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     ;How拭─said Heracles。 ;Have I not performed two of the labors拭Have 

I not slain the lion of Nemea and the great water snake of Lerna拭─


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     ;In the killing of the water snake you were helped by Iolaus察─said the 

king察snapping out his words and looking at Heracles with shifting eyes。 

;That labor cannot be allowed you。; 

     Heracles      would     have    struck    him     to  the   ground。     But    then    he 

remembered that the crime that he had committed in his madness would 

have   to   be   expiated   by   labors   performed   at   the   order   of   this   man。   He 

looked full upon Eurystheus and he said察 Tell me of the other labors察and 

I will go forth from Mycenx and accomplish them。; 

     Then   Eurystheus   bade   him   go   and   make   clean   the   stables   of   King 

Augeias。      Heracles    came     into  that  king's   country。    The    smell   from    the 

stables was felt for miles around。 Countless herds of cattle and goats had 

been in the stables for years察and because of the uncleanness and the smell 

that   came   from   it   the   crops   were   withered   all   around。   Heracles   told   the 

king that he would clean the stables if he were given one tenth of the cattle 

and the goats for a reward。 

     The king agreed to this reward。 Then Heracles drove the cattle and the 

goats   out   of   the   stables察  he   broke   through   the   foundations   and   he   made 

channels      for  the  two    rivers   Alpheus     and   Peneius。    The   waters    flowed 

through   the   stables察  and   in   a   day  all   the   uncleanness   was   washed   away。 

Then Heracles turned the rivers back into their own courses。 

     He was not given the reward he had bargained for察however。 

     He   went   back   to   Mycenae   with   the   tale   of   how   he   had   cleaned   the 

stables。 ;Ten labors remain for me to do now察─he said。 

     ;Eleven察─  said   Eurystheus。   ;How   can   I   allow   the   cleaning   of   King 

Augeias's stables to you when you bargained for a reward for doing it拭─

     Then   while   Heracles   stood   still察  holding   himself   back   from   striking 

him察Eurystheus ran away and hid himself in the jar。 Through his heralds 

he sent word to Heracles察telling him what the other labors would be。 

     He was to clear the marshes of Stymphalus of the maneating birds that 

gathered there察he was to capture and bring to the king the golden´horned 

deer of Coryneia察he was also to capture and bring alive to Mycenae the 

boar of Erymanthus。 

     Heracles   came   to   the   marshes   of   Stymphalus。   The   growth   of   jungle 


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was   so   dense   that   he   could   not   cut   his   way   through   to   where   the   man´ 

eating   birds   were察  they   sat   upon   low   bushes   within   the   jungle察  gorging 

themselves upon the flesh they had carried there。 

     For days Heracles tried to hack his way through。 He could not get to 

where the birds were。 Then察thinking he might not be able to accomplish 

this labor察he sat upon the ground in despair。 

     It was then that one of the immortals appeared to him察for the first and 

only time he was given help from the gods。 

     It  was    Athena    who    came    to   him。   She   stood   apart   from   Heracles察

holding in her hands brazen cymbals。 These she clashed together。 At the 

sound of this clashing the Stymphalean birds rose up from the low bushes 

behind the jungle。 Heracles shot at them with those unerring arrows of his。 

The maneating birds fell察one after the other察into the marsh。 

     Then     Heracles     went   north    to  where    the   Coryneian     deer   took    her 

pasture。 So swift of foot was she that no hound nor hunter had ever been 

able to overtake her。 For the whole of a year Heracles kept Golden Horns 

in chase察and at last察on the side of the Mountain Artemision察he caught her。 

Artemis察the goddess of the wild things察would have punished Heracles for 

capturing   the   deer察  but   the   hero   pleaded   with   her察  and   she   relented   and 

agreed     to  let  him    bring   the  deer   to  Mycenm       and   show     her  to  King 

Eurystheus。   And   Artemis   took   charge   of   Golden   Horns   while   Heracles 

went off to capture the Erymanthean boar。 

     He   came   to   the   city   of   Psophis察  the   inhabitants   of   which   were   in 

deadly fear because of the ravages of the boar。 Heracles made his way up 

the mountain to hunt it。 Now on this mountain a band of centaurs lived察

and   they察  knowing   him   since   the   time   he   had   been   fostered   by   Chiron察

welcomed Heracles。 One of them察Pholus察took Heracles to the great house 

where the centaurs had their wine stored。 

     Seldom did the centaurs drink wine察a draft of it made them wild察and 

so   they   stored   it   away察  leaving   it   in   the   charge   of   one   of   their   band。 

Heracles begged Pholus to give him a draft of wine察after he had begged 

again and again the centaur opened one of his great jars。 

     Heracles drank wine and spilled it。 Then the centaurs that were without 


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smelt the wine and came hammering at the door察demanding the drafts that 

would   make   them   wild。   Heracles   came   forth   to   drive   them   away。   They 

attacked him。 Then he shot at them with his unerring arrows and he drove 

them   away。   Up   the   mountain   and   away   to   far   rivers   the   centaurs   raced察

pursued by Heracles with his bow。 

     One     was   slain察 Pholus察   the   centaur    who    had   entertained    him。   By 

accident Heracles dropped a poisoned arrow on his foot。 He took the body 

of   Pholus   up   to   the   top   of   the   mountain   and   buried   the   centaur   there。 

Afterward察on the snows of Erymanthus察he set a snare for the boar and 

caught him there。 

     Upon his shoulders he carried the boar to Mycenae and he led the deer 

by   her   golden   horns。   When   Eurystheus   bad   looked   upon   them   the   boar 

was   slain察  but   the   deer   was   loosed   and   she   fled   back   to   the   Mountain 


     King   Eurystheus   sat   hidden in   the   great   jar察  and   he   thought   of   more 

terrible   labors   he   would   make   Heracles   engage   in。   Now   he   would   send 

him    oversea     and   make    him    strive  with   fierce   tribes   and   more    dread 

monsters。 When he had it all thought out he had Heracles brought before 

him and he told him of these other labors。 

     He was to go to savage Thrace and there destroy the man´eating horses 

of King Diomedes察afterward he was to go amongst the dread women察the 

Amazons察daughters of Ares察the god of war察and take from their queen察

Hippolyte察the girdle that Ares had given her察then he was to go to Crete 

and take from the keeping of King Minos the beautiful bull that Poseidon 

had given him察afterward he was to go to the Island of Erytheia and take 

away from Geryoneus察the monster that had three bodies instead of one察

the herd of red cattle that the two´headed hound Orthus kept guard over察

then he was to go to the Garden of the Hesperides察and from that garden he 

was to take the golden apples that Zeus had given to Hera for a marriage 

giftwhere the Garden of the Hesperides was no mortal knew。 

     So   Heracles   set   out   on   a   long   and   perilous   quest。   First   he   went   to 

Thrace察that savage land that was ruled over by Diomedes察son of Ares察the 

war god。 Heracles broke into the stable where the horses were察he caught 


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three    of  them    by   their  heads察   and   although     they   kicked    and   bit  and 

trampled he forced them out of the stable and down to the seashore察where 

his companion察Abderus察waited for him。 The screams of the fierce horses 

were   heard   by   the   men   of   Thrace察  and   they察  with   their   king察  came   after 

Heracles。   He   left   the   horses   in   charge   of   Abderus   while   he   fought   the 

Thracians and their savage king。 

     Heracles   shot   his   deadly   arrows   amongst   them察  and   then   he   fought 

with their king。 He drove them from the seashore察and then he came back 

to where he had left Abderus with the fierce horses。 

     They had thrown Abderus upon the ground察and they were trampling 


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