Heracles   turned   toward 

Lydia察Omphale's home。 Not long would he have to serve Omphale now察

for   his   three   years'   slavery   was   n   arly   over。   Soon   he   would   go   back   to 

Calydon and wed Deianira。 

     As he went along the road to Lydia he thought of all the pleasantries 

that had been made in Omphale's house and he laughed at the memory of 

them。   Lydia   was   a   friendly   country察  and   even   though   he   had   been         in 

slavery Heracles had had his good times there。 


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     He was tired with the journey and made sleepy with the heat of the sun察

and when he came within sight of Omphale's house he lay down by  the 

side of the road察first taking off his armor察and laying aside his bow察his 

quiver察and his shield。 He wakened up to see two men looking down upon 

him察he knew that these were the Cercopes察robbers who waylaid travelers 

upon   this   road。   They   were   laughing   as   they   looked   down   on   him察  and 

Heracles saw that they held his arms and his armor in their hands。 

     They  thought   that this   man察 for   all   his tallness察  would   yield   to   them 

when he saw that they had his arms and his armor。 But Heracles sprang up察

and he caught one by the waist and the other by the neck察and he turned 

them upside down and tied them together by the heels。 Now he held them 

securely and he would take them to the town and give them over to those 

whom they had waylaid and robbed。 He hung them by their heels across 

his shoulders and marched on。 

     But   the   robbers察  as   they   were   being   bumped   along察  began   to   relate 

pleasantries and mirthful tales to each other察and Heracles察listening察had 

to laugh。 And one said to the other察 O my brother察we are in the position 

of the frogs when the mice fell upon them with such fury。; And the other 

said察 Indeed nothing can save us if Zeus does not send an ally to us as he 

sent   an   ally   to   the   frogs。;   And   the   first   robber   said察   Who   began   that 

conflict察the frogs or the mice拭─And thereupon the second robber察his head 

reaching down to Heracles's waist察began此


     A warlike mouse came down to the brink of a pond for no other reason 

than to take a drink of water。 Up to him hopped a frog。 Speaking in the 

voice of one who had rule and authority察the frog said此

     ;Stranger to our shore察you may not know it察but I am Puff Jaw察king of 

the frogs。 I do not speak to common mice察but you察as I judge察belong to 

the noble and kingly sort。 Tell me your race。 If I know it to be a noble one 

I shall show you my kingly friendship。; 

     The mouse察speaking haughtily察said此 I am Crumb Snatcher察and my 


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race   is   a   famous   one。   My   father   is   the   heroic   Bread   Nibbler察  and   he 

married Quern Licker察the lovely daughter of a king。 Like all my race I am 

a warrior who has never been wont to flinch in battle。 Moreover察I have 

been brought up as a mouse of high degree察and figs and nuts察cheese and 

honeycakes is the provender that I have been fed on。; 

     Now   this   reply   of   Crumb   Snatcher   pleased   the   kingly   frog   greatly。 

;Come with me to my abode察illustrious Crumb Snatcher察─said he察 and I 

shall   show   you   such   entertainment   as   may   be   found   in   the   house   of   a 


     But the mouse looked sharply at him。 ;How may I get to your house拭─

he asked。 ;We live in different elements察you and I。 We mice want to be in 

the driest of dry places察while you frogs have your abodes in the water。; 

     ;Ah察─answered Puff jaw察 you do not know how favored the frogs are 

above all   other  creatures。 To us   alone the gods have given   the power  to 

live both in the water and on the land。 I shall take you to my land palace 

that is the other side of the pond。; 

     ;How   may   I   go   there   with   you拭─  asked   Crumb   Snatcher   the   mouse察


     ;Upon my back察─said the frog。 ;Up now察noble Crumb Snatcher。 And 

as we go I will show you the wonders of the deep。; 

     He offered his back and Crumb Snatcher bravely mounted。 The mouse 

put his forepaws around the frog's neck。 Then Puff jaw swam out。 Crumb 

Snatcher at first was pleased to feel himself moving through the water。 But 

as the dark waves began to rise his mighty heart began to quail。 He longed 

to be back upon the land。 He groaned aloud。 

     ;How quickly we get on察─cried Puff Jaw察 soon we shall be at my land 

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