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stretched out   their   bodies   with terrible racks。  On   him察 likewise察Theseus 

had no mercy察he slew Procrustes and gave liberty to his captives。 

     The King of Athens at the time was named Aegeus。 He was father of 

Theseus察but neither Theseus nor he knew that this was so。 Aethra was his 

mother察and she was the daughter of the King of Troezen。 Before Theseus 

was born his father left a great sword under a stone察telling Aethra that the 

boy was to have the sword when he was able to move that stone away。 

     King Aegeus was old and fearful now此there were wars and troubles in 

the city察besides察there was in his palace an evil woman察a witch察to whom 

the king listened。 This woman heard that a proud and fearless young man 

had come into Athens察and she at once thought to destroy him。 


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     So the witch spoke to the fearful king察and she made him believe that 

this stranger had come into Athens to make league with his enemies and 

destroy     him。   Such    was   her  power     over   Aegeus     that  she  was    able  to 

persuade him to invite the stranger youth to a feast in the palace察and to 

give him a cup that would have poison in it。 

     Theseus came to the palace。 He sat down to the banquet with the king。 

But   before   the   cup   was   brought   something   moved   him   to   stand   up   and 

draw forth the sword that he carried。 Fearfully the king looked upon the 

sword。 Then he saw the heavy ivory hilt with the curious carving on it察and 

he knew that this was the sword that he had once laid under the stone near 

the palace of the King of Troezen。 He questioned Theseus as to how he 

had come by the sword察and Theseus told him how Aethra his mother察had 

shown him where it was hidden察and how he had been able to take it from 

under   the   stone   before   he   was   grown   a   youth。   More   and   more   Aegeus 

questioned him察and he came to know that the youth before him was his 

son indeed。 He dashed down the cup that had been brought to the table察

and   he   shook   all   over   with   the   thought   of   how   near   he   had   been   to   a 

terrible   crime。 The   witchwoman   watched   all that passed察  mounting  on   a 

car drawn by dragons she made flight from Athens。 

     And now the people of the city察knowing that it was he who had slain 

the   robbers   Sinnias   and   Procrustes察  rejoiced   to   have   Theseus   amongst 

them。 When he appeared as their prince they rejoiced still more。 Soon he 

was   able   to   bring   to   an   end   the   wars   in   the   city   and   the   troubles   that 

afflicted Athens。 


     The greatest king in the world at that time was Minos察King of Crete。 

Minos had sent his son to Athens to make peace and friendship between 

his kingdom and the kingdom of King Aegeus。 But the people of Athens 

slew the son of King Minos察and because Aegeus had not given him the 

protection   that   a   king   should   have   given   a   stranger   come   upon   such   an 

errand he was deemed to have some part in the guilt of his slaying。 

     Minos察    the  great   king察  was    wroth察  and   he   made    war    on  Athens察

wreaking great destruction upon the country and the people。 Moreover察the 


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gods themselves were wroth with Athens察they punished the people with 

famine察making even the rivers dry up。 The Athenians went to the oracle 

and   asked   Apollo   what   they   should   do   to   have   their   guilt   taken   away。 

Apollo made answer that they should make peace with Minos and fulfill 

all his demands。 

     All this Theseus now heard察learning for the first time that behind the 

wars   and   troubles   in   Athens   there   was   a   deed   of   evil   that   Aegeus察  his 

father察had some guilt in。 

     The   demands   that   King   Minos   made   upon Athens   were   terrible。   He 

demanded   that   the   Athenians   should   send   into   Crete   every   year   seven 

youths   and   seven   maidens   as   a   price   for   the   life   of   his   son。 And   these 

youths and maidens were not to meet death merely察nor were they to be 

reared in slaverythey were to be sent that a monster called the Minotaur 

might devour them。 

     Youths      and   maidens      had    been    sent察  and   for   the   third   time    the 

messengers   of   King   Minos   were   coming   to   Athens。   The   tribute   for   the 

Minotaur was to be chosen by lot。 The fathers and mothers were in fear 

and   trembling察  for   each   man   and   woman   thought   that   his   or   her   son   or 

daughter would be taken for a prey for the Minotaur。 

     They   came   together察  the   people   of   Athens察  and   they   drew   the   lots 

fearfully。   And   on   the   throne   above   them   all   sat   their   pale´faced   king察

Aegeus察the father of Theseus。 

     Before the first lot was drawn Theseus turned to all of them and said察

;People of Athens察it is not right that your children should go and that I察

who am the son of King Aegeus察should remain behind。 Surely察if any of 

the youths of Athens should face the dread monster of Crete察I should face 

it。 There is one lot that you may leave undrawn。 I will go to Crete。; 

     His   father察  on   hearing   the   speech   of   Theseus察  came   down   from   his 

throne   and   pleaded   with   him察  begging   him   not   to   go。   But   the   will   of 

Theseus was set察he would go with the others and face the Minotaur。 And 

he reminded his father of how the people had complained察saying that if 

Aegeus   had   done   the   duty   of   a   king察  Minos's   son   would   not   have   been 

slain   and   the  tribute  to the   Minotaur  would   have   not   been   demanded。   It 


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was   the   passing   about   of   such   complaints   that   had   led   to   the   war   and 

troubles that Theseus found on his coming to Athens。 

     Also Theseus told his father and told the people that he had hope in his 

handsthat      the  hands     that  were    strong   enough     to   slay  Sinnias    and 

Procrustes察  the   giant   robbers察  would   be   strong   enough   to   slay   the   dread 

monster of Crete。 His father at last consented to his going。 And Theseus 

was able to make the people willing to believe that he would be able to 

overcome the Minotaur察and so put an end to the terrible tribute that was 

being exacted from them。 

     With six other youths and seven maidens Theseus went on board of the 

ship that every year brought to Crete the grievous tribute。 This ship always 

sailed with black sails。 But before it sailed this time King Aegeus gave to 

Nausitheus察the master of the ship察a white sail to take with him。 And he 

begged Theseus察that in case he should be able to overcome the monster察

to hoist the white sail he had given。 Theseus promised he would do this。 

His father would watch for the return of the ship察and if the sail were black 

he   would   know   that the   Minotaur   had   dealt   with   his   son   as   it   had   dealt 

with   the   other   youths   who   had   gone   from Athens。 And   if   the   sail   were 

white Aegeus would have indeed cause to rejoice。 


     And now the black´sailed ship had come to Crete察and the youths and 

maidens of Athens looked from its deck on Knossos察the marvelous city 

that   Daedalus   the   builder   had   built   for   King   Minos。   And   they   saw   the 

palace of the king察the red and black palace   in which was the labyrinth察

made also by Daedalus察where the dread Minotaur was hidden。 

     In fear they looked upon the city and the palace。 But not in fear did 

Theseus look察but in wonder at the magnificence of it allthe harbor with 

its great steps leading up into the city察the far´spreading palace all red and 

black察and the crowds of ships with their white and red sails。 They were 

brought through the city of Knossos to the palace of the king。 And there 

Theseus looked upon Minos。 In a great red chamber on which was painted 

the sign of the axe察King Minos sat。 

     On a low throne he sat察holding in his hand a scepter on which a bird 


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was   perched。   Not   in   fear察  but   steadily察  did   Theseus   look   upon   the   king。 

And he saw that   Minos had the  face of one who   has thought long   upon 

troublesome things察and that his eyes we

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