the golden fleece(署剪谷)-及42准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
The king said he would give Theseus his liberty if Heracles would
carry the stone chair on which he was seated out of the dungeon and into
the outer world。 Then Heracles went down into the dungeon。 He found the
two heroes in the great chairs of stone。 But one of them察 Peirithous察 no
longer breathed。 Heracles took the great chair of stone that Theseus was
seated in察and he carried it up察up察from the dungeon and out into the world。
It was a heavy task even for Heracles。 He broke the chair in pieces察and
Theseus stood up察released。
Thereafter the world was before Theseus。 He went with Heracles察and
in the deeds that Heracles was afterward to accomplish Theseus shared。
Heracles was the son of Zeus察 but he was born into the family of a
mortal king。 When he was still a youth察being overwhelmed by a madness
sent upon him by one of the goddesses察he slew the children of his brother
Iphicles。 Then察 coming to know what he had done察 sleep and rest went
from him此he went to Delphi察to the shrine of Apollo察to be purified of his
At Delphi察at the shrine of Apollo察the priestess purified him察and when
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she had purified him she uttered this prophecy此 From this day forth thy
name shall be察not Alcides察but Heracles。 Thou shalt go to Eurystheus察thy
cousin察in Mycenae察and serve him in all things。 When the labors he shall
lay upon thee are accomplished察and when the rest of thy life is lived out察
thou shalt become one of the immortals。; Heracles察on hearing these words察
set out for Mycenae。
He stood before his cousin who hated him察he察a towering man察stood
before a king who sat there weak and trembling。 And Heracles said察 I
have come to take up the labors that you will lay upon me察 speak now察
Eurystheus察and tell me what you would have me do。;
Eurystheus察that weak king察looking on the young man who stood as
tall and as firm as one of the immortals察had a heart that was filled with
hatred。 He lifted up his head and he said with a frown此
;There is a lion in Nemea that is stronger and more fierce than any lion
known before。 Kill that lion察 and bring the lion's skin to me that I may
know that you have truly performed your task。; So Eurystheus said察and
Heracles察with neither shield nor arms察went forth from the king's palace to
seek and to combat the dread lion of Nemea。
He went on until he came into a country where the fences were
overthrown and the fields wasted and the houses empty and fallen。 He
went on until he came to the waste around that land此there he came on the
trail of the lion察 it led up the side of a mountain察 and Heracles察 without
shield or arms察followed the trail。
He heard the roar of the lion。 Looking up he saw the beast standing at
the mouth of a cavern察huge and dark against the sunset。 The lion roared
three times察and then it went within the cavern。
Around the mouth were strewn the bones of creatures it had killed and
carried there。 Heracles looked upon them when he came to the cavern。 He
went within。 Far into the cavern he went察and then he came to where he
saw the lion。 It was sleeping。
Heracles viewed the terrible bulk of the lion察and then he looked upon
his own knotted hands and arms。 He remembered that it was told of him
that察while still a child of eight months察he had strangled a great serpent
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that had come to his cradle to devour him。 He had grown and his strength
had grown too。
So he stood察measuring his strength and the size of the lion。 The breath
from its mouth and nostrils came heavily to him as the beast slept察gorged
with its prey。 Then the lion yawned。 Heracles sprang on it and put his great
hands upon its throat。 No growl came out of its mouth察but the great eyes
blazed while the terrible paws tore at Heracles。 Against the rock Heracles
held the beast察 strongly he held it察 choking it through the skin that was
almost impenetrable。 Terribly the lion struggled察but the strong hands of
the hero held around its throat until it struggled no more。
Then Heracles stripped off that impenetrable skin from the lion's body察
he put it upon himself for a cloak。 Then察as he went through the forest察he
pulled up a young oak tree and trimmed it and made a club for himself。
With the lion's skin over himthat skin that no spear or arrow could
pierceand carrying the club in his hand he journeyed on until he came to
the palace of King Eurystheus。
The king察seeing coming toward him a towering man all covered with
the hide of a monstrous lion察ran and hid himself in a great jar。 He lifted
the lid up to ask the servants what was the meaning of this terrible
appearance。 And the servants told him that it was Heracles come back with
the skin of the lion of Nemea。 On hearing this Eurystheus hid himself
He would not speak with Heracles nor have him come near him察 so
fearful was he。 But Heracles was content to be left alone。 He sat down in
the palace and feasted himself。
The servants came to the king察Eurystheus lifted the lid of the jar and
they told him how Heracles was feasting and devouring all the goods in
the palace。 The king flew into a rage察but still he was fearful of having the
hero before him。 He issued commands through his heralds ordering
Heracles to go forth at once and perform the second of his tasks。
It was to slay the great water snake that made its lair in the swamps of
Lerna。 Heracles stayed to feast another day察and then察with the lion's skin
across his shoulders and the great club in his hands察he started off。 But this
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time he did not go alone察the boy Iolaus went with him。
Heracles and Iolaus went on until they came to the vast swamp of
Lerna。 Right in the middle of the swamp was the water snake that was
called the Hydra。 Nine heads it had察and it raised them up out of the water
as the hero and his companion came near。 They could not cross the swamp
to come to the monster察for man or beast would sink and be lost in it。
The Hydra remained in the middle of the swamp belching mud at the
hero and his companion。 Then Heracles took up his bow and he shot
flaming arrows at its heads。 It grew into such a rage that it came through
the swamp to attack him。 Heracles swung his club。 As the Hydra came
near he knocked head after head off its body。
But for every head knocked off two grew upon the Hydra。 And as he
struggled with the monster a huge crab came out of the swamp察 and
gripping Heracles by the foot tried to draw him in。 Then Heracles cried out。
The boy Iolaus came察he killed the crab that had come to the Hydra's aid。
Then Heracles laid hands upon the Hydra and drew it out of the
swamp。 With his club he knocked off a head and he had Iolaus put fire to
where it had been察so that two heads might not grow in that place。 The life
of the Hydra was in its middle head察 that head he had not been able to
knock off with his club。 Now察with his hands he tore it off察and he placed
this head under a great stone so that it could not rise into life again。 The
Hydra's life was now destroyed。 Heracles dipped his arrows into the gall
of the monster察 making his arrows deadly察 no thing that was struck by
these arrows afterward could keep its life。
Again he came to Eurystheus's palace察and Eurystheus察seeing him察ran
again and hid himself in the jar。 Heracles ordered the servants to tell the
king that he had returned and that the second labor was accomplished。
Eurystheus察 hearing from the servants that Heracles was mild in his
ways察came out of the jar。 Insolently he spoke。 ;Twelve labors you have to
accomplish for me察─ said he to Heracles察 and eleven yet remain to be
;How拭─said Heracles。 ;Have I not performed tw