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He was Orpheus察and he knew all the ways of the gods and all the stories 

of the gods察when he sang to his lyre the trees would listen and the beasts 

would follow him。 It was Chiron who had counseled Orpheus to go with 

Jason察Chiron the centaur had met him as he was wandering through the 

forests on the Mountain Pelion and had sent him down into Iolcus。 

     Then    there   came    two   men   well   skilled  in  the  handling    of  ships 

Tiphys and Nauplius。 Tiphys knew all about the sun and winds and stars察

and all about the signs by which a ship might be steered察and Nauplius had 

the love of Poseidon察the god of the sea。 

     Afterward there came察one after the other察two who were famous for 

their hunting。 No   two could be   more different than   these two were。 The 

first was Arcas。 He was dressed in the skin of a bear察he had red hair and 

savage´looking       eyes察   and   for  arms    he   carried   a   mighty    bow    with 


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bronzetipped arrows。 The folk were watching an eagle as he came into the 

city察an eagle that was winging its way far察far up in the sky。 Arcas drew 

his bow察and with one arrow he brought the eagle down。 

     The    other   hunter   was   a  girl察 Atalanta。    Tall  and   brighthaired    was 

Atalanta察   swift   and   good   with   the   bow。   She   had   dedicated    herself   to 

Artemis察  the   guardian   of   the   wild   things察  and   she   had   vowed   that   she 

would remain unwedded。 All the heroes welcomed Atalanta as a comrade察

and the maiden did all the things that the young men did。 

     There came a hero who was less youthful than Castor or Polydeuces察

he was a man good in council named Nestor。 Afterward Nestor went to the 

war against Troy察and then he was the oldest of the heroes in the camp of 


     Two brothers came who were to be special friends of Jason's Peleus 

and Telamon。  Both   were   still   youthful   and   neither had   yet   achieved   any 

notable deed。 Afterward they were to be famous察but their sons were to be 

even more famous察for the son of Telamon was strong Aias察and the son of 

Peleus was great Achilles。 

     Another who came was Admetus察afterward he became a famous king。 

The God Apollo once made himself a shepherd and he kept the flocks of 

King Admetus。 

     And   there   came   two   brothers察 twins察  who   were   a   wonder   to all   who 

beheld     them。   Zetes    and   Calais   they   were    named察   their   mother    was 

Oreithyia察  the   daughter   of   Erechtheus察  King   of Athens察  and   their   father 

was Boreas察the North Wind。 These two brothers had on their ankles wings 

that   gleamed   with   golden   scales察  their   black   hair   was   thick   upon   their 

shoulders察and it was always being shaken by the wind。 

     With Zetes and Calais there came a   youth armed with a great sword 

whose name was Theseus。 Theseus's father was an unknown king察he had 

bidden the mother show their son where his sword was hidden。 Under a 

great stone the king had hidden it before Theseus was born。 Before he had 

grown   out   of his   boyhood Theseus   had   been  able to   raise the stone   and 

draw forth his father's sword。 As yet he had done no great deed察but he was 

resolved to win fame and to find his unknown father。 


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     On the day that the messengers had set out to bring through Greece the 

word of Jason's going forth in quest of the Golden Fleece the woodcutters 

made   their   way   up   into   the   forests   of   Mount   Pelion察  they   began   to   fell 

trees   for   the   timbers   of   the   ship   that   was   to  make   the   voyage   to  far 


     Great   timbers   were   cut   and   brought   down   to   Pagasae察  the   harbor   of 

Iolcus。 On the night of the day he had helped to bring them down Jason 

had a dream。 He dreamt that she whom he had seen in the forest ways and 

afterward   by   the   River Anaurus   appeared   to   him。 And   in   his   dream   the 

goddess bade him rise early in the morning and welcome a man whom he 

would meet at the city's gate ´ a tall and gray´haired man who would have 

on his shoulders tools for the building of a ship。 

     He went to the city's gate and he met such a man。 Argus was his name。 

He   told   Jason   that   a   dream   had   sent   him   to   the   city   of   Iolcus。   Jason 

welcomed him and lodged him in the king's palace察and that day the word 

went   through   the   city   that   the   building   of   the   great   ship   would   soon   be 

begun。     But not with the timbers brought from Mount Pelion did Argus 

begin。 Walking through the palace with Jason he noted a great beam in the 

roof。 That beam察he said察had been shown him in his dream察it was from an 

oak tree in Dodona察the grove of Zeus。 A sacred power was in the beam察

and from it the prow of the ship should be fashioned。 Jason had them take 

the beam from the roof of the palace察it was brought to where the timbers 

were察and that day the building of the great ship was begun。 

     Then   all   along   the   waterside   came   the   noise   of   hammering察  in   the 

street where the metalworkers were came the noise of beating upon metals 

as the smiths fashioned out of bronze armor for the heroes and swords and 

spears。 Every day察under the eyes of Argus the master察the ship that had in 

it the beam from Zeus's grove was built higher and wider。 And those who 

were  building   the  ship  often   felt   going through   it   tremors   as   of   a   living 


     When the ship was built and made ready for the voyage a name was 

given to itthe Argo it was called。 And naming themselves from the ship 

the heroes called themselves the Argonauts。 All was ready for the voyage察


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and   now   Jason   went   with   his   friends   to   view   the   ship   before   she   was 

brought into the water。 

     Argus the master was on the ship察seeing to it that the last things were 

being done before Argo was launched。 Very grave and wise looked Argus 

Argus the builder of the ship。 And wonderful to the heroes the ship looked 

now that Argus察for their viewing察had set up the mast with the sails and 

had even put the oars in their places。 Wonderful to the heroes Argo looked 

with   her   long   oars   and   her   high   sails察  with   her   timbers   painted   red   and 

gold and blue察and with a marvelous figure carved upon her prow。 All over 

the ship   Jason's   eyes   went。   He   saw   a   figure   standing   by  the   mast察  for   a 

moment he looked on it察and then the figure became shadowy。 But Jason 

knew that he had looked upon the goddess whom he had seen in the ways 

of the forest and had seen afterward by the rough Anaurus。 

     Then mast and sails were taken down and the oars were left in the ship察

and   the Argo   was   launched into   the   water。 The  heroes   went   back   to   the 

palace of King Pelias to feast with the king's guests before they took their 

places on the ship察setting out on the voyage to far Colchis。 

     When they came into the palace they saw that another hero had arrived。 

His shield was hung in the hall察the heroes all gathered around察amazed at 

the size   and the   beauty  of it。 The shield   shone   all over   with gold。  In its 

center   was   the   figure   of   Fearof   Fear   that   stared   backward   with   eyes 

burning as with fire。 The mouth was open and the teeth were shown。 And 

other figures   were  wrought around   the  figure of   FearStrife  and   Pursuit 

and Flight察Tumult and Panic and Slaughter。 The figure of Fate was there 

dragging a dead man by the feet察on her shoulders Fate had a garment that 

was red with the blood of men。 

     Around these figures were heads of snakes察heads with black jaws and 

glittering eyes察twelve heads such as might affright any man。 And on other 

parts of the shield   were shown the   horses of Ares察the grim god of   war。 

The figure of Ares himself was shown also。 He held a spear in his hand察

and he was urging the warriors on。 

     Around   the   inner   rim   of   the   shield   the   sea   was   shown察  wrought   in 

white metal。 Dolphins swam in the sea察fishing for little fishes that were 


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shown   there   in   bronze。 Around   the   rim   chariots   were   racing   along   with 

wheels      running    close   together察   there   were    men    fi

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